2024-03-14 21:25:44 dcraftbg Isn't Login Success Client bound tho? 2024-03-14 21:26:11 lassipulkkinen Yes. 2024-03-14 21:26:36 lassipulkkinen You're making a server, right? 2024-03-14 21:26:47 lassipulkkinen obviously 2024-03-14 21:27:44 Guest1035 Can anyone help me with the SLP? 2024-03-14 21:28:03 dcraftbg Ye 2024-03-14 21:29:12 dcraftbg welp I'm kind of out of time for today 2024-03-14 21:29:18 dcraftbg I'll probably be on tmrw 2024-03-14 21:29:22 dcraftbg cya! 2024-03-14 21:29:24 <-- dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-03-14 21:29:25 Guest1035 Im trying to send the json over via python but when I do that it returns the legacy ping 2024-03-14 21:29:26 Guest1035 json_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(server_data), encoding="utf-8") 2024-03-14 21:29:26 Guest1035 packet_id = b'\x00' 2024-03-14 21:29:27 Guest1035 packed_json_length = pack_varint(len(json_bytes)) 2024-03-14 21:29:27 Guest1035 packed_length = pack_varint(len(packet_id + packed_json_length + json_bytes)) 2024-03-14 21:29:28 Guest1035 client_socket.send(packed_length + packet_id + packed_json_length + json_bytes) 2024-03-14 21:29:28 Guest1035 This is my code with server_data being the json from the wiki 2024-03-14 21:32:58 pokechu22 That looks reasonable to me; what does pack_varint look like? 2024-03-14 21:33:33 lassipulkkinen Was going to say the same. Maybe add a print((packed_length + packet_id + packed_json_length + json_bytes).tohex()) 2024-03-14 21:33:41 Guest1035 pack_varint is the function from one of the examples: 2024-03-14 21:33:41 Guest1035 def pack_varint(d): 2024-03-14 21:33:42 Guest1035     o = b"" 2024-03-14 21:33:42 Guest1035     while True: 2024-03-14 21:33:43 Guest1035         b = d & 0x7F 2024-03-14 21:33:43 Guest1035         d >>= 7 2024-03-14 21:33:44 Guest1035         o += struct.pack("B", b | (0x80 if d > 0 else 0)) 2024-03-14 21:33:44 Guest1035         if d == 0: 2024-03-14 21:33:45 Guest1035             break 2024-03-14 21:33:45 Guest1035     return o 2024-03-14 21:36:01 Guest1035 Nevermind 2024-03-14 21:36:17 Guest1035 I think I dug my own hole here somewhere, because it works after I switched some json 2024-03-14 21:50:02 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-14 21:50:23 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-14 21:50:53 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-15 02:32:46 --> stack9 (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 02:35:17 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-03-15 02:35:17 -- stack9 est maintenant connu sous le nom stack 2024-03-15 09:17:09 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-15 09:17:30 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 12:54:23 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-15 12:54:42 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 15:39:09 --> dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 15:39:12 dcraftbg Hello! 2024-03-15 15:53:13 dcraftbg So I have a bit of a problem and wonder if anyone could help me with it :D 2024-03-15 18:56:31 dcraftbg Hiyo! 2024-03-15 19:13:05 <-- dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-03-15 20:47:41 --> Guest103527 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 20:48:13 <-- Guest103527 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-03-15 20:48:49 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 20:48:53 Guest1035 Is someone here? 2024-03-15 20:52:56 lassipulkkinen yes 2024-03-15 20:53:34 Guest1035 Can you help me with the encryption request packet? 2024-03-15 20:54:18 lassipulkkinen sure 2024-03-15 20:55:14 Guest1035 In the client im getting an error that is "the received encoded string buffer length is longer than maximum allowed" 2024-03-15 20:55:34 Guest1035 This is the structure of my packet 2024-03-15 20:55:35 Guest1035 packet = packet_id + server_id + public_key_length + public_key_pem + verify_token_length + verify_token 2024-03-15 20:56:16 Guest1035 with the packet length before that 2024-03-15 20:57:51 lassipulkkinen server_id is just "\0", right? 2024-03-15 20:57:58 lassipulkkinen as in the length byte 2024-03-15 20:58:06 Guest1035 I put it to server_id = "".encode('utf-8') 2024-03-15 20:58:29 lassipulkkinen Strings are length-prefixed with VarInt. 2024-03-15 20:58:50 Guest1035 When I put a server id length byte it says Protocol error in the client 2024-03-15 20:58:57 Guest1035 packet = packet_id + server_id_length + server_id + public_key_length + public_key_pem + verify_token_length + verify_token 2024-03-15 21:04:52 lassipulkkinen Is there no further detail after "Protocol error"? Looking at the source code that message is used when an exception occurs while the Encryption Response is being prepared. It does include the cause, though, but maybe that doesn't get shown in the GUI? 2024-03-15 21:05:03 lassipulkkinen Does the client log have more detail? 2024-03-15 21:06:52 Guest1035 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1214615205082832909/1218289303256436796/image.png?ex=66071f54&is=65f4aa54&hm=ef66747e8d4f8f08fc093105e4adf3b4800a4b49a2a58cbdc0edaf0b4420116f& 2024-03-15 21:07:24 lassipulkkinen Yeah, did you check the logs? 2024-03-15 21:09:08 lassipulkkinen Based on the source, it seems very likely that your public key is improperly formatted. 2024-03-15 21:09:46 Guest1035 Im generating one like this 2024-03-15 21:09:47 Guest1035 key = rsa.generate_private_key( 2024-03-15 21:09:47 Guest1035                 backend=default_backend(), 2024-03-15 21:09:48 Guest1035                 public_exponent=65537, 2024-03-15 21:09:48 Guest1035                 key_size=1024 2024-03-15 21:09:49 Guest1035             ) 2024-03-15 21:09:49 Guest1035             public_key_pem = key.public_key().public_bytes( 2024-03-15 21:09:50 Guest1035                 encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, 2024-03-15 21:09:50 Guest1035                 format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo 2024-03-15 21:09:51 Guest1035             ) 2024-03-15 21:10:36 Guest1035 The latest.log says 2024-03-15 21:10:36 Guest1035 [21:09:57] [Server Connector #1/ERROR]: Couldn't connect to server 2024-03-15 21:10:37 Guest1035 io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: localhost/ 2024-03-15 21:10:37 Guest1035 Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information 2024-03-15 21:10:38 Guest1035  at sun.nio.ch.Net.pollConnect(Native Method) ~[?:?] 2024-03-15 21:10:38 Guest1035  at sun.nio.ch.Net.pollConnectNow(Net.java:672) ~[?:?] 2024-03-15 21:10:39 Guest1035  at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.finishConnect(SocketChannelImpl.java:946) ~[?:?] 2024-03-15 21:10:39 Guest1035  at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioSocketChannel.doFinishConnect(NioSocketChannel.java:337) ~[netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:40 Guest1035  at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioChannel$AbstractNioUnsafe.finishConnect(AbstractNioChannel.java:334) ~[netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:40 Guest1035  at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:776) ~[netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:41 Guest1035  at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysOptimized(NioEventLoop.java:724) ~[netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:42 Guest1035  at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeys(NioEventLoop.java:650) ~[netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:42 Guest1035  at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:562) ~[netty-transport-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:42 Guest1035  at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$4.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:997) ~[netty-common-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:43 Guest1035  at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$2.run(ThreadExecutorMap.java:74) ~[netty-common-4.1.82.Final.jar:4.1.82.Final] 2024-03-15 21:10:43 Guest1035  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?] 2024-03-15 21:12:03 lassipulkkinen The key is supposed to be in raw DER format, not PEM (which I think is just base64'd DER + header and footer). Read https://wiki.vg/Protocol_Encryption. 2024-03-15 21:12:55 lassipulkkinen It does mostly discuss this issue from a client's perspective, but you can apply it in reverse. 2024-03-15 21:13:04 Guest1035 So you think I should remove the header and footer? 2024-03-15 21:14:21 lassipulkkinen Well, I don't know the library you're using, but since the .public_bytes function takes an encoding parameter, it seems very likely that you can get a DER key directly. 2024-03-15 21:15:57 lassipulkkinen Also, that server log entry looks like it's from a totally different connection attempt, but that doesn't really matter at this point. 2024-03-15 21:17:22 Guest1035 I might be stupid but I think I have tried the DER before but its working now 2024-03-15 21:17:25 Guest1035 Thank you for your time 2024-03-15 21:24:43 Guest1035 Do you know what the Properties are in the Login success? 2024-03-15 21:27:43 lassipulkkinen I'm pretty sure that has to do with "secure chat" / chat reporting. You can probably get away with sending none. 2024-03-15 21:28:48 lassipulkkinen I haven't implemented the auth protocol in a while so I'm not sure. Will document that better when I get to it. 2024-03-15 21:35:47 lassipulkkinen Actually, looks like it's (also?) used for skins. I'm pretty sure it hasn't existed for as long, though. 2024-03-15 21:37:54 lassipulkkinen Ah, looks like the response from the auth server actually tells you what to send (the "properties" field). Again, I haven't implemented this in a long time. 2024-03-15 21:38:30 Guest1035 I also have no idea im discovering everything 2024-03-15 21:41:12 Guest1035 Does all data have to be prefixed with a VarInt or only strings and other fields that are specified in the docs? 2024-03-15 21:41:25 Guest1035 For example do you need to prefix VarInts 2024-03-15 21:42:36 lassipulkkinen Ok, I was probably wrong on the chat thing, it's only used for skins ("textures") afaict. I think it appeared in Login Success around the same time, so I got confused. It's actually the same as the Properties field in Player Info (used to update the player list), which has always existed. I guess they're just doing it differently for the local player now? 2024-03-15 21:43:23 Guest1035 hmm 2024-03-15 21:43:27 lassipulkkinen The answer to that question is in the Data types article (which is also in Protocol). 2024-03-15 21:44:49 Guest1035 Ok so I should remove the VarInt before my UUID 2024-03-15 21:45:31 lassipulkkinen Yes. Lengths are explicit for the most part, String and BitSet are implicitly length-prefixed. 2024-03-15 21:46:12 lassipulkkinen "Explicit" as in separate fields where present. 2024-03-15 21:50:08 Guest1035 packet = b'\x02' + uuid.encode('utf-8') + pack_varint(len(name)) + name.encode('utf-8') + pack_varint(0) 2024-03-15 21:50:09 Guest1035 Do you think I can just put the 0 byte at the end for no properties? 2024-03-15 21:52:03 lassipulkkinen Yes. Did you try it? 2024-03-15 21:53:05 lassipulkkinen Wait, the UUID should be binary (which is why it's not length-prefixed). Again, look at Data types. 2024-03-15 21:59:41 Guest1035 packet = b'\x02' + uuid_bytes + pack_varint(len(name)) + name.encode('utf-8') + pack_varint(0) 2024-03-15 21:59:42 Guest1035 I changed it this with uuid_bytes being the bytes im receiving during the login start but its stuck at encrypting 2024-03-15 22:00:48 Guest1035 or saying something likelength wider than 21 bit 2024-03-15 22:01:05 lassipulkkinen Randomly either or? 2024-03-15 22:01:31 Guest1035 yeah 2024-03-15 22:01:41 Guest1035 like sometimes it just keeps loading 2024-03-15 22:01:42 lassipulkkinen Are you encrypting the Login Success? 2024-03-15 22:01:55 Guest1035 oh fuck 2024-03-15 23:04:08 Guest1035 if private_key.decrypt(verif_token, PKCS1v15()) == verify_token: 2024-03-15 23:04:08 Guest1035                 packet = b'\x02' + uuid_bytes + pack_varint(len(name)) + name.encode('utf-8') + pack_varint(0) 2024-03-15 23:04:09 Guest1035                 full_packet = pack_varint(len(packet)) + packet 2024-03-15 23:04:09 Guest1035                 cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(shared_secret), modes.CFB8(shared_secret), 2024-03-15 23:04:09 Guest1035                                 backend=default_backend()) 2024-03-15 23:04:10 Guest1035                 packet = public_key.encrypt(cipher.encryptor().update(full_packet), PKCS1v15()) 2024-03-15 23:04:11 Guest1035                 client_socket.send(packet) 2024-03-15 23:04:11 Guest1035 Encrypt it like this? 2024-03-15 23:19:28 lassipulkkinen Two problems with that: (1) why are you encrypting with the public key as well, not just the symmetric key (shared secret)? The RSA stuff is only for the key exchange, you can just throw those away afterwards. (2) As stated in Protocol Encryption, you'll need to keep the same cipher across packets (and also have another one for receiving). Though for just sending the one packet that should work. 2024-03-15 23:22:20 Guest1035 Oh my bad I shouldve put it to 2024-03-15 23:22:21 Guest1035                 packet = b'\x02' + uuid_bytes + pack_varint(len(name)) + name.encode('utf-8') + pack_varint(0) 2024-03-15 23:22:21 Guest1035                 full_packet = pack_varint(len(packet)) + packet 2024-03-15 23:22:22 Guest1035                 cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(shared_secret), modes.CFB8(shared_secret), 2024-03-15 23:22:22 Guest1035                                 backend=default_backend()) 2024-03-15 23:22:23 Guest1035                 #packet = public_key.encrypt(cipher.encryptor().update(full_packet), PKCS1v15()) 2024-03-15 23:22:23 Guest1035                 client_socket.send(cipher.encryptor().update(full_packet)) 2024-03-15 23:22:33 Disconsented Can you stop flooding the channel thanks 2024-03-15 23:22:40 Guest1035 flooding? 2024-03-15 23:23:51 lassipulkkinen It does say in https://wiki.vg/MCDevs/rules that you shouldn't send more than 3 lines of code inline. 2024-03-15 23:23:59 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-15 23:28:30 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-15 23:33:56 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-15 23:58:06 <-- simon816 (~simon816@secondary.machine.simon816.com) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-16 00:00:35 --> simon816 (~simon816@secondary.machine.simon816.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 01:04:29 <-- dav1d (~dav1d@user/dav1d) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-03-16 01:08:05 --> dav1d (~dav1d@user/dav1d) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 02:00:21 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-03-16 02:02:01 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 08:58:13 --> dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 08:58:19 dcraftbg Hello! 2024-03-16 09:02:57 dcraftbg Is anyone online right now? 2024-03-16 10:00:01 zml no, nobody is online 2024-03-16 10:06:28 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 10:23:34 <-- dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a quitté (Quit: Lost terminal) 2024-03-16 10:34:41 Guest1035 Does anyone know why im not getting any Login Acknowledged packet back with above code? 2024-03-16 11:21:31 --> ponaskovas12321 (~PonasKova@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 11:22:14 <-- ponaskovas12321 (~PonasKova@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-03-16 11:34:31 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@201-118-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-16 12:26:46 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 15:28:25 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2024-03-16 15:29:34 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 17:06:18 Guest1035 Can anyone help me with the login packets? 2024-03-16 18:19:11 pokechu22 I don't have time to help you with that just now, but FYI the thing people were asking you to do regarding flooding is to post code using gist.github.com or pastebin or similar instead of putting it directly in the channel 2024-03-16 19:04:42 Guest1035 I understand 2024-03-16 19:55:47 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-16 19:56:09 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-16 22:13:31 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-17 02:38:35 --> Mateon2 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-17 02:40:37 <-- Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-03-17 02:40:37 -- Mateon2 est maintenant connu sous le nom Mateon1 2024-03-17 03:41:11 --> Mateon2 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-17 03:43:07 <-- Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-03-17 03:43:07 -- Mateon2 est maintenant connu sous le nom Mateon1 2024-03-17 05:05:51 --> craftxbox (~craftxbox@natsuko.ninja) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-17 05:06:05 <-- snep (craftxbox@2001:bc8:710:3215:dc00:ff:fe3f:5a1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-03-17 05:22:19 <-- craftxbox (~craftxbox@natsuko.ninja) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-17 05:24:09 --> craftxbox (craftxbox@natsuko.ninja) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-17 11:31:20 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-17 11:31:58 Guest1035 Does anyone know how to correctly send an array of Identifiers aka Strings? 2024-03-17 15:45:29 lassipulkkinen you send them one after the other? 2024-03-17 15:46:29 Guest1035  In what way, it doesnt seem to be working. 2024-03-17 15:54:02 lassipulkkinen Hard to guess what you're doing wrong based on just that, but it should look like array_length + ident0_length + ident0 + ident1_length + ident1 + ..., without any padding. The array_length is a separate field specified in the packet. 2024-03-17 15:55:48 lassipulkkinen What packet are you trying to send? 2024-03-17 15:59:27 lassipulkkinen Let me guess you're sending a Login (play), since the only other packets containing an Identifier Array are Update Recipes and Update Advancements. If so, how do you know it's the array that's the problem? That packet has a lot of fields, and the Notchian impl's error messages are kinda crap. 2024-03-17 17:47:59 Guest1035 Yes you're right tbh im not sure if thats the problem but its the hardest part ig. 2024-03-17 17:50:32 Guest1035 It may also be that im not receiving any login acknowledgement packet 2024-03-17 17:52:27 Guest1035 Or that im not putting the fields in the right way 2024-03-17 18:14:15 lassipulkkinen What are you actually seeing? _Are_ you receiving the Login Acknowledgement? Are you sending a Finish Configuration and receiving a Finish Configuration back? 2024-03-17 19:05:35 Guest1035 After I send the login success im not receiving any more data. 2024-03-17 19:13:38 lassipulkkinen Then there's something wrong with the Login Success. The client should be sending Login Acknowledgement immediately in response. 2024-03-17 19:15:33 Guest1035 https://gist.github.com/TuinboonDev/e77f7fe667c7adda7ba97ef9872c62d5 2024-03-17 19:15:34 Guest1035 Im not sure what might be wrong because the client is going from loging in to joining world. 2024-03-17 19:22:37 lassipulkkinen Ok, "Joining world...." does imply that the Login Success was correctly received. There's probably something wrong with the receiving code, then. 2024-03-17 19:24:28 lassipulkkinen Are you actually not receiving any bytes from the server, or might you be reading garbage data (which could lead to the reception blocking forever if it reads an incorrect length field). 2024-03-17 19:25:20 Guest1035 When I use print(client_socket.recv(1024)) to get bytes after sending the login success it is just stuck until I stop connecting to the server and prints b'' 2024-03-17 19:27:08 lassipulkkinen That seems very odd. You're on 1.20.4, right? (Since the extra round trips after login are rather new.) 2024-03-17 19:30:02 Guest1035 Yes I am 2024-03-17 19:32:12 lassipulkkinen I don't have any idea what might be wrong at this point without the full code that I could run. 2024-03-17 19:32:46 Guest1035 Ill send it to you 2024-03-17 19:42:28 lassipulkkinen Uh, the server's SLP response indicates protocol 762 = 1.19.4. Are you sure you're on 1.20.4? 1.19.4 has no Login Acknowledgement. 2024-03-17 19:44:10 lassipulkkinen Also, connecting with a 1.20.4 client doesn't hang, so... 2024-03-17 19:48:24 lassipulkkinen As a side note, I would heavily suggest you read each received packet into a buffer first according to the length field, then parse that. That way bugs in the parsing can't desync you from packet boundaries, which would be unnecessarily hard to debug. 2024-03-17 19:51:21 Guest1035 When connecting with a 1.20.4 client, are you getting a string buffer length error? 2024-03-17 19:55:52 lassipulkkinen yes 2024-03-17 20:01:24 <-- Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-03-17 20:02:28 --> Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-17 20:07:18 lassipulkkinen Your UUID is 14 bytes long. Clearly something's wrong there. 2024-03-17 20:10:18 lassipulkkinen Ah, ok. You can't do client_socket.recv(16) and assume to get 16 bytes back. It will return _at most_ 16 bytes, regardless of how much the server sent. TCP is a stream-oriented protocol. 2024-03-17 20:11:53 lassipulkkinen Again, read the whole received packet into a buffer first, which involves calling client_socket.recv(how_much_not_yet_received) until you have the whole packet. 2024-03-17 20:14:10 lassipulkkinen Also, looking at the docs for the socket module, client_socket.send won't necessarily send its whole input buffer either. There's sendall for that. 2024-03-17 20:14:42 pokechu22 Reading the whole packet into a buffer also will help with handling compression later 2024-03-17 20:29:11 lassipulkkinen I should note that in this case that isn't the reason the code doesn't work, but it certainly is _a_ problem with it. There's no RNG involved, and most of the time just calling recv once _will_ do the right thing, unfortunately. It won't bite you randomly, but at the worst time possible. 2024-03-17 20:39:12 lassipulkkinen Also, it appears the reason you were getting an extra 0 byte between the username and UUID (I guess this is why you were wondering about the length fields) was also because of the version mismatch. 1.19.4 had a boolean there. 2024-03-17 20:41:00 lassipulkkinen *1 byte 2024-03-17 20:44:27 Guest1035 My bad I dont know why I was trying to connect via 1.20.4 sorry for wasting your time. 2024-03-17 20:48:30 Guest1035 According to the docs after you get a login acknowledgement you need to send a login play packet, is that still accurate because the login success packet says the server will now go to configuration, so dont you have to send a configuration finished packet first? 2024-03-17 20:49:21 pokechu22 Protocol FAQ seems to only have been updated for 1.20.2, so it's possible things have changed since then 2024-03-17 20:50:17 lassipulkkinen Yes, the FAQ appears to be out of date. 2024-03-17 20:51:51 Guest1035 Ah that explains 2024-03-17 21:40:31 Guest1035 Is there some response to the Login (play) packet? 2024-03-17 21:43:34 lassipulkkinen Not excactly, other than sending the rest of the packets that configure the client correctly in the world, send chunks etc. The FAQ documents the preconditions for the client to close the "Loading terrain" screen. Not sure if it's up to date, I'm currently updating the page, will check soon. 2024-03-17 21:44:36 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-18 00:19:37 <-- Lokerhp (~lokerhp@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-03-18 03:17:58 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-18 03:18:16 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-18 10:30:39 --> Lokerhp (~lokerhp@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-18 17:34:02 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-18 21:59:04 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-18 22:04:30 lassipulkkinen Just noticed the clientbound Synchronize Player Position packet spec has info on the server's response to invalid move packets. wtf happened there? 2024-03-18 22:18:22 lassipulkkinen Looking at the revision history, it's been that way since the netty rewrite in 2013. 2024-03-18 22:22:12 pokechu22 I think that information is there to explain what the "teleport ID" field is for 2024-03-18 22:23:01 pokechu22 since one of the cases where you'd get invalid move packets is after the server teleports a player 2024-03-18 22:23:12 pokechu22 err, more precisely, teleports *you* 2024-03-18 22:24:15 lassipulkkinen I thought that _might_ be the case (though idk how it would relate to Teleport ID), but I think from the logs it seems pretty clear it was a mistake when separating the old two-way packet spec into two. 2024-03-18 22:25:58 pokechu22 The teleport ID is the system that's there to ignore invalid move packets after a teleport until the client knows about the teleport (and it matters in cases where the teleport is close to the old position, i.e. move packets could be valid from either the old position or the new one, but should be ignored if they're for the old position) 2024-03-18 22:26:33 lassipulkkinen The info on the teleport ID was just added by me, that's why I noticed this in the first place. 2024-03-18 22:26:46 lassipulkkinen I'm talking about the paragraphs under that. 2024-03-18 22:29:21 pokechu22 oh, yeah, the "You moved too quickly :( (Hacking?)" message doesn't make sense there (I guess apart from that check being suppressed before a teleport is confirmed presumably) 2024-03-18 22:29:52 lassipulkkinen It's also very out of date, so moving it wouldn't suffice. 2024-03-19 11:04:08 --> dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-19 11:04:11 dcraftbg Hello! 2024-03-19 11:05:20 dcraftbg Anyone online right now? 2024-03-19 11:23:44 dcraftbg Wanted to ask about the Join page. For some reason it seems to have been removed? Not sure exactly when but it doesn't seem to be on the wiki 2024-03-19 11:34:46 dcraftbg There are links to it and evidence of it existing (https://wiki.vg/How_to_Write_a_Server mentions it right at the end) 2024-03-19 11:35:40 dcraftbg it just seems surprising to not even mention it in the documentation (as far as I searched it isn't mentioned anywhere, nor does its 0x26 opcode) 2024-03-19 11:37:24 dcraftbg *Just checked and it was my mistake. How_to_Write_a_Server doesn't mention it. MB 2024-03-19 12:05:12 dcraftbg Opened the ol' 1.18 documentation. Yeah its there. I'll look into that instead of the Play packet. 2024-03-19 12:38:29 <-- dcraftbg (~dcraftbg@ a quitté (Quit: Lost terminal) 2024-03-19 14:00:17 <-- magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-19 14:00:30 --> magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-19 15:18:47 lassipulkkinen Added an out-of-date notice to How to Write a Server. Hope they see that... 2024-03-19 15:21:21 lassipulkkinen Not sure what the "Join page" was anyway, though, I don't see anything in How to Write a Server. 2024-03-19 15:21:41 lassipulkkinen ah, I should learn to read. 2024-03-19 16:05:10 --> Guest551 (~Guest551@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-19 16:27:58 <-- Guest551 (~Guest551@ a quitté (Quit: Client closed) 2024-03-19 16:32:06 --> Guest551 (~Guest551@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-19 17:44:09 <-- Guest551 (~Guest551@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2024-03-19 21:57:25 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-19 21:57:44 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 01:36:28 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté 2024-03-20 01:38:31 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 04:16:28 --> stack6 (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 04:18:46 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-03-20 04:19:53 -- stack6 est maintenant connu sous le nom stack 2024-03-20 06:49:39 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-20 06:50:02 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 08:48:09 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-20 08:49:03 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 12:46:53 --> emilknievel_ (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 12:47:04 --> balrog_ (znc@user/balrog) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 12:53:39 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2024-03-20 12:53:39 <-- balrog (znc@user/balrog) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2024-03-20 15:16:41 <-- BratishkaErik (fd46852e72@user/BratishkaErik) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-20 15:16:41 <-- xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-20 15:16:41 <-- vismie (c8b263ae0e@2a03:6000:1812:100::fb8) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-20 15:16:41 <-- caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-20 15:17:28 --> vismie (c8b263ae0e@2a03:6000:1812:100::fb8) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 15:17:31 --> xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 15:17:32 --> caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 15:17:32 --> BratishkaErik (fd46852e72@user/BratishkaErik) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 17:00:01 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 24w12a has just been published to the launcher! 2024-03-20 17:02:48 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 24w12a: 2024-03-20 17:02:50 botifico [Burger] Diff from 24w11a: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w11a_24w12a.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w11a_24w12a.json) 2024-03-20 17:02:51 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w12a.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w12a.json) 2024-03-20 17:51:36 <-- grumble (grumble@user/grumble) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-03-20 17:53:17 --> grumble (grumble@user/grumble) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 17:56:40 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-20 17:57:01 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 18:11:09 --> Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 18:12:18 Guest1035 Do minecraft clients require packet encryption? 2024-03-20 18:38:38 pokechu22 Yes, if you're connecting to a server then the server will generally require encryption. For testing, you can connect to servers in offline mode (which don't use encryption) but you'll need to implement it eventually 2024-03-20 18:44:21 Guest1035 and if I use a paid account to login to a server which doesnt send an encryption request, will it disconnect? 2024-03-20 18:54:13 lassipulkkinen No, as stated in https://wiki.vg/Protocol_FAQ#Offline_mode, the server will send a Login Success directly after Login Start (well, apart from compression), and the client will see that and continue unencrypted. 2024-03-20 20:57:40 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-20 20:58:02 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-20 22:00:22 <-- Guest1035 (~Guest1035@040-113-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-03-21 01:29:10 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-21 01:29:33 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-21 09:18:41 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-21 09:19:03 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-21 17:50:51 <-- Almtesh (~Almtesh@2001:bc8:3335:c1aa:7951:ec8e:b50c:5a74) a quitté (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish!) 2024-03-21 17:51:45 --> Almtesh (~Almtesh@2001:bc8:3335:c1aa:7951:ec8e:b50c:5a74) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-21 20:38:42 <-- yosafbridge (~yosafbrid@static. a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-03-21 21:00:50 --> yosafbridge (~yosafbrid@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 00:00:29 <-- chibill (~chibill@c-67-175-64-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2build5 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 00:02:27 --> chibill (~chibill@c-67-175-64-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 00:58:42 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 00:59:03 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 01:04:01 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-22 01:04:21 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 08:59:13 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 08:59:35 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 10:37:44 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-22 10:38:06 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 10:48:13 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 10:48:35 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 15:26:08 -- emilknievel_ est maintenant connu sous le nom emilknievel 2024-03-22 16:58:44 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 16:59:06 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 18:32:44 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 18:33:14 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 19:17:44 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 19:18:05 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 19:34:44 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 19:35:05 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 20:05:23 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-03-22 20:10:43 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 20:37:44 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-22 20:38:05 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-22 20:39:14 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-03-22 20:39:36 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-23 02:10:04 --> ashduino101 (~ashduino1@2601:601:8702:86b0::b87a) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-23 02:21:44 <-- ashduino101 (~ashduino1@2601:601:8702:86b0::b87a) a quitté #mcdevs 2024-03-23 10:57:15 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-23 10:57:36 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-23 16:24:39 -- balrog_ est maintenant connu sous le nom balrog 2024-03-23 17:57:55 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-23 17:58:12 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-23 19:42:41 <-- kashike (kashike@2a01:4f8:c0c:9876::1) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-03-23 19:42:41 --> kashike (kashike@user/kashike) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-23 21:10:57 <-- mbaxter (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-03-23 21:47:22 <-- MiniDigger09 (~MiniDigge@user/minidigger) a quitté (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2024-03-23 21:47:48 --> MiniDigger09 (~MiniDigge@user/minidigger) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 02:49:05 --> mbaxter (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 04:04:07 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-24 04:04:24 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 06:08:39 <-- DigitalDragon (~digital@arto.servers.digitaldragon.dev) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-24 07:07:35 --> DigitalDragon (~digital@arto.servers.digitaldragon.dev) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 10:07:17 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-24 10:07:55 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 12:01:34 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-24 15:16:40 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 17:25:24 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-24 17:25:43 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 18:41:39 <-- magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a quitté (Quit: :3) 2024-03-24 18:48:16 --> magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-24 19:25:18 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-24 19:25:39 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 00:43:20 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-03-25 02:05:35 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-25 02:05:53 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 02:24:21 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 03:12:01 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2024-03-25 03:17:36 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 06:29:02 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-25 06:29:21 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 06:47:06 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-25 06:47:24 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 18:38:59 --> caleb__ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 18:39:02 --> xtex_ (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 18:46:52 <-- caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2024-03-25 18:46:52 <-- xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2024-03-25 18:46:58 -- xtex_ est maintenant connu sous le nom xtex 2024-03-25 18:52:50 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-25 18:53:12 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-25 19:18:20 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-25 19:18:41 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 00:20:51 --> stack8 (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 00:23:06 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-03-26 00:23:06 -- stack8 est maintenant connu sous le nom stack 2024-03-26 03:35:17 <-- Thinkofname (~thinkthin@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-03-26 03:35:30 --> Thinkofname (~thinkthin@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 04:51:38 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-26 04:51:58 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 18:03:29 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-26 18:03:50 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 18:08:15 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-03-26 18:08:33 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 19:18:22 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-26 19:19:03 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 19:28:22 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-26 19:28:42 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-26 19:54:52 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-26 19:55:13 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 02:37:22 --> Mateon2 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 02:37:39 <-- Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-03-27 02:37:39 -- Mateon2 est maintenant connu sous le nom Mateon1 2024-03-27 10:56:53 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-27 10:57:17 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 12:03:19 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-03-27 12:04:48 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 12:08:22 --> SpaceMan1ac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 12:09:20 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-03-27 12:09:21 -- SpaceMan1ac est maintenant connu sous le nom SpaceManiac 2024-03-27 12:40:31 <-- NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-27 12:40:40 --> NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 12:41:59 <-- caleb__ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-03-27 12:45:41 --> caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-27 17:20:02 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 24w13a has just been published to the launcher! 2024-03-27 17:23:01 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 24w13a: 2024-03-27 17:23:04 botifico [Burger] Diff from 24w12a: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w12a_24w13a.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w12a_24w13a.json) 2024-03-27 17:23:07 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w13a.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w13a.json) 2024-03-27 20:49:28 <-- magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-03-28 06:58:47 <-- TkTech (~TkTech@modemcable198.106-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-03-28 07:16:29 --> TkTech (~TkTech@modemcable198.106-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 11:31:50 <-- deltab (~deltab@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-03-28 11:43:15 --> deltab (~deltab@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 14:25:06 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-28 14:25:27 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 14:37:35 --> magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 18:18:17 <-- mbaxter (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-03-28 18:18:35 --> mbaxter (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 18:29:58 --> Ghcstyy (~Ghcstyy@ip2505fec8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 18:30:33 <-- Ghcstyy (~Ghcstyy@ip2505fec8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) a quitté #mcdevs 2024-03-28 19:38:56 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-28 19:39:18 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-28 23:27:26 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-28 23:27:53 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 00:10:47 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 00:11:06 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 02:59:22 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 02:59:44 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 04:44:39 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 04:44:59 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 05:00:17 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 05:00:36 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 06:26:29 <-- Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-03-29 08:33:25 <-- xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 08:55:01 --> xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 11:20:30 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 11:20:48 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 11:34:33 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-29 11:34:55 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 13:28:13 --> Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 15:40:36 <-- bixilon (~bixilon@node-3.bixilon.de) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-29 15:41:46 --> bixilon (~bixilon@node-3.bixilon.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 17:50:34 --> Nanagos (~Nanagos@2a02:810a:8d00:74dc:66ad:2a79:1d07:ec40) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 17:52:19 <-- Nanagos (~Nanagos@2a02:810a:8d00:74dc:66ad:2a79:1d07:ec40) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-29 18:32:58 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-29 18:33:20 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 22:18:47 --> Guest956 (~Guest956@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 22:28:58 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-29 22:29:20 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 22:47:50 Guest956 Hello 2024-03-29 22:48:29 Guest956 Does anyone have information on how the http://www.minecraft.net/heartbeat.jsp API used in minecraft classic server jars was implemented? 2024-03-29 22:50:17 pokechu22 I don't think there's any information on the code Mojang had at the time, but I think the wiki does have documentation on how that API was used 2024-03-29 22:50:38 pokechu22 https://wiki.vg/Classic_Protocol#Heartbeats 2024-03-29 22:55:55 Guest956 Thanks 2024-03-29 22:56:16 Guest956 And is the Alpha->Release1.5 auth protocol documented? 2024-03-29 22:58:21 Guest956 I found a page on it but it only covers login.minecraft.net endpoints which AFAIK is not used by anything but launchers. Does seem to be referenced in beta 1.5/1.6/1.7+ (i didnt check beta 1.5 or 1.6, idk if it has them, but i know beta 1.4 doesnt) client jars but not older ones so clearly it wasnt relied on 2024-03-29 22:58:21 pokechu22 it's either https://wiki.vg/Legacy_Minecraft_Authentication or https://wiki.vg/Legacy_Mojang_Authentication 2024-03-29 22:58:49 Guest956 Legacy mojang authentication is yggdrasil 2024-03-29 22:59:21 Guest956 Legacy minecraft authentication is only the launcher api for getting a session ID to pass to the game jar when launching 2024-03-29 22:59:42 Guest956 I am interested in the API used for servers to verify authenticity of joins 2024-03-29 22:59:58 pokechu22 I don't think there's any older documentation - the past stuff was https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Session&oldid=4166 before it was split into multiple articles 2024-03-29 23:00:30 pokechu22 Do you remember what the API URL was for that? 2024-03-29 23:01:54 Guest956 http://www.minecraft.net/game/checkserver.jsp 2024-03-29 23:02:02 Guest956 http://www.minecraft.net/game/joinserver.jsp 2024-03-29 23:02:04 pokechu22 actually I think you're looking for https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Session&oldid=3107#Joining_a_Server which doesn't seem to be in the current revisions of any article 2024-03-29 23:02:07 Guest956 There are several variations 2024-03-29 23:02:16 Guest956 http://session.minecraft.net/game/checkserver.jsp 2024-03-29 23:02:46 Guest956 Nvm just 2 2024-03-29 23:02:50 Guest956 Thanks 2024-03-29 23:22:42 --> ZacSharp (~ZacSharp@user/zacsharp) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-29 23:29:59 <-- Guest956 (~Guest956@ a quitté (Quit: Quit) 2024-03-30 00:02:43 <-- ZacSharp (~ZacSharp@user/zacsharp) a quitté (Quit: Client closed) 2024-03-30 00:13:33 --> ZacSharp (~ZacSharp@user/zacsharp) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 02:24:45 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-30 02:25:05 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 04:32:53 <-- deltab (~deltab@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-03-30 04:42:13 --> deltab (~deltab@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 04:44:28 <-- ZacSharp (~ZacSharp@user/zacsharp) a quitté (Quit: ZacSharp) 2024-03-30 05:54:53 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-30 05:55:13 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 05:59:23 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté 2024-03-30 06:15:17 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 08:54:49 xtex Is there anyway to link to Minecraft Wiki on wiki.vg? 2024-03-30 08:54:55 xtex with interwiki links 2024-03-30 09:00:06 lassipulkkinen Yes, there's Template:Minecraft Wiki. i.e. {{Minecraft Wiki|Page|link text}} 2024-03-30 09:11:40 xtex thanks 2024-03-30 10:44:54 <-- lassipulkkinen (lassi@pulk.fi) a quitté (Quit: WeeChat 4.2.1) 2024-03-30 10:45:55 --> lassipulkkinen (~lassi@pulk.fi) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 12:10:37 --> Ghcstyy (~Ghcstyy@ip2505fec8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 12:12:22 <-- Ghcstyy (~Ghcstyy@ip2505fec8.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) a quitté #mcdevs 2024-03-30 14:48:57 -- mbaxter est maintenant connu sous le nom mbax 2024-03-30 17:56:48 <-- yosafbridge (~yosafbrid@static. a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2024-03-30 18:08:29 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-30 18:08:59 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 18:11:14 --> yosafbridge (~yosafbrid@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 19:09:00 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-30 19:09:21 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 20:01:06 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-30 20:01:23 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 21:50:12 <-- xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a quitté (Quit: see you space cowboy...) 2024-03-30 22:05:08 --> xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-30 22:26:12 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-31 00:16:18 --> bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 00:33:27 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-03-31 00:44:45 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 01:20:30 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@2a01:4f8:c17:d3e5::1) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-03-31 01:20:53 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 04:13:45 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-03-31 04:32:27 --> bswartz (~bswartz@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 04:32:27 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@ a quitté (Changing host) 2024-03-31 04:32:27 --> bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 17:29:05 <-- xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-03-31 18:09:55 --> xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 18:32:29 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-03-31 18:32:49 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-03-31 19:08:25 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-03-31 23:44:26 <-- Schoentoon (~Schoentoo@schoentoon.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-03-31 23:47:36 --> Schoentoon (~Schoentoo@schoentoon.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 00:07:35 <-- Schoentoon (~Schoentoo@schoentoon.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-01 00:09:26 --> Schoentoon (~Schoentoo@schoentoon.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 06:46:52 --> arty (~arty@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 08:37:40 <-- arty (~arty@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-01 09:07:47 <-- dav1d (~dav1d@user/dav1d) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-01 09:07:47 --> dav1d (~dav1d@user/meow/dav1d) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 09:08:49 <-- dav1d (~dav1d@user/meow/dav1d) a quitté (Quit: bye) 2024-04-01 09:09:14 --> dav1d (~dav1d@user/meow/dav1d) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 11:25:43 <-- Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/mateon1) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-01 11:25:43 --> Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/meow/Mateon1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 11:53:15 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 24w14potato: 2024-04-01 11:53:16 botifico [Burger] Diff from 24w13a: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w13a_24w14potato.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w13a_24w14potato.json) 2024-04-01 11:53:18 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w14potato.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w14potato.json) 2024-04-01 11:55:02 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 24w14potato has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-01 13:39:25 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-01 13:39:46 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 17:29:55 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-01 17:30:14 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 18:17:37 --> arty (~arty@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 19:36:05 <-- arty (~arty@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-01 23:04:30 --> arty (~arty@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-01 23:31:18 <-- arty (~arty@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-01 23:32:05 --> arty (~arty@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 00:26:49 <-- arty (~arty@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-02 00:26:49 --> arty (~arty@2a09:bac5:4194:2e6::4a:34) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 00:30:56 <-- arty (~arty@2a09:bac5:4194:2e6::4a:34) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-02 00:31:57 --> arty (~arty@2a09:bac5:4192:2e6::4a:3f) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 00:43:53 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-02 00:45:44 <-- arty (~arty@2a09:bac5:4192:2e6::4a:3f) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-02 00:46:08 --> arty (~arty@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 00:53:53 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 01:46:40 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-02 01:47:00 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 04:29:51 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-02 04:30:12 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 05:22:29 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-02 05:23:31 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 06:04:06 <-- arty (~arty@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-02 07:34:00 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-02 07:34:19 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 08:37:35 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-02 08:37:56 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 15:46:26 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 18:12:53 <-- NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a quitté (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2024-04-02 18:13:26 --> NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 18:15:02 <-- NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-02 18:15:35 --> NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 18:17:40 <-- NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-02 18:20:15 --> NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 18:23:35 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.9.0 - https://znc.in) 2024-04-02 18:27:07 --> emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 19:40:12 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-02 19:47:39 rederick29 hello all, i'm writing a minecraft server and I am stuck on how to represent a minecraft block in my code. how does vanilla minecraft server send the client a list of blocks? specifically, i'm looking on wiki.vg at the registry data format and it looks like I need integer IDs for each registry entry, but I don't know of where to get a list of which block is which numeric id. Is this id arbritary or not? 2024-04-02 19:48:48 pokechu22 The IDs are magic numbers which are dynamically generated but (at least if things haven't changed) both the client and the server separately dynamically generate and need to agree upon. 2024-04-02 19:49:35 pokechu22 https://wiki.vg/Data_Generators is a way you can get a list of IDs for a given version of the game. https://github.com/PrismarineJS/minecraft-data might also be useful 2024-04-02 19:51:10 rederick29 thanks. one more thing, are these the same ids that I need to map blocks to in a palette when sending chunk data? 2024-04-02 19:52:35 pokechu22 The block state IDs in the palette for chunk data are the same for everything that uses a block state. There are also IDs for blocks as a whole which are used in like one or 2 places and you can mostly ignore 2024-04-02 19:54:21 rederick29 thank you 2024-04-02 23:31:10 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2024-04-03 00:40:26 --> ashduino101 (~ashduino1@2601:601:8702:86b0::b87a) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 00:40:30 <-- ashduino101 (~ashduino1@2601:601:8702:86b0::b87a) a quitté #mcdevs 2024-04-03 01:19:59 --> Guest52 (~Guest91@cpc114388-basl13-2-0-cust75.20-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 01:26:06 <-- Guest52 (~Guest91@cpc114388-basl13-2-0-cust75.20-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Quit: Client closed) 2024-04-03 02:37:42 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-03 02:38:00 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 03:40:59 <-- xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-03 03:43:41 --> xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 04:20:41 --> ThermalCube (~ThermalCu@user/ThermalCube) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 04:26:22 ThermalCube Hello! I'm currently trying to build a server implementation in C#. I'm having trouble with the ServerListPing. I receive the first handshake packet fine and respond with the status packet but after that my NetworkStream won't read anymore data until the connection gets closed. 2024-04-03 04:40:19 <-- ThermalCube (~ThermalCu@user/ThermalCube) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed) 2024-04-03 04:48:49 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-03 04:49:09 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 06:14:43 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-03 06:15:03 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 09:38:34 --> TkTech0 (~TkTech@modemcable198.106-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 09:39:35 <-- TkTech (~TkTech@modemcable198.106-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-03 09:39:35 -- TkTech0 est maintenant connu sous le nom TkTech 2024-04-03 16:03:14 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 24w14a: 2024-04-03 16:03:17 botifico [Burger] Diff from 24w14potato: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w14potato_24w14a.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w14potato_24w14a.json) 2024-04-03 16:03:20 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w14a.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/24w14a.json) 2024-04-03 16:05:01 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 24w14a has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-03 18:14:29 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-03 18:21:00 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 19:35:36 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-03 19:35:54 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-03 21:36:38 pokechu22 https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w13a_24w14a.html 2024-04-04 03:11:50 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-04 03:12:09 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 04:35:24 --> Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@75-167-20-136.phnx.qwest.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 04:36:34 Tknoguyfication Hey all. I used to frequent #mcdevs on Freenode back in 2017 or so. Is this channel still popular? 2024-04-04 04:39:19 pokechu22 It's fairly inactive, but there are still people coming in a few times a week 2024-04-04 04:39:28 pokechu22 (and automatic messages when new versions release) 2024-04-04 04:40:28 Tknoguyfication Does anyone from Mojang still hang out and answer questions or has that pretty much ended? 2024-04-04 04:41:04 Tknoguyfication I always thought it was neat getting to talk to the game developers when working on a mod or something. 2024-04-04 04:53:11 pokechu22 I don't think any do anymore 2024-04-04 05:17:22 <-- Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@75-167-20-136.phnx.qwest.net) a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2024-04-04 05:18:00 --> Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@75-167-20-136.phnx.qwest.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 05:37:35 <-- Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@75-167-20-136.phnx.qwest.net) a quitté (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2024-04-04 05:38:14 --> Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@75-167-20-136.phnx.qwest.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 06:07:47 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-04 06:23:49 --> bswartz (~bswartz@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 06:23:49 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@ a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-04 06:23:49 --> bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 06:38:44 <-- Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@75-167-20-136.phnx.qwest.net) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-04 06:38:44 --> Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@user/Tknoguyfication) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 06:39:20 <-- Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@user/Tknoguyfication) a quitté (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2024-04-04 06:43:09 --> Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@user/Tknoguyfication) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 07:52:50 <-- Disconsented (~quassel@irc.disconsented.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-04 08:04:09 --> TEMP598991 (~TEMP59899@pa49-196-255-189.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 08:04:12 <-- TEMP598991 (~TEMP59899@pa49-196-255-189.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-04 08:04:38 --> TEMP598991 (~TEMP59899@pa49-196-255-189.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 08:04:41 <-- TEMP598991 (~TEMP59899@pa49-196-255-189.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-04 08:04:55 --> TEMP598991 (~TEMP59899@pa49-196-255-189.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 08:06:30 <-- TEMP598991 (~TEMP59899@pa49-196-255-189.pa.vic.optusnet.com.au) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-04 09:17:37 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-04 09:17:59 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 10:04:08 <-- Almtesh (~Almtesh@2001:bc8:3335:c1aa:7951:ec8e:b50c:5a74) a quitté (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish!) 2024-04-04 10:31:06 <-- Luck (~Luck@v2202102140730142292.goodsrv.de) a quitté (Quit: o/) 2024-04-04 10:31:40 --> Luck (~Luck@v2202102140730142292.goodsrv.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 10:32:43 <-- Luck (~Luck@v2202102140730142292.goodsrv.de) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-04 10:33:29 --> Luck (~Luck@v2202102140730142292.goodsrv.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 11:03:56 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-04 11:04:18 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 14:49:11 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-04 20:39:38 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 21:53:11 --> Almtesh (~Almtesh@62-210-222-154.rev.poneytelecom.eu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 22:28:06 --> Disconsented (~quassel@irc.disconsented.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-04 23:15:38 <-- balrog (znc@user/balrog) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-04 23:25:50 --> balrog (znc@user/balrog) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-05 04:57:52 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-05 04:58:11 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-05 09:42:27 <-- mbax (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-05 10:05:16 --> mbax (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-05 11:09:40 <-- Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2024-04-05 12:01:31 --> Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-05 22:18:49 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-05 22:19:10 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-05 22:32:56 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-05 22:33:17 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 00:41:43 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-06 00:54:27 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 02:40:05 --> Mateon2 (~Thunderbi@user/meow/Mateon1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 02:41:59 <-- Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/meow/Mateon1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-06 02:41:59 -- Mateon2 est maintenant connu sous le nom Mateon1 2024-04-06 06:30:22 <-- DigitalDragon (~digital@arto.servers.digitaldragon.dev) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-06 06:30:22 --> DigitalDragon (~digital@user/DigitalDragon) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 07:43:04 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-06 07:43:25 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 10:36:18 <-- Almtesh (~Almtesh@62-210-222-154.rev.poneytelecom.eu) a quitté (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish!) 2024-04-06 10:38:40 --> Almtesh (~Almtesh@2001:bc8:3335:c1aa:7951:ec8e:b50c:5a74) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 15:16:32 <-- l4mRh4X0r (l4mRh4X0r@pomacium.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) a quitté (Quit: Hoei!) 2024-04-06 15:34:29 --> l4mRh4X0r (~l4mRh4X0r@pomacium.student.ipv6.utwente.nl) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-06 18:41:52 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-06 18:42:12 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-07 06:22:13 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-07 06:22:34 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-07 06:26:13 --> Tknoguyfication1 (~hayden@user/Tknoguyfication) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-07 06:26:22 <-- Tknoguyfication (~Tknoguyfi@user/Tknoguyfication) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2024-04-07 06:26:22 -- Tknoguyfication1 est maintenant connu sous le nom Tknoguyfication 2024-04-07 23:05:59 --> ZacSharp (~ZacSharp@user/zacsharp) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 00:48:59 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-08 01:05:16 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 04:27:13 <-- ZacSharp (~ZacSharp@user/zacsharp) a quitté (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) 2024-04-08 12:06:00 <-- Amaranth (~travis@2607:5300:201:3000::4e0c) a quitté (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2024-04-08 12:07:26 --> Amaranth (~travis@2607:5300:201:3000::4e0c) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 15:18:58 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-08 15:19:17 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 17:28:10 --> Leonito (~Leonito@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 17:29:28 <-- Leonito (~Leonito@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-08 17:29:36 --> Leonito (~Leonito@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 17:31:57 <-- Leonito (~Leonito@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-08 18:38:42 --> bixilon_ (~bixilon@node-3.bixilon.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 18:42:22 <-- bixilon (~bixilon@node-3.bixilon.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-08 18:42:26 -- bixilon_ est maintenant connu sous le nom bixilon 2024-04-08 20:09:17 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-08 20:34:56 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-08 22:32:58 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) 2024-04-08 22:33:18 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 02:01:40 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-09 02:01:58 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 02:29:34 --> magmaus37 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 02:29:45 <-- chibill (~chibill@c-67-175-64-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-09 02:29:46 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-09 02:29:46 <-- magmaus3 (~magmaus3@user/magmaus3) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-09 02:29:48 -- magmaus37 est maintenant connu sous le nom magmaus3 2024-04-09 02:31:14 --> chibill (~chibill@c-67-175-64-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 02:45:04 --> bswartz (~bswartz@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 02:45:04 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@ a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-09 02:45:04 --> bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 08:57:36 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-09 08:57:52 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 09:25:46 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté 2024-04-09 09:55:27 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 12:22:13 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 13:24:10 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-09 14:18:34 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 14:58:23 rederick29 hello all. does anyone know where to get the `minecraft:worldgen/biome` registry as JSON? the registries.json report from the minecraft data generator is missing this registry for me 2024-04-09 15:59:14 lassipulkkinen None of the registries in the Registry Data packet are in the data generator report, since they're generated from data packs by the server. You can capture the data sent by the Notchian server; there's also a few links on the wiki where onthers have done that. 2024-04-09 16:02:36 lassipulkkinen *thers 2024-04-09 16:02:43 lassipulkkinen *others 2024-04-09 16:07:00 lassipulkkinen Of you want it in JSON, there's https://github.com/PrismarineJS/minecraft-data/blob/master/data/pc/1.20.2/loginPacket.json which is linked from Protocol FAQ. It' for 1.20.2, and has some extra stuff you'll need to remove (the registries used to be in the Login (play) packet), but it'll probably work. 2024-04-09 16:07:15 lassipulkkinen *If (i'm typing on a phone lol) 2024-04-09 16:08:26 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-09 16:37:30 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 17:10:32 --> thqw (~thqw@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-09 17:11:39 <-- thqw (~thqw@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté #mcdevs 2024-04-09 20:01:23 <-- xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a quitté (Quit: see you space cowboy...) 2024-04-09 20:13:11 --> xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 01:34:56 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-10 03:16:22 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté 2024-04-10 03:21:03 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 03:31:15 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté 2024-04-10 03:33:00 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 04:05:05 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-10 04:05:24 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 07:25:12 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-10 07:41:11 --> bswartz (~bswartz@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 07:41:11 <-- bswartz (~bswartz@ a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-10 07:41:11 --> bswartz (~bswartz@user/bswartz) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 08:52:50 <-- Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in) 2024-04-10 08:54:17 --> Processus42 (~lel-amri@static. a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 09:20:05 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-10 09:26:13 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-10 09:26:31 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 09:30:09 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-10 09:30:30 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 09:34:46 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 10:01:39 --> Guest57 (~Guest57@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-10 10:02:14 Guest57 Spigot servers? 2024-04-10 10:04:38 <-- Guest57 (~Guest57@ a quitté #mcdevs 2024-04-10 16:03:06 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-pre1: 2024-04-10 16:03:09 botifico [Burger] Diff from 24w14a: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w14a_1.20.5-pre1.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_24w14a_1.20.5-pre1.json) 2024-04-10 16:03:12 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre1.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre1.json) 2024-04-10 16:05:01 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-pre1 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-10 22:21:19 -- DrinkyBird_ est maintenant connu sous le nom DrinkyBird 2024-04-11 04:44:50 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 04:45:52 analyzers hi 2024-04-11 04:46:01 analyzers what are people working on today ? 2024-04-11 05:14:27 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-11 09:44:10 <-- obw (~offbeatwi@2001:bc8:654:b18::1) a quitté (Quit: and at the end / you can't do it again) 2024-04-11 12:04:49 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:08:40 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:25:05 <-- xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:25:05 <-- caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:25:05 <-- BratishkaErik (fd46852e72@user/BratishkaErik) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:25:06 <-- vismie (c8b263ae0e@2a03:6000:1812:100::fb8) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:25:18 --> BratishkaErik (fd46852e72@user/BratishkaErik) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:25:19 --> xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:25:25 --> vismie (c8b263ae0e@2a03:6000:1812:100::fb8) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:25:30 --> caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:25:51 <-- BratishkaErik (fd46852e72@user/BratishkaErik) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:26:22 <-- xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:26:22 <-- vismie (c8b263ae0e@2a03:6000:1812:100::fb8) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:26:23 <-- caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:26:42 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-04-11 13:28:15 --> vismie (c8b263ae0e@2a03:6000:1812:100::fb8) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:28:21 --> caleb_ (ca329e08ca@user/ace) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:28:21 --> xtex (250b76165c@2a03:6000:1812:100::12fc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:28:23 --> BratishkaErik (fd46852e72@user/BratishkaErik) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:41:24 --> Twitmund (~Twitmund@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 13:42:02 <-- Twitmund (~Twitmund@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-11 13:42:18 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-11 14:48:49 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 14:54:35 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-11 17:27:01 <-- ammar2 (admin@i.diddled.with.the.opers.so.they.klined.me) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-04-11 17:34:31 --> ammar2 (admin@i.diddled.with.the.opers.so.they.klined.me) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 19:23:28 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 19:32:09 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-04-11 19:32:24 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 19:52:33 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-04-11 19:52:48 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 20:17:51 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-04-11 20:18:08 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 20:29:25 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Quit: leaving) 2024-04-11 21:57:38 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 22:03:14 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-11 22:03:14 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-11 23:48:08 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-12 03:01:57 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-12 03:02:18 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 04:42:56 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 04:53:23 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-12 07:57:07 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-12 07:57:25 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 13:10:18 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 13:11:06 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-12 13:11:06 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 13:42:29 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-12 14:41:34 <-- Hafydd (~Hafydd@user/hafydd) a quitté (Quit: WeeChat 3.5) 2024-04-12 16:24:05 <-- VIPPER (~VIPPER@1463639-static.elnsmiaa.metronetinc.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-12 16:24:22 --> VIPPER (~VIPPER@1463639-static.elnsmiaa.metronetinc.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 16:57:58 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 17:02:49 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-12 18:01:58 --> Hafydd (~Hafydd@user/hafydd) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 20:26:29 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-12 20:39:25 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 21:45:29 <-- Hafydd (~Hafydd@user/hafydd) a quitté (Quit: WeeChat 3.5) 2024-04-12 21:45:55 --> Hafydd (~Hafydd@user/hafydd) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 22:25:31 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 22:41:08 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 22:41:13 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-12 22:42:10 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 22:42:13 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-12 22:46:07 --> Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-12 22:46:12 <-- Tebras (~void@126.red-88-25-15.staticip.rima-tde.net) a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-12 23:56:21 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-12 23:56:40 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 03:39:44 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-13 03:39:44 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 04:09:25 <-- mbax (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a quitté (Quit: bye!) 2024-04-13 04:09:40 --> mbax (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 04:53:20 --> bswartz_ (~bswartz_@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 04:54:34 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-13 11:30:41 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-13 11:31:03 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 12:38:53 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 13:12:35 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-13 13:19:45 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 13:53:19 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 14:03:23 <-- bswartz_ (~bswartz_@ a quitté (Quit: Quit) 2024-04-13 15:06:05 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-13 15:15:18 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 16:50:05 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-13 16:58:30 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 17:08:53 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-13 18:48:35 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-13 23:21:53 <-- lassipulkkinen (~lassi@pulk.fi) a quitté (Quit: WeeChat 4.2.1) 2024-04-13 23:22:07 --> lassipulkkinen (lassi@pulk.fi) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 23:32:32 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-13 23:48:35 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-14 03:07:03 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-14 05:03:35 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-14 13:36:43 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-14 14:00:54 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-04-14 15:05:43 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-14 15:10:01 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-14 15:10:01 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-14 19:59:17 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-14 23:09:43 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-14 23:28:05 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-14 23:29:06 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-14 23:35:54 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-14 23:35:54 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 05:37:11 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-15 11:36:34 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 12:54:48 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 13:10:55 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-15 13:10:55 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 13:16:14 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) 2024-04-15 13:39:51 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 13:44:33 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-15 13:47:23 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2024-04-15 16:01:48 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-15 16:02:07 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 17:00:02 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-pre2 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-15 17:02:59 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-pre2: 2024-04-15 17:03:01 botifico [Burger] Diff from 1.20.5-pre1: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre1_1.20.5-pre2.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre1_1.20.5-pre2.json) 2024-04-15 17:03:03 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre2.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre2.json) 2024-04-15 21:38:54 --> rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-15 22:01:28 <-- rederick29 (~rederick2@cpc151513-smal19-2-0-cust794.19-1.cable.virginm.net) a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2024-04-15 23:45:11 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 00:03:11 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-16 00:03:11 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 02:35:58 --> Mateon2 (~Thunderbi@user/meow/Mateon1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 02:37:21 <-- Mateon1 (~Thunderbi@user/meow/Mateon1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-04-16 02:37:21 -- Mateon2 est maintenant connu sous le nom Mateon1 2024-04-16 04:38:49 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-16 06:34:05 <-- balrog (znc@user/balrog) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2024-04-16 06:34:14 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-16 06:34:31 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 06:43:39 --> balrog (znc@user/balrog) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 08:09:00 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-16 08:09:20 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 11:19:16 <-- xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a quitté (Quit: see you space cowboy...) 2024-04-16 11:20:07 --> xoreaxeax (~xoreaxeax@user/daswf852) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 13:09:49 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 13:13:50 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-16 13:13:50 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 13:41:41 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2024-04-16 15:35:02 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-pre3 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-16 15:43:05 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-pre3: 2024-04-16 15:43:08 botifico [Burger] Diff from 1.20.5-pre2: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre2_1.20.5-pre3.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre2_1.20.5-pre3.json) 2024-04-16 15:43:10 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre3.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre3.json) 2024-04-16 19:10:56 <-- NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-16 19:11:10 --> NoahvdAa (~NoahvdAa@user/noahvdaa) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 23:30:25 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-16 23:35:00 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Changing host) 2024-04-16 23:35:01 --> analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 01:24:41 <-- Thinkofname (~thinkthin@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-17 03:37:30 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-17 03:37:49 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 04:08:31 <-- deltab (~deltab@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-17 04:18:36 --> deltab (~deltab@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 05:09:53 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@user/analyzers) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-17 06:38:21 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2024-04-17 06:38:40 --> stack (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 09:07:07 --> stack1 (~StackDoub@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 09:08:53 <-- stack (~StackDoub@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-17 09:08:54 -- stack1 est maintenant connu sous le nom stack 2024-04-17 13:14:58 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 13:42:06 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-17 15:00:01 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-pre4 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-17 15:03:03 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-pre4: 2024-04-17 15:03:04 botifico [Burger] Diff from 1.20.5-pre3: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre3_1.20.5-pre4.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre3_1.20.5-pre4.json) 2024-04-17 15:03:05 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre4.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-pre4.json) 2024-04-17 17:34:35 --> bswartz_ (~bswartz_@2a00:79e1:abd:bf02:3f0e:9850:c1e9:912f) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 18:00:20 <-- bswartz_ (~bswartz_@2a00:79e1:abd:bf02:3f0e:9850:c1e9:912f) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-17 18:01:50 --> bswartz_ (~bswartz_@2a00:79e1:abd:bf02:b5de:e629:b596:24a1) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 18:49:53 --> guest4705 (~username@75.pool90-175-77.dynamic.orange.es) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 21:18:45 <-- guest4705 (~username@75.pool90-175-77.dynamic.orange.es) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-17 23:09:23 <-- bswartz_ (~bswartz_@2a00:79e1:abd:bf02:b5de:e629:b596:24a1) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-17 23:09:36 --> bswartz_ (~bswartz_@2607:fb91:fe1:8e2c:7686:a920:fef4:54e) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 23:13:26 --> analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-17 23:39:20 <-- bswartz_ (~bswartz_@2607:fb91:fe1:8e2c:7686:a920:fef4:54e) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-18 05:14:30 <-- analyzers (~analyzers@cable-52-48-243.b2b2c.ca) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-18 15:35:02 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-rc1 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-18 15:43:00 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-rc1: 2024-04-18 15:43:02 botifico [Burger] Diff from 1.20.5-pre4: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre4_1.20.5-rc1.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-pre4_1.20.5-rc1.json) 2024-04-18 15:43:04 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-rc1.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-rc1.json) 2024-04-18 17:57:42 --> bixilon_ (~bixilon@node-3.bixilon.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-18 17:59:24 <-- bixilon (~bixilon@node-3.bixilon.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) 2024-04-18 17:59:24 -- bixilon_ est maintenant connu sous le nom bixilon 2024-04-18 19:03:42 <-- balrog (znc@user/balrog) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-18 19:08:24 --> balrog (znc@user/balrog) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-18 21:23:02 --> obw (~offbeatwi@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-18 21:26:45 <-- obw (~offbeatwi@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-18 21:35:20 --> obw (~offbeatwi@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-19 00:31:22 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-19 00:55:25 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-19 04:53:20 <-- Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-19 09:17:56 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-19 11:34:45 --> Geolykt (~Geolykt@IP-094046093245.static.medianet-world.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-19 13:14:01 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-19 15:40:01 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-rc2 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-19 15:43:05 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-rc2: 2024-04-19 15:43:07 botifico [Burger] Diff from 1.20.5-rc1: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-rc1_1.20.5-rc2.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/diff_1.20.5-rc1_1.20.5-rc2.json) 2024-04-19 15:43:08 botifico [Burger] Full data: https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-rc2.html (https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-rc2.json) 2024-04-19 22:19:03 -- irc : déconnecté du serveur 2024-04-19 22:19:24 --> rom1504 (rom1504@rom1504.fr) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-19 22:19:24 -- Le titre pour #mcdevs est "A haunt for developers working on projects related to Minecraft | Website & Rules: http://wiki.vg/MCDevs/rules | Wiki: http://wiki.vg | Channel is publicly logged as of Feb.25/13 https://logs.rom1504.fr/" 2024-04-19 22:19:24 -- Titre défini par TkTech le mer., 19 mai 2021 23:14:27 2024-04-19 22:19:24 -- Canal #mcdevs : 66 pseudos (1 op, 0 voice, 65 normaux) 2024-04-19 22:19:25 -- URL pour #mcdevs : https://wiki.vg 2024-04-19 22:20:03 -- Canal créé le mer., 19 mai 2021 16:40:13 2024-04-20 00:17:43 --> Thinkofname (~thinkthin@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-20 00:21:51 <-- Thinkofname (~thinkthin@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-20 00:23:09 --> Thinkofname (~thinkthin@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-20 00:30:03 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-20 00:41:25 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-20 02:31:32 <-- sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a quitté (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) 2024-04-20 02:46:12 --> sudden (~cat@user/sudden) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-20 20:10:22 <-- mbax (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a quitté (Quit: bye!) 2024-04-20 20:10:38 --> mbax (~mbax@user/mbaxter) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-20 21:46:49 <-- The_Red_Freak (~The_Red_F@user/The-Red-Freak/x-5541572) a quitté (Quit: ZNC 1.9.x-nightly-20211006-bc540f5d - https://znc.in) 2024-04-20 21:50:30 --> The_Red_Freak (~The_Red_F@user/The-Red-Freak/x-5541572) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-21 02:22:39 <-- Fador (fador@hentai.fi) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2024-04-21 05:12:22 <-- MisterVector (VectorTest@ a quitté 2024-04-21 05:14:37 --> MisterVector (VectorTest@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-21 11:35:27 --> ponaskovas12321 (~PonasKova@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-21 11:37:55 <-- ponaskovas12321 (~PonasKova@ a quitté (Client Quit) 2024-04-21 18:13:51 <-- emilknievel (~emilkniev@78-82-73-180.customers.ownit.se) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2024-04-21 19:07:01 <-- kashike (kashike@user/kashike) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2024-04-21 19:50:34 --> Fador (~fador@hentai.fi) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-22 05:30:10 --> Notsee (~Notsee@2a09:bac1:34a0:38::277:b0) a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-22 05:32:14 Notsee Hello, I'm wondering how wiki.vg/Protocol is written, is it automatically generated or is it manually written? 2024-04-22 05:33:35 --> mradhit (~mradhit@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2024-04-22 05:34:26 <-- mradhit (~mradhit@ a quitté #mcdevs 2024-04-22 05:41:44 pokechu22 It's manually written. There are some tools that automatically generate some information (e.g. Burger generates https://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.20.5-rc2.html#packets though it's fairly broken recently), which are used to create that article, but the article itself is manually edited 2024-04-22 13:40:20 <-- Notsee (~Notsee@2a09:bac1:34a0:38::277:b0) a quitté (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 2024-04-22 16:20:02 botifico [McUpdates] Minecraft snapshot 1.20.5-rc3 has just been published to the launcher! 2024-04-22 16:23:13 botifico [Burger] New data now avaliable for 1.20.5-rc3: