2020-09-27 03:48:45 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 03:48:45 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 03:48:45 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 05:31:06 <-- lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-27 05:32:41 --> lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 06:17:20 <-- redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-27 06:17:21 --> redstonehelper_ (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 07:52:34 --> NoNoNeko (~NoNoNeko@47-220-252-79.suspcmta01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 08:28:43 -- Andrio- est maintenant connu sous le nom Andrio 2020-09-27 10:00:24 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-1-114.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 10:35:27 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qcqobkapriwopxpu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 12:10:51 <-- Intelli (sid46069@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-pmymvwazpryltsnl) a quitté (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2020-09-27 12:11:37 --> Intelli (sid46069@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nqrkyscihiszjfwn) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 12:35:28 <-- NoNoNeko (~NoNoNeko@47-220-252-79.suspcmta01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2020-09-27 12:39:42 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-204-11-94.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 13:04:48 --> pvpctutorials (~skyrising@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 13:07:12 <-- skyrising (~skyrising@ppp-62-216-194-102.dynamic.mnet-online.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2020-09-27 13:19:31 --> skyrising (~skyrising@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 13:21:32 <-- pvpctutorials (~skyrising@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-09-27 15:26:09 com1killer uh oh 2020-09-27 15:26:13 com1killer is it me or is wiki.vg down 2020-09-27 15:27:27 Sainan It's not just you 2020-09-27 15:27:45 Sainan tktech ping 2020-09-27 15:28:32 com1killer welp, internet archive works 2020-09-27 15:28:50 com1killer lol 2020-09-27 16:56:18 <-- Krenair (~alex@wikimedia/Krenair) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-09-27 17:51:04 com1killer ooh, it's back 2020-09-27 18:02:14 com1killer where does the server get a list of recipes from? 2020-09-27 18:07:42 com1killer the notchian server, i mean 2020-09-27 18:07:54 Sainan From itself 2020-09-27 18:08:25 Sainan You can use the Data Generators (https://wiki.vg/Data_Generator) to get an extract like here: https://apimon.de/mcdata/1.16.3/recipes/ 2020-09-27 18:08:35 com1killer ooh nice 2020-09-27 18:08:44 com1killer and i can just legally bundle this with my server if i release it? 2020-09-27 18:09:12 Sainan Sorry, I broke the link: https://wiki.vg/Data_Generators 2020-09-27 18:09:23 Sainan I don't think you will be sued for a custom Minecraft server 2020-09-27 18:09:29 com1killer nice 2020-09-27 18:09:35 com1killer i sure hope so lol 2020-09-27 18:16:15 --> pvpctutorials (~skyrising@ppp-62-216-194-102.dynamic.mnet-online.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 18:18:25 <-- skyrising (~skyrising@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-27 18:44:14 com1killer i've gotten to the entity status 2020-09-27 18:44:27 com1killer why is "make sheep eat grass" and "make tnt ignite" the same thing 2020-09-27 18:44:27 com1killer lol 2020-09-27 18:46:43 Sainan That information is classified 2020-09-27 18:46:58 Sainan Although it might have something to do with not wasting any numbers 2020-09-27 18:47:25 com1killer less numbers is more important than code sanity, i see ;p 2020-09-27 18:49:00 Sainan Since every entity has its own class and they can all have their virtual, um, abstract functions which understand the ids differently, I don't think it's a huge problem 2020-09-27 18:49:10 com1killer true, but it makes my enums dirty 2020-09-27 18:49:18 com1killer see: RESET_SPAWNER_DELAY_TO_MINIMUM_OR_RABBIT_ROTATED_JUMP_ANIMATION_AND_PARTICLES = 1 2020-09-27 18:49:40 Sainan Maybe your enum should be on a per-entity basis? :P 2020-09-27 18:49:51 com1killer too much effort for now lol 2020-09-27 18:49:57 com1killer oh i can assign multiple enum names to a single value 2020-09-27 18:50:09 com1killer that sounds like a bad idea but here i go 2020-09-27 18:50:46 Sainan It's just a fancy const/macro anyway 2020-09-27 18:51:25 com1killer yeah, but "x == (byte)MCEntityStatusEnum.RESET_SPAWNER_DELAY_TO_MINIMUM" probably won't be happy 2020-09-27 18:51:33 com1killer or uhh... 2020-09-27 18:51:49 com1killer "x == (MCEntityStatusEnum)y" 2020-09-27 18:51:51 com1killer that, i mean 2020-09-27 18:52:15 Sainan 1. Namespaces. 2. Try it 2020-09-27 18:53:41 com1killer oh nevermind it works 2020-09-27 18:53:42 com1killer nice 2020-09-27 19:01:06 --> Krenair (~alex@wikimedia/Krenair) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 19:08:51 com1killer so on login should i send the OP level entity status? 2020-09-27 19:09:02 com1killer or is there something else that i haven't noticed 2020-09-27 19:19:55 Sainan You don't have to send it, it enables the F3+something to switch gamemode tho 2020-09-27 20:15:00 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:15:01 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:15:01 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:15:01 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:20:10 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:20:10 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:20:10 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:20:10 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:48:04 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:48:04 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:48:04 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:48:04 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 20:51:17 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:51:17 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:51:19 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:51:19 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 20:55:01 --> cheakoirccloud (uid293319@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aralzbwfprpkelsj) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-27 21:14:18 com1killer i hadn't sent any chunks so i wasn't expecting this, but... 2020-09-27 21:14:24 com1killer progress! \o/ https://i.imgur.com/MPNryTh.png 2020-09-27 21:18:37 +ammar2 nice! 2020-09-27 21:18:55 com1killer oh but i did tell it to teleport into 0 0 0 2020-09-27 21:19:02 com1killer so that must've initialized it enough 2020-09-27 21:21:52 com1killer > 33. C→S: Client Status (sent either before or while receiving chunks, further testing needed, server handles correctly if not sent) 2020-09-27 21:21:58 com1killer seems like it's sent *after* chunks have been loaded 2020-09-27 21:22:04 com1killer since i didn't send any chunks and didn't get it 2020-09-27 21:38:50 com1killer why is the sky light array only 2048 per chunk section instead of 4096? is the light value always the same twice vertically? 2020-09-27 21:41:24 +pokechu22 Light only takes a nybble (half a byte) as it's 0-15, so 2 values are stored in each byte 2020-09-27 21:41:40 com1killer oh yeah, that makes sense 2020-09-27 21:41:40 com1killer ty 2020-09-27 21:47:03 com1killer okay so i've generated the tags 2020-09-27 21:47:10 com1killer and when i open one of them up 2020-09-27 21:47:13 com1killer the values are strings 2020-09-27 21:47:22 com1killer but the tags packet asks for array of varint 2020-09-27 21:47:25 com1killer whats up with that? 2020-09-27 21:49:56 com1killer see: https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Tags 2020-09-27 21:54:28 tktech Sainan, it goes down for a second or two every night when it switches database replicas. This is so the other replica can be snapshot. Sometimes, if the database is being updated, it may be a minute or two. 2020-09-27 21:54:32 com1killer oooh. got it. 2020-09-27 21:54:46 tktech You don't need to ping me unless it's been down for awhile. 2020-09-27 21:57:49 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-204-11-94.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-27 23:04:29 <-- cheakoirccloud (uid293319@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-aralzbwfprpkelsj) a quitté (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) 2020-09-27 23:51:14 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-1-114.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-28 05:43:30 <-- randomuser1 (randomuser@tilde.club) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-09-28 09:02:45 --> SiebeDW1 (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 09:02:45 --> None4U1 (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 09:06:38 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-28 09:06:38 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-28 09:18:52 <-- Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df442d00494747e8ea18be2a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) 2020-09-28 09:20:09 --> Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df442d0089065ea40c23f8e3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 10:20:15 --> bildramer1 (~bildramer@2a02:587:6239:2500:426:71b1:eaa1:9970) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 10:21:53 <-- bildramer (~bildramer@2a02:587:6236:5e00:7d15:838d:e13f:12bc) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-28 10:26:28 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-204-73-28.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 10:45:28 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-28 11:02:57 --> redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 11:04:05 <-- redstonehelper_ (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2020-09-28 11:22:56 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-1-114.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 11:50:11 -- bildramer1 est maintenant connu sous le nom bildramer 2020-09-28 13:26:17 -- SkylordRedstone est maintenant connu sous le nom offbeatwitch 2020-09-28 13:39:03 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 14:01:39 <-- thekinrar_ (~thekinrar@2a01:e35:2ea1:b200:a78d:e22e:d733:9433) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-28 14:51:30 <-- None4U1 (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-28 14:51:31 <-- SiebeDW1 (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-28 14:51:31 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-28 14:51:31 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-28 14:54:42 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 14:54:42 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 14:54:42 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 14:54:42 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 15:56:07 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-28 17:42:22 --> john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-28 18:23:30 com1killer wtf 2020-09-28 18:23:39 com1killer why are heightmaps encoded so... 2020-09-28 18:23:40 com1killer weird 2020-09-28 18:24:22 com1killer oh nevermind. i thought the last bit of the long flowed into the first bit of the long after. 2020-09-28 18:24:23 com1killer phew 2020-09-28 18:25:32 com1killer oh wait, i'm in 1.15 2020-09-28 18:38:03 com1killer question: should carvingmasks be updated by player digging? or by worldgen only 2020-09-28 20:57:38 com1killer where can I get more info about block state IDs? 2020-09-28 20:57:48 com1killer are they the same as the blocks from blocks.json (from the data generator) 2020-09-28 20:58:09 com1killer wrt https://wiki.vg/Chunk_Format#Indirect 2020-09-28 20:58:35 Sainan Yup, that's the block states 2020-09-28 20:59:08 com1killer oh nice 2020-09-28 21:52:07 com1killer can i use the palette even if the bits per block is over 8? or will the notchian client not like it 2020-09-28 21:52:14 com1killer the indirect palette, i mean 2020-09-28 22:26:05 com1killer hmm... i'm getting a VarInt too big error from the notchian client when trying to send over chunk data 2020-09-28 22:29:29 com1killer are there any debug tools for the notchian client? 2020-09-28 22:30:17 Sainan You don't think the bug is in your server? 2020-09-28 22:30:33 com1killer i do, but i want to see what the client errors out on 2020-09-28 22:31:28 Sainan There's this although I'm not sure how up-to-date it is: https://wiki.vg/Debugging 2020-09-28 22:31:37 Sainan I find Wireshark to be quite useful, too 2020-09-28 22:32:36 com1killer oh, maybe the client doesn't like the "block count" being completely wrong 2020-09-28 22:37:42 com1killer that didn't solve it 2020-09-28 22:37:50 com1killer but hey, at least that's one thing off the todo list 2020-09-28 22:39:03 +pokechu22 No, the notchian client won't like it if bits per block is over 8; it assumes that if it's over 8 the direct palette is in use *and* bits per block is actually whatever is used by the direct palette 2020-09-28 22:42:14 com1killer alright 2020-09-28 22:46:45 com1killer welp, i gtg 2020-09-28 22:46:45 com1killer o/ 2020-09-28 22:46:47 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-204-73-28.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté #mcdevs 2020-09-28 23:58:49 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 4 commits to master [+2/-0/±10] https://git.io/JUXlH 2020-09-28 23:58:51 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI eb4e390 - Added support for interact at. 2020-09-28 23:58:52 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI 294db00 - Updated example. 2020-09-28 23:58:54 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI 50711ca - Fixed formatting. 2020-09-28 23:58:55 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 786efab - Merge pull request #1333 from TheDudeFromCI/armorstand-helper Added Support for Armor Stands 2020-09-29 00:02:19 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JUX8e 2020-09-29 00:02:20 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] mdashlw 45e5216 - Update discord example 2020-09-29 00:02:22 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] mdashlw 210ac1e - Don't redirect messages by discord bot 2020-09-29 00:02:23 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 bebd8ed - Merge pull request #1328 from mdashlw/patch-1 Update discord example 2020-09-29 00:03:25 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JUX8U 2020-09-29 00:03:26 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] ImHarvol 8f01538 - Optimize bot.trade() (#1323) * Optimize bot.trade() * Check that the bot has enough item to fullfill the trade count * Adds the option to use villager.trade(...) instead of bot.trade(villager, ...) * Instead of putting as many items as the bot needs for 1 trade, it puts as many items as it needs for all trades (count) to be done * Add villager.trade() to api.md * Improve 2020-09-29 00:03:27 Not-8b99 readability * Simplify * Fix Trade.inputItem2.count being undefined 2020-09-29 00:04:03 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-1-114.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-29 00:15:16 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUX8N 2020-09-29 00:15:18 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 7e7977c - Release 2.68.0 2020-09-29 00:15:20 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 tagged 7e7977c as 2.68.0 https://git.io/JUX8A 2020-09-29 00:27:15 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUX4w 2020-09-29 00:27:16 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 92a4dab - add missing versions for commands on dataPaths 2020-09-29 00:28:22 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUX4K 2020-09-29 00:28:24 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 60ce572 - Release 2.68.1 2020-09-29 00:28:26 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 tagged 60ce572 as 2.68.1 https://git.io/JUX4i 2020-09-29 00:39:30 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JUXBt 2020-09-29 00:39:32 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 c94751e - Release 2.29.0 2020-09-29 00:40:25 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] github-actions[bot] tagged c94751e as 2.29.0 https://git.io/JUXBn 2020-09-29 06:28:30 --> redstonehelper_ (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 06:30:13 <-- redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2020-09-29 06:30:14 -- redstonehelper_ est maintenant connu sous le nom redstonehelper 2020-09-29 07:06:37 --> john2gb3 (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 07:07:06 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-29 07:07:06 -- john2gb3 est maintenant connu sous le nom john2gb 2020-09-29 09:02:52 --> matthewprenger_ (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:f9d2:bfa8:4867:9fc5) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 09:06:52 <-- matthewprenger (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:84c4:c76c:1dca:31b8) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-29 09:19:12 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-1-114.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 10:40:05 --> john2gb3 (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 10:40:17 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-29 10:40:17 -- john2gb3 est maintenant connu sous le nom john2gb 2020-09-29 11:06:03 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-4-210.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 11:08:23 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 11:21:09 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-29 11:21:16 --> Me4502_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 11:23:31 com1killer I'm pretty stuck on this, could anyone help me out? https://gist.github.com/com1killer/bb8729033463826ce7bcc60e6ce249f9 2020-09-29 11:23:42 com1killer I'm getting a VarInt too big error when sending chunk data over to the client. 2020-09-29 11:24:05 com1killer WMChunk is essentially a chunk from an anvil file, parsed, and shoved into a class 2020-09-29 11:24:39 com1killer (except .sections[x].palette[y].globalID which is the global state ID of the palette item) 2020-09-29 11:24:57 com1killer oh goddamnit 2020-09-29 11:25:41 com1killer totally forgot to send the packet ID. don't mind me 2020-09-29 11:27:37 com1killer https://i.imgur.com/e1qAbDi.png woo! 2020-09-29 11:39:50 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-1-114.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-09-29 12:46:14 com1killer For some reason lava shows up as water, but it still has the glow and the proper ID? https://i.imgur.com/37VRYA0.png 2020-09-29 12:49:51 Sainan I think there was something about liquid IDs but I never looked into it myself 2020-09-29 12:50:16 com1killer cool, i'll keep that in mind 2020-09-29 12:50:36 com1killer first i have to fix my block parsing 2020-09-29 12:52:13 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-4-210.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-29 12:52:35 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-4-210.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 13:36:14 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-189-193-189.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 13:45:23 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-29 13:46:10 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 13:46:10 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v SpaceManiac] par ChanServ 2020-09-29 14:00:42 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:00:43 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:00:43 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:00:43 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:04:47 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:04:47 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:04:49 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:04:49 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:14:25 com1killer I have a... strange issue 2020-09-29 14:14:33 com1killer Some chunks will just refuse to load: https://i.imgur.com/AjySxiy.png 2020-09-29 14:14:48 com1killer And the client is loading chunks that it has already received late. 2020-09-29 14:14:56 com1killer And also the view distance is very very tiny 2020-09-29 14:15:10 com1killer + The client is throwing a bunch of java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the logs 2020-09-29 14:23:16 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:23:16 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:23:16 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:23:16 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 14:25:59 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:25:59 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:25:59 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:26:01 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 14:41:03 <-- Me4502_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-29 15:41:24 com1killer Everytime I walk into a weirdly-missing chunk it says "Waiting for chunk..." in the F3 menu 2020-09-29 15:41:33 com1killer So I assume it's failing to parse the chunk and just throwing it away 2020-09-29 15:43:07 Sainan Are you sending update view position? 2020-09-29 15:44:11 com1killer i really need to learn to read 2020-09-29 16:06:27 <-- lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 16:08:46 --> lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 16:14:18 com1killer it's still quite broken :/ https://i.imgur.com/0XKqdwK.png 2020-09-29 16:14:22 com1killer but it's less broken 2020-09-29 16:14:34 com1killer i.e. if i go under a partially loaded chunk it doesn't say "waiting for chunk" 2020-09-29 16:14:39 com1killer it actually thinks the chunk exists 2020-09-29 16:15:12 com1killer ugh. i wonder if it's because i don't send light data 2020-09-29 16:15:53 com1killer oh, actually... 2020-09-29 16:19:40 com1killer my varint implementation errors out on negative numbers 2020-09-29 16:20:01 com1killer thats an issue 2020-09-29 16:21:29 Sainan Just treat negative numbers like really big numbers 2020-09-29 16:21:44 com1killer yupp 2020-09-29 16:22:42 com1killer how have i even gotten to this point without finding that out 2020-09-29 16:30:23 com1killer theere we go 2020-09-29 16:30:31 com1killer i wouldve sworn that worked 2020-09-29 16:37:49 com1killer welp, that didn't fix the issue, but at least i have light now 2020-09-29 16:43:14 com1killer is it an issue for now if i don't send unload chunk packets? 2020-09-29 16:45:23 Sainan As you found out with(out) "update view position," the client unloads chunks by itself 2020-09-29 16:47:21 com1killer yup 2020-09-29 16:48:49 com1killer i'm very confused, because this ravine actually used to load: https://i.imgur.com/VDkID3u.png 2020-09-29 16:49:05 com1killer it was where i found the water colored lava, and took this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/37VRYA0.png 2020-09-29 16:49:12 com1killer so something i changed must have messed it up even further 2020-09-29 16:55:21 com1killer wth 2020-09-29 16:55:35 com1killer i took out every error-prone aspect of a chunk 2020-09-29 16:55:39 com1killer and it still fails to laod 2020-09-29 16:55:40 com1killer load 2020-09-29 16:58:17 com1killer could this be an issue with heightmaps being weird? 2020-09-29 16:58:37 com1killer not weird, wrong rather (values over 255) 2020-09-29 17:00:53 Sainan I think you have to send a proper heightmap 2020-09-29 17:01:23 com1killer ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2020-09-29 17:01:38 com1killer i parsed the heightmaps into my own format and forgot to turn them back into things that the client would want 2020-09-29 17:02:53 com1killer or, actually, i *did* turn them back to the format 2020-09-29 17:03:03 com1killer but i'll just assume that my conversion was very very wrong 2020-09-29 17:04:20 com1killer nope, that wasn't it 2020-09-29 17:04:24 com1killer this is so weird 2020-09-29 17:04:36 com1killer some chunks just refuse to load, in some chunks only some sections are missing 2020-09-29 17:05:34 Sainan Are you setting the section bitflags correctly? 2020-09-29 17:06:04 com1killer wdym? 2020-09-29 17:06:06 com1killer the bitmask? 2020-09-29 17:06:43 Sainan Yeah, the thing that indicates which sections are included... 2020-09-29 17:06:49 com1killer i think so 2020-09-29 17:06:58 com1killer i'm sending every section so i set it to 0xFFFF 2020-09-29 17:07:51 com1killer unless... 2020-09-29 17:10:12 com1killer yup, it's set properly 2020-09-29 17:14:37 com1killer at this point i'm just gonna dump all of my parsed world data into a json file 2020-09-29 17:48:27 com1killer something's up with the palettes 2020-09-29 18:00:26 com1killer is this better or worse? https://i.imgur.com/5xbMd0e.png 2020-09-29 18:01:29 Sainan Well, at least those sections aren't empty 2020-09-29 18:01:55 com1killer i mean 2020-09-29 18:01:57 com1killer they should be lol 2020-09-29 18:02:09 com1killer but uhh 2020-09-29 18:02:12 com1killer progress:tm: 2020-09-29 18:02:31 Sainan ™ 2020-09-29 18:02:45 com1killer mIRC renders that as just a black box lol 2020-09-29 18:03:35 Sainan Meanwhile Discord thinks it's an emoji... as if legal documents would contain emojis 2020-09-29 18:05:41 com1killer wth? 2020-09-29 18:05:47 com1killer apparently the bpb i send is... wrong? 2020-09-29 18:06:28 com1killer apparently its too small to store all the palette items... 2020-09-29 18:07:31 com1killer wow yeah 2020-09-29 18:07:34 com1killer that is NOT how you calculate a bpb 2020-09-29 18:07:43 com1killer Math.Max(Math.Floor(Math.Max(this.palette.Length - 1, 0) / (double)16), 4); 2020-09-29 18:07:45 com1killer what was i thinking 2020-09-29 18:10:50 Sainan Join the "Bad At Maths Gang" and use a while loop: https://github.com/Phpcraft/core/blob/master/src/World/Chunk.php#L365-L373 2020-09-29 18:12:53 com1killer https://i.imgur.com/0BHbPek.jpg here we gooo 2020-09-29 18:13:01 com1killer haha 2020-09-29 18:13:28 com1killer some sections are *still* not loading 2020-09-29 18:13:39 com1killer but this is a LOT better 2020-09-29 18:14:04 Sainan C++ is spoiling me because if ever I'm too lazy to optimize my code, I just think "I'm sure the compiler will make it more optimized" 2020-09-29 18:15:00 com1killer https://i.imgur.com/giqrPds.png this actually looks pretty cool 2020-09-29 18:15:03 com1killer even if it's an error 2020-09-29 18:15:46 Sainan I swear height 32 is cursed 2020-09-29 18:16:07 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 18:16:07 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 18:16:07 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 18:16:54 com1killer it's not spitting out any errors 2020-09-29 18:17:00 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2020-09-29 18:17:00 com1killer which is good *and* bad 2020-09-29 18:17:43 com1killer ooooooh gooooooooooood 2020-09-29 18:18:01 com1killer wherever's there a negative long in the blockstate list 2020-09-29 18:18:03 com1killer it doesn't load 2020-09-29 18:18:14 com1killer what have you done, C# 2020-09-29 18:18:55 com1killer oh nope actually that's wrong 2020-09-29 18:21:35 com1killer https://i.imgur.com/zGxHBYY.png i don't think this is right either 2020-09-29 18:21:56 <-- md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a quitté (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) 2020-09-29 18:22:21 --> md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 18:22:21 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v md_5] par ChanServ 2020-09-29 18:36:54 <-- pvpctutorials (~skyrising@ppp-62-216-194-102.dynamic.mnet-online.de) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 18:42:52 <-- md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a quitté (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) 2020-09-29 18:43:12 --> md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 18:43:12 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v md_5] par ChanServ 2020-09-29 18:56:08 com1killer here's another weirdo screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/xTv6jCT.png 2020-09-29 18:56:15 com1killer everything above the mines is fine 2020-09-29 18:56:18 com1killer odd. 2020-09-29 18:56:52 com1killer i wonder if it's because block count is wrong 2020-09-29 18:57:00 com1killer but... actually no 2020-09-29 18:57:23 com1killer it /would/ be because of cave_air 2020-09-29 18:57:33 com1killer but some stuff with cave air loads just fine 2020-09-29 19:05:17 com1killer wtf 2020-09-29 19:05:25 com1killer it *was* because of cave_air 2020-09-29 19:05:56 com1killer well, somewhat. some chunks still aren't loading 2020-09-29 19:05:59 com1killer but a lot more are 2020-09-29 19:15:32 com1killer wait what 2020-09-29 19:15:42 com1killer my block count was wrong again 2020-09-29 19:15:45 com1killer but even wronger 2020-09-29 19:15:48 com1killer and it worked better? 2020-09-29 19:16:50 com1killer okay, now i fixed it, and everything loads. \o/ 2020-09-29 19:21:41 com1killer there's an oddly large amount of diamonds in this test world i generated. 2020-09-29 19:23:54 Sainan It's all about emeralds anyway 2020-09-29 19:25:11 com1killer hmm... i sent a game state packet to change the gamemode to spectator, but the client doesn't noclip... is there something i'm missing? 2020-09-29 19:25:55 Sainan Yes, the player list 2020-09-29 19:26:44 com1killer i sent that 2020-09-29 19:26:57 Sainan Yeah, you need to update the game mode in it 2020-09-29 19:27:02 com1killer oooh. 2020-09-29 19:27:57 com1killer there it is! 2020-09-29 19:27:58 com1killer ty 2020-09-29 19:29:37 com1killer now i just need lava to show up as lava 2020-09-29 19:29:45 <-- md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 19:30:24 Sainan Seems like it's something to do with the Tags packet and minecraft:liquid but as I said, no clue 2020-09-29 19:30:39 com1killer oh yeah 2020-09-29 19:30:42 com1killer my tags packet is just empty rn 2020-09-29 19:30:46 Sainan Sorry, minecraft:fluid 2020-09-29 19:36:45 <-- Jeebiss (sid25046@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-hmprcvwdhsqheloo) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 19:37:07 <-- Brandon15811 (sid13052@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ntlhpuraqpsihoem) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-29 19:37:38 <-- Fenhl (sid30770@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jvoladbbwzdxduid) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-29 19:37:52 --> md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 19:37:52 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v md_5] par ChanServ 2020-09-29 19:38:07 <-- Intelli (sid46069@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nqrkyscihiszjfwn) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 19:49:12 --> Brandon15811 (sid13052@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iveoedcxbuigengi) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 19:50:11 --> Fenhl (sid30770@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kwobwmobyihqrudg) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 19:50:11 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v Fenhl] par ChanServ 2020-09-29 19:53:42 --> Intelli (sid46069@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zhcoqgmxbigtcfok) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 19:54:33 --> Jeebiss (sid25046@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ptqzigmohwhpunve) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 20:06:41 com1killer oh my god why 2020-09-29 20:06:47 com1killer why can tags have tags inside of them 2020-09-29 20:19:28 com1killer that was it! https://i.imgur.com/cCSg0Ip.png 2020-09-29 20:19:29 com1killer ty 2020-09-29 20:29:24 --> Dadido3_ (~quassel@p200300d9df442d00053d2cd5b24587aa.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 20:31:07 <-- Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df442d0089065ea40c23f8e3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 21:06:27 <-- md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-29 21:14:29 --> md_5 (~md_5@mcdevs/trusted/md-5) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 21:14:29 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v md_5] par ChanServ 2020-09-29 23:18:24 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-4-210.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-29 23:49:56 <-- lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-09-29 23:52:45 <-- Fenhl (sid30770@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kwobwmobyihqrudg) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-29 23:54:01 <-- Brandon15811 (sid13052@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iveoedcxbuigengi) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-09-29 23:55:32 --> Brandon15811 (sid13052@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-njsiscgweevbfnxa) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 23:56:11 --> Fenhl (sid30770@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zuwkyyabgfhwtbmd) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-29 23:56:11 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v Fenhl] par ChanServ 2020-09-30 00:04:07 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-189-193-189.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-30 01:29:43 --> Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df442d00353497ac29e4fc31.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 01:32:07 <-- Dadido3_ (~quassel@p200300d9df442d00053d2cd5b24587aa.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-30 01:59:55 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 02:38:11 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-30 03:08:27 <-- Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df442d00353497ac29e4fc31.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-30 03:22:38 <-- simon816 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-09-30 03:22:40 --> simon8162 (~simon816@ec2-35-178-246-72.eu-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 03:22:59 <-- yangm (yanyetanot@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qwsainhfrnggwvkc) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-30 03:23:26 <-- chibill (chibillmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-iipwaoqwwlyinvgx) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-30 03:23:27 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qcqobkapriwopxpu) a quitté (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2020-09-30 03:41:52 --> chibill (chibillmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-upaydwcmrijxiaul) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 03:42:07 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 04:14:59 <-- matthewprenger_ (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:f9d2:bfa8:4867:9fc5) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-09-30 04:15:00 <-- Andrio (Andrio@questers-rest.andriocelos.net) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-09-30 04:15:00 <-- __0x277E (~Hex@2020.was.a.bad.year.to.stop.sniffing.glue.hex.lc) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-09-30 04:15:08 --> matthewprenger_ (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:f9d2:bfa8:4867:9fc5) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 04:15:16 --> Andrio (Andrio@questers-rest.andriocelos.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 04:20:11 --> __0x277E (~Hex@2020.was.a.bad.year.to.stop.sniffing.glue.hex.lc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 04:22:15 --> Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df16d500353497ac29e4fc31.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 04:49:10 <-- ashka (~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka) a quitté (Quit: En fait, le BSDiste, c'est comme l'homme politique, tu lui dis de quoi t'as besoin, il t'explique comment t'en passer) 2020-09-30 04:49:20 --> ashka (~postmaste@62-210-251-94.rev.poneytelecom.eu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 04:49:20 <-- ashka (~postmaste@62-210-251-94.rev.poneytelecom.eu) a quitté (Changing host) 2020-09-30 04:49:20 --> ashka (~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 09:14:19 --> StackDoubleFlow4 (~StackDoub@45-29-51-69.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 09:14:34 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 09:15:15 <-- StackDoubleFlow (~StackDoub@45-29-51-69.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2020-09-30 09:15:15 -- StackDoubleFlow4 est maintenant connu sous le nom StackDoubleFlow 2020-09-30 09:32:55 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-09-30 10:02:23 --> lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 11:20:22 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-24-255.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 12:45:04 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-09-30 12:45:14 --> john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 12:58:01 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUDll 2020-09-30 12:58:03 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI 49d156b - Added correct scope for find block options. (#1334) 2020-09-30 13:28:21 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 15:51:38 --> pvpctutorials (~skyrising@ppp-62-216-194-102.dynamic.mnet-online.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 16:08:53 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 16:08:53 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 16:08:53 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 16:08:55 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 16:10:38 com1killer I made the chunk loading more efficient, but the block count is wrong again... 2020-09-30 16:11:14 com1killer Some of the block states I read are actually out of array range for the palette array 2020-09-30 16:21:13 <-- niceplaces (~nplace@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2020-09-30 16:23:26 --> niceplace (~nplace@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 17:01:20 com1killer yeah, i think my bitarray isn't quite working properly :p https://i.imgur.com/htM8zXy.png 2020-09-30 18:31:12 mgrech why would you need bit arrayws 2020-09-30 18:32:02 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 18:41:53 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-09-30 18:45:43 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 19:23:28 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-09-30 20:14:59 com1killer I was trying to use it because my bitshift reaaalllyyy wasn't working. 2020-09-30 20:15:03 com1killer But I've fixed it now 2020-09-30 21:37:33 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 22:13:53 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-09-30 22:15:47 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 23:12:30 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-09-30 23:16:42 --> smoke42 (smoke42mat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-jnvwtptcnzgvisdc) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 23:17:43 smoke42 Has there been any critiques of the mc client/server model? I'm pretty familiar with it and was wondering how much of the design of it is good practice or bad practice, possible improvements or changes, etc 2020-09-30 23:20:25 Sainan I could critique the fact that it soley uses TPC 2020-09-30 23:22:08 smoke42 Is UDP arguably better? 2020-09-30 23:25:08 Sainan In general, it's better for latency, especially for unimportant packets like movement 2020-09-30 23:25:41 +pokechu22 IMO TCP is fine for MC, since the majority of packets (basically everything other than movement) need to be received, and they need to be received in order 2020-09-30 23:28:47 +pokechu22 A few things in the MC protocol that aren't too great are https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Change_Game_State and https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Entity_Status - they're just rather weird systems based on magic numbers (with change game state using floats...) 2020-09-30 23:29:24 Sainan The hybrid approach they took with bedrock edition seems nice, although I haven't looked at it in great detail. Anyway, are you trying to figure out if TCP is right for _your_ game or are you just curious if Minecraft did it good? 2020-09-30 23:32:05 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-09-30 23:36:48 offbeatwitch that game state packet is a MESS 2020-09-30 23:37:09 offbeatwitch it's not even one state machine it's just random event notifications 2020-09-30 23:37:18 offbeatwitch "arrow hit player"????? 2020-09-30 23:37:39 +pokechu22 Oh, right, there's also https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Effect 2020-09-30 23:38:35 offbeatwitch at least that one doesn't use floats 2020-09-30 23:39:10 offbeatwitch on the one hand, it's magic numbers, on the other, this *is* a network protocol so it makes sense to keep it compact 2020-09-30 23:42:33 smoke42 I'm just looking for a critique of mc stuff. I'm pretty familiar with it and its really the only low level game stuff I know 2020-09-30 23:43:09 smoke42 Thinking about making a game that is structured like minecraft so I want to take whatever lessons I can from it 2020-09-30 23:43:34 smoke42 Basically I like the client/server stuff, and how singleplayer mode just runs a local server 2020-09-30 23:44:08 smoke42 And how anyone can run a multiplayer server easily , so as an indie Dev thats appealing 2020-09-30 23:45:01 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-24-255.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-09-30 23:45:47 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-09-30 23:50:33 Sainan The protocol doesn't really determine how easy it is for someone to set up their own server. If you don't mind latency, I'm sure TCP will be just fine as the base of your network stack. 2020-09-30 23:55:30 smoke42 Yeah, I'm not super hung up on the protocol itself, more about the structuring of minecraft as a whole 2020-10-01 00:00:36 Sainan If you mean the technical structure, then I would assume the fact that it's written in Java somewhat influenced the structure, so if you were to make a new game and try not to repeat any past mistakes, you shouldn't use Java, and therefore have a different structure that is more suited to your language. 2020-10-01 00:05:34 +pokechu22 That and the version before the netty rewrite in 1.7 used Java's DataInputStream/DataOutputStream (and the packet format didn't have a length prefix even, which was great if you were implementing it yourself since you needed to handle ALL the packets and couldn't just skip over some) 2020-10-01 00:06:20 offbeatwitch wow that's cursed 2020-10-01 00:06:48 offbeatwitch passing through packets that i dont care about is how i didn't go insane when writing a bouncer 2020-10-01 00:07:11 Sainan but it would encourage automating a solution to parsing packets which can help you go crazy implementing them :P 2020-10-01 00:07:51 +pokechu22 https://wiki.vg/index.php?title=Protocol&oldid=4899 was at least kind enough to give lengths for each packet (though, the length still depends on the strings in some packets) 2020-10-01 00:12:22 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 00:14:16 <-- Steve42 (~Steve42@pool-96-241-222-61.washdc.fios.verizon.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) 2020-10-01 00:29:17 <-- MiniDigger (~MiniDigge@electroniccat.smells.minidigger.me) a quitté (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat) 2020-10-01 00:30:00 --> MiniDigger (~MiniDigge@electroniccat.smells.minidigger.me) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 00:33:51 <-- MiniDigger (~MiniDigge@electroniccat.smells.minidigger.me) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-01 00:34:14 --> MiniDigger (~MiniDigge@electroniccat.smells.minidigger.me) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 00:38:20 smoke42 Fair points 2020-10-01 00:39:57 smoke42 I can't even imagine a packet that doesn't have a length prefix 2020-10-01 00:40:00 smoke42 Big oof 2020-10-01 01:04:26 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 01:04:26 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 01:04:26 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 01:04:26 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 01:10:05 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 01:10:07 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 01:10:07 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 01:10:07 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 02:00:05 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 02:00:05 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 02:00:05 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 02:00:05 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 02:05:01 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 02:05:01 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 02:05:01 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 02:05:04 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 02:25:23 --> _123DMWM (~123DMWM@pool-173-48-104-125.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 03:05:14 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 03:08:07 --> skyrising (~skyrising@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 03:08:07 <-- pvpctutorials (~skyrising@ppp-62-216-194-102.dynamic.mnet-online.de) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-01 03:10:21 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 03:43:04 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 04:28:30 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 05:47:23 <-- deltab (~deltab@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-01 05:50:21 --> deltab (~deltab@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 06:08:47 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 06:45:54 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 06:49:52 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 06:58:12 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 07:03:15 --> Dadido3_ (~quassel@p200300d9df16d50081d992d1ec309b5a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:06:00 <-- Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df16d500353497ac29e4fc31.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) 2020-10-01 07:06:51 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:08:56 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-01 07:19:26 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 07:19:26 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 07:19:26 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 07:19:26 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 07:26:23 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:26:24 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:26:25 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:26:25 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:38:37 <-- _123DMWM (~123DMWM@pool-173-48-104-125.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2020-10-01 07:38:49 --> _123DMWM (~123DMWM@pool-173-48-104-125.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 07:40:30 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 08:54:37 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-10-01 10:07:26 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 10:09:25 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 10:15:11 --> darkzek (~darkzek@2404:4404:1f06:6200:cc84:e2ca:70e8:f67e) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 10:16:15 <-- darkzek (~darkzek@2404:4404:1f06:6200:cc84:e2ca:70e8:f67e) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-01 10:18:05 --> zekky (~zekky@2404:4404:1f06:6200:cc84:e2ca:70e8:f67e) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 10:22:07 <-- zekky (~zekky@2404:4404:1f06:6200:cc84:e2ca:70e8:f67e) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-01 10:31:59 --> darkzek (~darkzek@2404:4404:1f06:6200:cc84:e2ca:70e8:f67e) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 10:47:42 <-- darkzek (~darkzek@2404:4404:1f06:6200:cc84:e2ca:70e8:f67e) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-01 10:52:43 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-10-01 11:10:09 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 11:15:22 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 11:26:39 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-4-86-15.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 12:04:16 com1killer How do I detect when the client disconnects? 2020-10-01 12:04:39 com1killer I check if the socket is still open & if it's writable, but it still fails on my keepalive send instead of stopping cleanly... 2020-10-01 12:49:55 <-- jamierocks (~jamie@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2020-10-01 12:50:41 <-- SupaHam (~SupaHam@supaham.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-10-01 12:51:05 --> SupaHam (~SupaHam@supaham.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 12:51:12 --> jamierocks (~jamie@vista.jamiemansfield.me) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 12:53:06 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 13:12:20 --> Steve42 (~Steve42@pool-96-241-222-61.washdc.fios.verizon.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 13:47:16 MiniDigger that heavily depends on your framework 2020-10-01 15:22:25 --> bildramer1 (~bildramer@2a02:587:6239:2500:ac9b:cca1:4258:dfa9) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 15:25:51 <-- bildramer (~bildramer@2a02:587:6239:2500:426:71b1:eaa1:9970) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-10-01 15:32:32 com1killer So there is no Disconnect packet I'm missing then. 2020-10-01 15:33:07 com1killer Different question: What do I do if the client's render distance is lower than the server's render distance? Do I send the chunks of the server's render distance or the chunks of the client's render distance? 2020-10-01 15:41:26 Sainan I think Notchian actually ignores the client's render distance, only uses its own, and should also tell the client the render distance in "Join Game" or some other early packet 2020-10-01 16:10:44 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-01 16:35:44 com1killer Yup, it's in Join Game. Alright 2020-10-01 16:38:04 com1killer I ended up "detecting" when the client closes the connection by upping the KeepAlive packet frequency 2020-10-01 16:38:19 com1killer and handling the write's error-out 2020-10-01 16:38:19 com1killer lol 2020-10-01 17:33:27 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 17:58:57 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 18:00:37 -- bildramer1 est maintenant connu sous le nom bildramer 2020-10-01 18:02:23 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 18:04:04 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-01 18:11:09 circuit10 > is there a discord server 2020-10-01 18:11:24 circuit10 PeterC: I have a server with a Discord bridge if you want to join 2020-10-01 18:17:27 com1killer link? 2020-10-01 18:56:40 circuit10 This is a Discord for my web client project so it has other things too, ask me to set up the bridge for you if you want 2020-10-01 18:57:02 circuit10 https://discord.gg/WCeujm5 2020-10-01 19:10:35 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-01 19:10:35 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-01 19:10:35 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-01 19:10:35 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-01 19:11:15 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 19:11:15 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 19:11:15 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 19:11:18 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 19:25:07 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-01 19:28:44 --> john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 19:32:54 --> matthew__ (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:dd03:d6ae:e0e1:62b6) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 19:35:37 <-- matthewprenger_ (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:f9d2:bfa8:4867:9fc5) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-01 19:47:23 <-- MisterVector (Vector@cpe-172-90-152-76.socal.res.rr.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-01 20:00:58 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-10-01 20:03:11 --> MisterVector (Vector@cpe-172-90-152-76.socal.res.rr.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 20:14:04 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 20:14:14 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-01 20:15:12 --> Moff (~Moff@ip-107-149-106-77.eidsiva.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 20:21:06 <-- Steve42 (~Steve42@pool-96-241-222-61.washdc.fios.verizon.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) 2020-10-01 20:24:20 Moff Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for encryption libraries that work with .Net core? This is of course in the context of Minecraft, that requires a very specific setup, which is currently not supported by .Net itself. I've tried to use Chilkat, but that doesn't support it either, as far as I can tell. 2020-10-01 20:33:08 <-- MisterVector (Vector@cpe-172-90-152-76.socal.res.rr.com) a quitté 2020-10-01 20:33:47 +pokechu22 https://github.com/ORelio/Minecraft-Console-Client/tree/master/MinecraftClient/Crypto - does this help? Not sure if it's .Net core or a different .Net (though there is also a mono version using bouncycastle) 2020-10-01 20:47:26 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 21:57:10 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±4] https://git.io/JU9YK 2020-10-01 21:57:11 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] ImHarvol 5370ba1 - Fix bot.setCommandBlock() for versions 1.13-1.16 and add tests (#1327) * Add setCommandBlock tests * Fix setCommandBlock in 1.13 and so on By implementing update_command_block packet * Add flags parameter to docs * Mode and trackOutput were switched 2020-10-01 21:57:26 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JU9YP 2020-10-01 21:57:28 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI ed4c7df - Update README.md (#1335) 2020-10-01 21:58:01 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0] https://git.io/JU9YX 2020-10-01 21:58:03 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI a3b0f8f - Added collectblock example (#1336) * Create collectblock.js * Update collectblock.js * Update collectblock.js 2020-10-01 21:58:50 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 21:59:48 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JU9YF 2020-10-01 21:59:49 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 f2bc07e - Release 2.29.1 2020-10-01 22:00:39 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] github-actions[bot] tagged f2bc07e as 2.29.1 https://git.io/JU9Yh 2020-10-01 22:01:15 --> MisterVector (Vector@cpe-172-90-152-76.socal.res.rr.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 22:20:44 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-4-86-15.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 22:44:50 --> Tomato (~itay2805@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-01 23:06:13 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-01 23:12:41 smoke42 Any critique of the minecraft auth server setup? I really enjoy that minecraft has an offline mode for testing bots without needing an account, or being able to play without internet, and that's something I would like to be able to do in my own game 2020-10-01 23:13:08 smoke42 but i know sometimes having auth servers go down is a pain, and it doesnt really stop non-paying users from playing, they just run their server as "hacked" lol 2020-10-01 23:15:02 smoke42 I feel like that system was mostly put in place to allow java edition players to continue to enjoy things as they were and it minecraft were to be made today it wouldn't be designed like that 2020-10-01 23:54:00 <-- lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-01 23:55:10 --> lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 00:22:16 Moff pokechu22: I've read through it, and it won't work, unfortunately. The problem is that .Net Core does not support CFB mode. :( 2020-10-02 00:24:36 Moff With Chilkat, it's a similar problem. Although it supports CFB, it does not support changing the feedback size. 2020-10-02 00:27:56 Moff I'm actually tempted to simply write a program in Java that runs as an encryption service, and have my core app call that. 2020-10-02 00:28:00 +ammar2 Moff: what crypto class does .Net core provide? 2020-10-02 00:28:10 +ammar2 in the standard library 2020-10-02 00:28:37 Moff The main ones are AesManaged and RijndaelManaged. 2020-10-02 00:28:53 Moff The latter supports CFB in .Net Framework. 2020-10-02 00:29:32 +ammar2 what about their FeedbackSize property? 2020-10-02 00:29:56 +ammar2 read-only? 2020-10-02 00:30:04 Moff Read / write. 2020-10-02 00:30:45 Moff So I'm assuming that works fine, but as long as I can't use CFB mode, it doesn't do much good. 2020-10-02 00:31:11 +ammar2 huh you can't change the mode for AesManaged in .net core? 2020-10-02 00:31:36 Moff Sure you can, but that specific mode is simply not supported in Core, so it will throw a runtime error. 2020-10-02 00:31:47 +ammar2 oh I see 2020-10-02 00:32:07 +ammar2 I think bouncycastle is the library I've used prior c# projects use 2020-10-02 00:32:14 +ammar2 is it compatible with .net core? 2020-10-02 00:33:14 Moff I haven't tried to use that directly yet. Documentation has been a bit hard to find. But I'll give that a shot. 2020-10-02 00:35:04 +ammar2 oh hah, looks like the builtins only got support for it in August https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/38211 2020-10-02 00:35:14 +ammar2 I guess updating would be another possible avenue 2020-10-02 00:39:25 --> Steve42 (~Steve42@pool-96-241-222-61.washdc.fios.verizon.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 00:41:16 Moff I'm fairly sure this stuff isn't released yet. This appears to be .Net 5, which is supposed to release in November. 2020-10-02 00:43:54 Moff Ooh, there is an RC out. I'll see if I can get that to run. 2020-10-02 00:54:26 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 01:08:01 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 01:43:21 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 01:54:58 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-10-02 02:05:49 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 02:06:31 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 02:06:31 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 02:06:31 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 02:06:31 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 02:13:24 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 02:13:25 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 02:13:25 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 02:13:25 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 02:31:37 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 02:34:44 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 02:45:45 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 03:00:47 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 03:02:10 <-- _123DMWM (~123DMWM@pool-173-48-104-125.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-10-02 03:26:21 <-- Tomato (~itay2805@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-02 03:33:06 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 03:40:42 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 03:42:01 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 04:24:59 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 04:50:57 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 05:06:25 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 05:08:44 --> john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 05:21:10 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-10-02 05:29:15 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 05:44:07 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 05:49:02 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 06:24:41 --> redstonehelper_ (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 06:25:42 <-- redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-02 06:25:42 -- redstonehelper_ est maintenant connu sous le nom redstonehelper 2020-10-02 07:23:51 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 07:41:59 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 08:18:23 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 09:05:41 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 09:06:28 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 09:32:52 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 10:20:24 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 10:20:41 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 12:17:14 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 13:52:40 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2020-10-02 13:53:31 --> john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 14:24:21 <-- john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a quitté (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)) 2020-10-02 14:25:08 --> john2gb (~john2gb@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 15:57:44 -- e est maintenant connu sous le nom deadk 2020-10-02 16:15:08 --> barneygale (~barneygal@82-69-49-24.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 16:16:30 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-02 16:31:10 <-- chibill (chibillmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-upaydwcmrijxiaul) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 16:40:33 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (*.net *.split) 2020-10-02 16:40:55 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 16:41:03 <-- JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ughspjacpeepmpsw) a quitté (Max SendQ exceeded) 2020-10-02 16:45:38 --> JuniorJPDJ (juniorjp1@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ebigfnkisyrrjciw) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 17:12:41 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 17:12:41 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 17:12:41 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 17:12:41 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 17:19:33 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 17:19:33 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 17:19:33 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 17:19:33 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 17:24:43 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 17:51:20 circuit10 I like the Java Edition auth system 2020-10-02 17:51:44 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 17:55:31 <-- MisterVector (Vector@cpe-172-90-152-76.socal.res.rr.com) a quitté 2020-10-02 17:57:53 --> MisterVector (Vector@cpe-172-90-152-76.socal.res.rr.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 18:44:15 <-- barneygale (~barneygal@82-69-49-24.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-02 19:16:11 smoke42 I think it works pretty well. It allows mojang to sell the game and mostly keep pirates away from servers, but users can run their own servers or local games without issue 2020-10-02 19:26:01 <-- niceplace (~nplace@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) 2020-10-02 19:26:18 --> niceplace (~nplace@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 19:35:28 --> Tides (~Tides@pool-173-63-91-72.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 20:50:56 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 20:54:00 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-02 21:18:16 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 21:20:52 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-02 21:22:07 <-- Steve42 (~Steve42@pool-96-241-222-61.washdc.fios.verizon.net) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-02 21:22:46 --> Steve42 (~Steve42@pool-96-241-222-61.washdc.fios.verizon.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 21:57:45 <-- lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 21:57:45 <-- SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 21:58:00 --> lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 21:58:35 --> SpaceManiac (~SpaceMani@c-73-116-110-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 21:58:36 -- Mode #mcdevs [+v SpaceManiac] par ChanServ 2020-10-02 22:05:06 --> Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df16d5004889b5e8ccdb51d7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 22:07:27 <-- Dadido3_ (~quassel@p200300d9df16d50081d992d1ec309b5a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 22:09:29 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 22:15:43 --> bildramer1 (~bildramer@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 22:16:47 <-- bildramer (~bildramer@2a02:587:6239:2500:ac9b:cca1:4258:dfa9) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 22:18:19 <-- Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df16d5004889b5e8ccdb51d7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-02 22:19:25 --> Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df16d5004889b5e8ccdb51d7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 22:19:40 --> bildramer (~bildramer@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 22:21:05 <-- bildramer1 (~bildramer@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-02 22:27:33 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-02 22:29:52 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 22:30:31 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-02 23:57:37 --> com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-126-70.pool.telenor.hu) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-02 23:57:42 com1killer hey 2020-10-02 23:57:56 com1killer does anyone have example code for reading anvil heightmaps? 2020-10-02 23:58:06 com1killer or can someone explain the structure there 2020-10-03 00:01:22 com1killer oh i think i got it 2020-10-03 00:01:34 com1killer is it the same as blockStates but with a fixed bitcount? 2020-10-03 00:03:04 +pokechu22 It's the same compacted array format as blockstates, yeah 2020-10-03 00:03:09 com1killer cool 2020-10-03 00:07:05 com1killer dangit, still not better. i'm setting new blocks in chunks with my code but i'm getting huge lag spikes on the client when the chunks get loaded, even with blockcount and heightmap being fixed. 2020-10-03 00:07:14 com1killer no errors in logs 2020-10-03 00:07:26 com1killer and the set blocks show up correctly, in the right position 2020-10-03 00:08:30 com1killer what im doing as a test is placing a stone block at 7,0,7 in each chunk section that gets sent to the player 2020-10-03 00:12:18 com1killer i don't update the lighting though, so i guess that's the next thing to try 2020-10-03 00:37:28 camotoy Is there any good documentation/code examples of the "pushing" functionality that appears to happen clientside? I.E. when another player moves into you. 2020-10-03 00:41:11 +pokechu22 I think it's the same behavior with players as with any other (living?) entity, but I don't know the actual behaviour 2020-10-03 01:18:53 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 01:18:54 camotoy Gotcha. Unfortunately Google just says how to disable the behavior, not how it actually works. 2020-10-03 01:19:40 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-03 01:45:49 <-- Tides (~Tides@pool-173-63-91-72.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2020-10-03 01:51:00 +pokechu22 This is the basic logic (based on MCP Entity.applyEntityCollision, tidied up and with some edge-cases about riding entities removed), I think at least: https://gist.github.com/Pokechu22/bf1d636e81584f0c01f4dc396e487d86 2020-10-03 01:51:53 camotoy This is awesome; thank you so much! 2020-10-03 01:51:55 +pokechu22 Serverside it applies to all entities, clientside it applies to players only. The exact logic is a bit confusing and I'm not 100% sure I got it right. (Also, Minecarts have their own different logic for it) 2020-10-03 01:52:11 camotoy I'll implement it soon and let you know my results. 2020-10-03 01:52:30 camotoy I'm only worried about the clientside logic of the player. 2020-10-03 01:55:02 <-- com1killer (~com1kille@netacc-gpn-104-126-70.pool.telenor.hu) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 02:07:47 camotoy The code is definitely getting somewhere! But it acts as a player attractor - my client now follows my other player around, slowly. 2020-10-03 02:08:43 camotoy I should be able to mess with this code to get it where I want to. 2020-10-03 02:12:04 +pokechu22 Oh, typo, should be `other.xVelocity` not `this.xVelocity` in the second one (and same for z) 2020-10-03 02:14:36 camotoy Heheh, that won't help. 2020-10-03 02:59:36 Moff I may be a bit in over my head here, but I'm butting my head against the wall right now. I'm trying to write a very simply client that can connect to a server and just stay there. The current problem I'm facing is that I am receiving a ton of really weird data from the server, which I can't make any sense of. 2020-10-03 03:00:07 Moff I've read the recommended sequence for a normal login on the wiki, and I am expecting a join game packet, which I'm not getting. 2020-10-03 03:00:44 Moff Everything is fine up until I receive the login success packet, which changes mode to play. 2020-10-03 03:01:11 +pokechu22 Have you implemented encryption and compression (or is the server in offline mode and compression threshold is -1 in server.properties)? 2020-10-03 03:01:21 Moff Server is online, compression enabled. 2020-10-03 03:01:36 Moff It's not that the data is wrong, it's just weird. 2020-10-03 03:02:04 Moff The first thing the server says is "update light". Then it says "set cooldown", "boss bar", "craft recipie response", "camera". 2020-10-03 03:02:22 +pokechu22 Uh, yeah, that's probably not right 2020-10-03 03:03:30 Moff My first thought was that I have seriously messed up the code that decompresses, but I've tried three different implementations, and not once have I ever gotten anything wrong, as in a packet that isn't the correct size or something like that. 2020-10-03 03:04:09 Moff Right now I'm thinking that I must be reading the packet ID's from the wrong place in the byte stream. 2020-10-03 03:06:39 smoke42 Sounds logical 2020-10-03 03:07:01 Moff Waaait a minute. The play packet is not compressed. I have assumed that the code that reads the packets is fine, because it manages to join the server, but the only packet sent after compression is enabled isn't actually compressed. 2020-10-03 03:07:08 Moff So there could be something to that. 2020-10-03 03:29:39 Moff I've now manually looked at each bit of the first packet I receive after the server sends the play packet, and it is indeed a light change packet. That doesn't make any kinds of sense. 2020-10-03 03:30:01 Moff I am supposed to decompress the packet ID field and the data field as a single unit, correct? 2020-10-03 03:30:28 Moff I just take all the bytes after the two lengths and throw them into a deflater. 2020-10-03 03:40:50 Moff Update: I've noticed a pattern in the chaos. The packets I'm expecting are 0x26 followed by 0x19. The packets I'm receiving are 0x25 followed by 0x18. So there is exactly one bit missing every time. Thanks for the rubber ducking. ^^, 2020-10-03 03:58:03 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 04:05:06 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 04:14:27 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 04:23:26 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 04:37:25 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-03 05:02:29 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 05:24:10 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 05:55:24 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 06:14:47 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 06:23:04 --> redstonehelper_ (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 06:24:27 <-- redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-03 06:24:27 -- redstonehelper_ est maintenant connu sous le nom redstonehelper 2020-10-03 06:37:59 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 06:50:55 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 06:57:42 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 07:01:11 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 07:45:08 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 07:47:11 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 08:03:11 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 08:04:48 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 08:06:34 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-03 08:13:27 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 08:21:06 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 09:12:16 --> Dadido3_ (~quassel@p200300d9df16d5008545cf473b7df375.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 09:14:25 <-- Dadido3 (~quassel@p200300d9df16d5004889b5e8ccdb51d7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-03 09:15:45 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 10:36:07 <-- gabizou- (~gabizou@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2020-10-03 10:36:53 <-- tktech (~tktech@ec2-52-70-105-60.compute-1.amazonaws.com) a quitté (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2020-10-03 10:37:06 --> gabizou (~gabizou@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 10:43:10 --> tktech (~tktech@ec2-52-70-105-60.compute-1.amazonaws.com) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 10:43:20 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 12:47:07 <-- skyrising (~skyrising@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 12:47:27 --> skyrising (~skyrising@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 12:50:30 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JU7vM 2020-10-03 12:50:31 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] Camezza 71cf79a - Spelling & grammar fix 2020-10-03 12:50:33 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 8699969 - Merge pull request #1340 from Camezza/master Spelling & grammar fix 2020-10-03 12:51:48 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JU7v7 2020-10-03 12:51:49 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 82d636b - Merge pull request #1337 from PrismarineJS/wvffle-patch-1 Add dashboard to the list of plugins 2020-10-03 12:57:53 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JU7fG 2020-10-03 12:57:55 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] ImHarvol 9bb4d80 - Fix trade tests (#1341) * Fix trading tests - Fixes trading tests by using a command block to spawn the villager - Fixes a litle bug in lib/plugins/villager.js: In some versions inputItem2 is an Item instance with no atributes so the old condition tought the trade had a inputItem2 and throwed Closes #973 * Variable commandBlockPosTxt not needed 2020-10-03 14:53:43 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JU7O3 2020-10-03 14:53:44 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] ImHarvol 5410935 - Update README_ES.md (#1342) 2020-10-03 15:16:31 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 15:38:47 <-- moony (moony@hellomouse/dev/moony) a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 15:39:21 --> moony (moony@hellomouse/dev/moony) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 15:43:58 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-03 17:17:26 --> VADemon (~VADemon@2a01:4f8:212:2f1d:88::41) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 19:53:41 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±1] https://git.io/JU7PG 2020-10-03 19:53:43 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] GroobleDierne ab0eb32 - Add biomeLogin for 1.16.2 & 1.16.3 (#336) * Add biomeLogin for 1.16.2 & 1.16.3 * Remove biomeLogin * Add loginPacket for 1.16.2 & 1.16.3 * Add loginPacket for 1.16/1.16.1 * Change maxPlayers to 20 2020-10-03 20:24:02 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 20:24:02 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 20:24:02 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 20:24:02 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-03 20:26:49 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 20:26:49 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 20:26:49 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 20:26:52 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 20:41:20 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JU7DG 2020-10-03 20:41:21 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 45601e1 - Release 2.69.0 2020-10-03 20:41:23 Not-8b99 [minecraft-data] rom1504 tagged 45601e1 as 2.69.0 https://git.io/JU7Dn 2020-10-03 20:48:32 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 21:17:51 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 21:44:43 <-- deltab (~deltab@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) 2020-10-03 21:51:13 --> deltab (~deltab@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 21:55:52 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 21:59:35 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-03 22:02:19 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 22:14:00 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 22:18:39 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 22:24:43 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 22:29:58 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 22:31:23 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-03 22:45:23 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-03 23:06:20 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-03 23:41:42 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 01:14:40 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 01:17:05 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 01:56:11 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 02:02:41 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-10-04 02:17:08 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 02:47:56 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 02:50:01 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 03:09:44 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 03:10:56 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 03:17:09 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 03:29:11 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 03:49:36 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 03:50:56 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 03:53:57 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Client Quit) 2020-10-04 04:20:07 <-- VADemon (~VADemon@2a01:4f8:212:2f1d:88::41) a quitté (Quit: left4dead) 2020-10-04 04:21:49 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 04:45:06 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 04:54:53 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 04:58:58 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 05:09:01 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 06:14:25 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 06:23:45 <-- redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-04 06:30:36 --> redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 06:55:03 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 06:57:39 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 07:04:16 <-- bildramer (~bildramer@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-04 08:00:29 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 08:10:58 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 09:25:12 --> circuit101 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 09:25:55 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-04 11:02:16 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 13:28:37 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-04 13:31:58 --> bildramer (~bildramer@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 14:32:30 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 17:13:54 <-- killme (~killmePI@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-04 17:15:08 --> killme (~killmePI@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 17:26:05 <-- Tuxel (~tux@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-04 19:21:14 <-- circuit101 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-04 19:21:14 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-04 19:21:14 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-04 19:21:14 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-04 19:24:13 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 19:24:13 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 19:24:13 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 19:24:14 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 20:05:01 --> Tuxel (~tux@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 20:15:56 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 20:31:20 <-- Tuxel (~tux@ a quitté (Quit: Sorry, can't quassel for a while.) 2020-10-04 20:32:12 --> Tuxel (~tux@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 21:06:13 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 21:58:35 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 22:08:01 --> matthewprenger_ (~matthewpr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 22:11:27 <-- matthew__ (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:dd03:d6ae:e0e1:62b6) a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-04 22:22:43 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-04 22:25:19 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-04 23:09:41 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUdDI 2020-10-04 23:09:42 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 8449d3b - add link to pwindow in doc 2020-10-04 23:57:56 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 00:16:40 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 01:48:42 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 02:06:25 --> Zapto (~Zapto@lfbn-rei-1-431-207.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 02:06:32 Zapto jello 2020-10-05 02:06:42 Zapto hello* 2020-10-05 02:10:52 <-- Zapto (~Zapto@lfbn-rei-1-431-207.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr) a quitté #mcdevs 2020-10-05 02:10:52 <-- lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 2020-10-05 02:11:02 --> Zapto (~Zapto@lfbn-rei-1-431-207.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 02:11:44 <-- Zapto (~Zapto@lfbn-rei-1-431-207.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr) a quitté (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)) 2020-10-05 02:12:31 --> lxeiqr (~lxeiqr@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 02:58:44 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 03:23:20 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 03:41:36 <-- mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a quitté (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) 2020-10-05 03:55:12 --> Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 04:22:14 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 04:43:58 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 04:45:49 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 05:03:50 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 05:48:53 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 05:59:02 <-- balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-05 06:00:54 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 06:01:57 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 06:09:12 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 06:10:44 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 06:19:39 --> redstonehelper_ (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 06:21:57 <-- redstonehelper (~redstoneh@unaffiliated/redstonehelper) a quitté (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 2020-10-05 06:21:57 -- redstonehelper_ est maintenant connu sous le nom redstonehelper 2020-10-05 06:26:03 --> balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 06:26:37 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 07:12:28 <-- matthewprenger_ (~matthewpr@ a quitté (Quit: Leaving) 2020-10-05 07:17:54 --> matthewprenger (~matthewpr@2605:a601:ac00:9100:693d:b7ca:4792:e87) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 07:37:36 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 08:01:24 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 08:55:27 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 09:24:03 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 09:24:22 <-- Me4502 (~quassel@unaffiliated/me4502) a quitté (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 2020-10-05 09:24:53 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 10:50:25 <-- deltab (~deltab@ a quitté (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2020-10-05 10:50:34 --> deltab (~deltab@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 10:54:19 <-- skyrising (~skyrising@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 10:59:06 --> mgrech (~mgrech@178-190-2-50.adsl.highway.telekom.at) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 11:34:37 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 11:36:54 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 11:36:54 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 11:36:54 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 11:36:54 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 11:39:58 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 11:39:59 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 11:39:59 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 11:39:59 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 13:41:16 <-- None4U (~None4U@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 13:41:16 <-- circuit10 (~circuit10@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 13:41:16 <-- SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 13:41:16 <-- islender (~islender@ a quitté (Remote host closed the connection) 2020-10-05 13:46:13 --> None4U (~None4U@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 13:46:13 --> circuit10 (~circuit10@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 13:46:13 --> islender (~islender@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 13:46:15 --> SiebeDW (~SiebeDW@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 16:49:37 bswartz I'm on a server and I notice that it's periodically sending Window Confirmation packets for Window 0 with random action numbers and accepted=false 2020-10-05 16:49:59 bswartz The Notchian client seems to reply to these packets with client window confirmation packets but otherwise ignores them 2020-10-05 16:51:31 --> Bixilon (~moritz@dynamic-077-004-131-141.77.4.pool.telefonica.de) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 17:00:17 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUbmc 2020-10-05 17:00:18 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] TheDudeFromCI f741e47 - Update README.md (#1346) 2020-10-05 17:02:47 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUbmo 2020-10-05 17:02:49 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 aa3811f - add video previews in readme 2020-10-05 17:03:14 --> ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 17:06:41 --> m4k3r (~Thunderbi@2001:a61:1239:a001:1173:77c4:6625:bf84) a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 17:13:38 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] rom1504 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JUbOJ 2020-10-05 17:13:39 Not-8b99 [mineflayer] ImHarvol 6738fde - Add support for Barrel (#1344) It works just like a chest (except it doesn't matter if there's a block above) so I don't think any more modifications are needed 2020-10-05 17:19:10 m4k3r Hi. Does anybody here know where the minecraft entity model files are located? While looking at this(https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Changing_Minecraft_entity_models) aritcle, I had to find out these files only exist in the bedrock edition of minecraft. The normal assets folder in the minecraft.jar file also does not contain any entity-data. 2020-10-05 17:21:48 rom1504 I think it's in the asset folder download by the launcher 2020-10-05 17:22:36 --> Tomato (~itay2805@ a rejoint #mcdevs 2020-10-05 17:22:58 rom1504 you can for example use https://github.com/PrismarineJS/node-minecraft-wrap#launcherdownloadgetallassetsversion to get that 2020-10-05 17:23:28 Sainan I don't think the entities for Java edition have models, only pre-defined boxes that are rendered, at least that's what it looks like to me given that you can't change these with resource packs. 2020-10-05 17:27:28 Tomato In recent versions of minecraft where they have the state properties, how do they calculate the state id? Like I get it that they have a range of ids but lets say I have cocoa[age=0,facing=east], how do I figure which of the possible ids represents that combination? 2020-10-05 17:31:02 Sainan You whip out your https://wiki.vg/Data_Generators and look it up in the big resulting blocks.json: https://apimon.de/mcdata/1.16.3/blocks.json 2020-10-05 17:31:12 Bixilon Tomato: Data generators 2020-10-05 17:31:39 m4k3r Sainan: Where would you suspect those "pre-defined boxes" to be located? The assets folder by the launcher only seems to contain the hashes of certain image and sound files minecraft uses. Could all the rendered boxes be located in the .class files for minecraft? 2020-10-05 17:31:47 Tomato *was hoping there would be a nicer way* 2020-10-05 17:31:49 Tomato thanks! 2020-10-05 17:32:27 Sainan m4k3r, I would suspect they are hard-coded, but that's just a hunch. Luckily for you, Minecraft is more or less open-source now. ;) 2020-10-05 17:33:05 Bixilon Tomato: If you need the mappings for 1.13 (for items, etc: The registries.json wasn't there) or for snapshots, or pre flattening in the same format, check this out: https://gitlab.bixilon.de/bixilon/minosoft/-/tree/master/data/mcdata 2020-10-05 17:33:37 m4k3r Sainan: Ok thanks 2020-10-05 17:33:39 Tomato I am doing 1.15 but thanks :) 2020-10-05 17:34:55 rom1504 we have the states in a slightly preprocessed format there if you prefer https://github.com/PrismarineJS/minecraft-data/blob/master/data/pc/1.15.2/blocks.json#L216 2020-10-05 17:35:34 <-- ackpacket (~ackpacket@unaffiliated/ackpacket) a quitté (Quit: My puter has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…) 2020-10-05 17:35:36 Bixilon Tomato: Yah, had the same problem. But my client needs to support 1.7.10 to latest. Because of taht, I needed to write my own parser. 2020-10-05 17:36:24 Tomato yeah I was using that json at the start but I couldn't figure how to map the values in it to a state id