04:28 < dexter0> > dreadiscool: I'm sure its non trivial to get free tcp proxies 04:28 < dexter0> [7:20pm] If they are willing to pay $. 04:28 < dreadiscool> 100 - 1250 04:28 < dreadiscool> At peak times 04:28 < dreadiscool> *1000 - 1250 04:29 < dreadiscool> dexter0 I can't whitelist that many people D: 04:29 < dexter0> yeah 04:41 < dreadiscool> So is there nothing that I can do to fix this? 04:41 < dreadiscool> Am I at the mercy of the attackers? 04:41 < dreadiscool> I've money to spend, money is of no concern to me 04:49 < dreadiscool> :( 19:08 < ajf> ...yep yep it's 2010 again I'm going to write another shitty Minecraft Classic server heeere we gooooo 19:16 < ajf> actually no because Classic's sound doesn't work for me any more 19:16 < ajf> ;_; 19:18 < morfin> hello 19:18 < ajf> hi 19:19 < morfin> i am writing own launcher for legacy Minecraft(1.2.5) and i've got a question: is not enought to pass to client playerName and sessionId 19:19 < Calinou> >writing own launcher 19:19 < Calinou> http://xkcd.com/927 19:20 < Calinou> >minecraft 1.2.5 19:20 < Calinou> see above 19:20 < morfin> pffff 19:20 < morfin> will be there another ideas 19:21 < morfin> do you know why legacy? 19:21 < morfin> because after 1.2.5 Minecraft got moar shitcode 19:22 < Calinou> >shitcode 19:22 < ajf> wat/ 19:22 < ajf> ? 19:23 < ajf> Oh crap: 'Channel is publicly logged as of Feb.25/13' 19:23 < dav1d> Brottweiler: Joe @Sweden Part 3 :D 19:23 < ajf> NOW THE ENTIRE WORLD WILL KNOW I'M ACTUALLY A TERRORIST D: 19:23 < redstonehelper> k 19:36 < Yoshi2> where are the logs stored? I think nobody even knows 19:36 < dkkline> At NSA HQ, obviously 19:37 < dkkline> Like everything else, allegedly. 19:41 < dx> Yoshi2: in whatever server notifico is on. it's just that there's no way to access them publicly yet 20:02 < Brottweiler> dav1d: I know dude :D 20:02 < dav1d> Brottweiler: :D 20:04 < Yoshi2> dx: alright, that's good to know 20:08 <+pdelvo> NSA is great. I dont have to worry about backing up my computer 20:10 < eddyb> wait until someone remotely burns their datacenter to the ground 20:10 < eddyb> they have that coming 20:28 < stephenmac7> sadimusi: I fixed the file serving :D 20:28 < stephenmac7> In the mod thingy --- Day changed jeu. août 01 2013 00:48 < dexter0> Anyone else planning to attend Minecon? 00:51 < Yoshi2> is it already time for Minecon? o.O 00:52 < dexter0> It's time for Minecon tickets :D 00:52 < Yoshi2> where will it be this time? 00:52 < dexter0> Orlando, FL 00:53 <+pdelvo> I dont travel thousands of km and pay hundrets of euros to go to a convention about one game if I can go to gamescom for 11€ 00:53 < stephenmac7> I like in florida 00:53 * Yoshi2 highfives pdelvo 00:54 <+pdelvo> you go this year? :D 00:54 < Yoshi2> it's great to have a games convention right in front of my nose 00:54 < dexter0> I'm going 00:54 < dexter0> err, not to gamescon :P 00:55 < dexter0> anyway, SirCmpwn is interested in doing a panel if other knowledgable ppl are both interested and will be in attendance. 00:58 < Yoshi2> pdelvo: I'm not sure if I will go this year, I've stopped visiting it since Nintendo stopped attending it 01:01 <+pdelvo> Im not sure if I go. I dont care about the big publishers. I dont want to wait hours to play a game for a minute. The small ones are better. You can check out a game you would never knew it exists. 01:02 <+pdelvo> last year people were waiting 8 hours to play a minute of AC3 01:03 < Yoshi2> yeah, that is just crazy 01:04 < Yoshi2> I wouldn't go to a convention just to play a yearly rehash of the same game 01:04 <+pdelvo> Instead I checked out Tribes: Ascend which is actually very funny. And I could play as long as I wanted without any waiting time 01:11 <+pdelvo> A pic I have taken last year :D http://sdrv.ms/133I5I0 "Erhebt euch" - Stand Up :D 01:29 <+ammar2> pdelvo: hirez has abandoned trobe ;_; 05:17 < Extreme> anyone know what changed with the 1.1.4 launcher? 05:40 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2125 11 files : Starting on 0.641 (changing assembly versions). 05:41 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2126 3 files : Added a /reply (/re) command, as requested by Sanjar Khan some 2 years ago. 10:36 < ErricoMalatesta> hello, I'm trying to set up iptables with lenght match and binary checks on packes to not allow garbage data to pass through and be dealed by java but I still did not understand many things and I hope somebody can share some toughts with me 10:37 < ErricoMalatesta> like if I have a bukkit or spigot with plugins is it going to influence the lenght of the tcp packets? 10:37 < ErricoMalatesta> checking with my dissector it seems so 10:37 < ErricoMalatesta> but it vary 12:26 < ErricoMalatesta> hello, I'm trying to set up iptables with lenght match and binary checks on packes to not allow garbage data to pass through and be dealed by java but I still did not understand many things and I hope somebody can share some toughts with me 12:27 <+md_5> impossible via iptables 12:27 <+md_5> whats wrong with letting java deal with them 12:29 < jast> TCP is a stream-oriented protocol... that is, the TCP transport makes no provisions for packeted data 12:30 < jast> the stream is, of course, split into packets for technical reasons... but a packet boundary is *not* a data boundary within the application protocol 12:30 < jast> in practice, packets are often limited to something like 1500 bytes 12:30 < ErricoMalatesta> that i 'm crashing my server inserting data in the packets 12:30 <+md_5> you probably want to fix your server then 12:30 <+md_5> not bandaid it with a firewall 12:30 < ErricoMalatesta> mmm 12:31 < ErricoMalatesta> why would i want java to handle stuff 12:31 < ErricoMalatesta> when i know java is like a curse of god 12:31 <+md_5> well 12:31 <+md_5> implementing the entire Minecraft protocol and a stream filter for iptables 12:31 < ErricoMalatesta> have you read the last java 0day? 12:31 <+md_5> is gonna be a lot harder 12:32 < ErricoMalatesta> is going to be public soon...is already on hack forum and script kiddies are going to love it 12:32 <+md_5> wat 12:32 < ErricoMalatesta> one of my 1.5.2 servers got exploited 12:32 <+md_5> and? 12:32 < ErricoMalatesta> and they manage to get in the running account 12:32 < ErricoMalatesta> i had to kill the proc 12:32 < ErricoMalatesta> and take it down :( 12:32 <+md_5> uh huh 12:33 <+md_5> they rooted your server 12:33 <+md_5> via Minecraft 12:33 <+md_5> seems legit 12:33 < ErricoMalatesta> anyhow is going to be upgrade 12:33 < ErricoMalatesta> well I'm still investigating 12:33 < ErricoMalatesta> i had no other services 12:33 < ErricoMalatesta> and there was no ssh access 12:34 <+md_5> uh huh 12:34 <+md_5> so let me get this straight 12:34 <+md_5> 1) You run a Vanilla 1.5.2 Server 12:34 <+md_5> 2) Your machine has no other programs running 12:34 < ErricoMalatesta> yes sir 12:34 <+md_5> 3) There is no remote access to your machine 12:34 <+md_5> 4) Hackers got access to your machine 12:34 < ErricoMalatesta> no 12:34 < ErricoMalatesta> i was running spigot 12:34 < ErricoMalatesta> old spigot 12:35 < ErricoMalatesta> and not hackers, script kiddies 12:36 <+md_5> so is it like possible that one of your plugins like had a backdoor 12:36 < ErricoMalatesta> It could be, it was on a server i was bb sitting for a friend where i had nothing to do with 12:36 < ErricoMalatesta> i tought that too :( 12:36 <+md_5> because I can tell you for a fact 12:36 < ErricoMalatesta> yes sir 12:37 <+md_5> there is no way to get shell access to a server running no plugins, via Minecraft 12:37 < ErricoMalatesta> ok I believe you i know who you are 12:37 < ErricoMalatesta> :) 12:38 < ErricoMalatesta> how could I analize the plugins from my friend server? 12:38 < ErricoMalatesta> to see wich one was? 12:38 < ErricoMalatesta> would you suggest me just to reinstall fresh? 12:38 < ErricoMalatesta> and not to care where the attack came from? 12:39 < ErricoMalatesta> and btw thank you for the time you have taken to answe me 12:54 < ErricoMalatesta> md_5? 12:54 <+md_5> yeah sounds like a good idea 12:54 < ErricoMalatesta> but please be clear on this 12:55 < ErricoMalatesta> you would rather have java handling malformed packages 12:55 < ErricoMalatesta> than a firewall? 12:56 <+md_5> malformed packets has nothing to do with this 12:56 <+md_5> you cannot hack a server with malformed packets 12:56 < ErricoMalatesta> ok 12:56 < ErricoMalatesta> i did not intend that 12:57 < ErricoMalatesta> but how do you filter on malformed packages? 12:57 <+md_5> you dont 12:57 < ErricoMalatesta> ... 12:57 <+md_5> Minecraft disconnects the client on a malformed packet 12:57 <+md_5> I dont know where you got this idea of malformed packets 12:57 < jast> it's very hard, or impossible, to catch all invalid packets if the daemon doesn't properly validate the data itself 12:57 <+md_5> but its irrelevant 12:57 < ErricoMalatesta> ok 12:58 < ErricoMalatesta> I'm not intending to annoy you eh, just to understand 12:58 < ErricoMalatesta> pardon me if they are noobish questions 12:58 < ErricoMalatesta> so the java process immediatly drop a malformed package? 12:59 <+md_5> yes 12:59 <+md_5> I still dont know what you define malformed 12:59 <+md_5> but a remote client cant hurt your server 12:59 < ErricoMalatesta> mmm, does this consume memory? 12:59 < ErricoMalatesta> ah ok 12:59 < ErricoMalatesta> only if somebody did "an inside job" 12:59 < ErricoMalatesta> ? 13:02 < ErricoMalatesta> and what would happen if I start sending legit packet with fake autority request, and then I send a reset packet? 13:02 < ErricoMalatesta> or a packet with legit data but that has nothing to do with? 13:02 < ErricoMalatesta> or did you ever tryed to mix the bytes and see what happens? 13:02 < ErricoMalatesta> like when sending tcp resets intead of tcp ACK 13:03 < ErricoMalatesta> making sniffers stopping sniffing your traffic 13:03 < ErricoMalatesta> i mean commerial traffic sniffers 13:04 < dkkline> ErricoMalatesta: MineCraft encrypts it's data. 13:04 < dkkline> its* 13:04 < ErricoMalatesta> yes but you did not got my point 13:04 < ErricoMalatesta> what would happen if I mix the bytes in the packet 13:05 < dkkline> You get a bad packet, one that doesn't make sense 13:05 < ErricoMalatesta> ok 13:05 < ErricoMalatesta> that what I wanted to know 13:05 < ErricoMalatesta> anyhow thank you for your time 14:18 < morfin> anyone know session is being renewed every 6000 ticks but if i logged in or only if i joined game 14:19 <+sadimusi> the launcher does it so probably also while the game is running 14:19 <+sadimusi> but you don't really have to do it, the session is valid for a few days... 14:22 < morfin> but if i relogin it just creates new session? 14:22 <+sadimusi> you refresh the old one 14:22 <+sadimusi> http://wiki.vg/Authentication 14:29 <+sadimusi> Dinnerbone: did you look into the eating/healing exploit? (https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-26924) 14:44 < eddyb> is that a security issue? 14:45 <+sadimusi> no, you just heal a lot faster 14:45 < eddyb> can't open it, that's why I'm asking 14:45 <+sadimusi> I made it public but a mod changed it back 14:45 <+sadimusi> it looks like this in practice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ywe_qeIEw0 14:47 < eddyb> the faster eating seems like an overlooked client-side time check 14:47 < eddyb> I'm curious how the faster healing works, though 14:49 <+sadimusi> it's pretty simple, you just send a lot of 0x0a packets 14:49 <+sadimusi> the handler calls player.update() which in turn calls player.foodStats.update() 14:49 <+sadimusi> and instead of a timer there's a counter in there 14:49 <+sadimusi> so sending more packets makes it faster 14:50 < dx> oh neat, it's less of a mystery now 14:52 < dx> sadimusi: did you check for other interesting exploits in that client? 14:53 <+sadimusi> I did but didn't find anything interesting 14:53 < dx> oh well 14:54 <+sadimusi> mostly it's just custom movement and aim botting 14:54 <+sadimusi> and a few tweaks to the rendering 14:54 < dx> ...you disabled the backdoor before running it, right? 14:55 <+sadimusi> of course 14:55 < dx> okay 15:54 < morfin> hmmm 15:54 < morfin> seems like client does not send session request every 6000 ticks :( 15:55 <+sadimusi> why should it do that? 15:56 <+sadimusi> zh32|away: please don't change your nick when going afk 16:08 < morfin> to keep session alive 16:09 < morfin> or it's launcher work? 16:11 <+sadimusi> that's definitely the launcher's job, and as I mentioned before the session is valid for a few days 16:12 < dx> deja vu 16:12 < dx> maybe morfin is losing packets 16:13 < dx> i have no idea if it's possible to corrupt a tcp stream in a way that checksums still match and some irc messages magically disappear. 16:14 < morfin> or maybe my https fails 16:15 < morfin> because of own certificate(unofficial) 16:15 <+sadimusi> o.O what are you trying to build? 16:15 < morfin> nevermind 16:16 < dx> i was talking about irc packet loss anyway 16:16 < morfin> as i said yesterday i was builduing launcher 16:16 < Calinou> >irc >packet loss 16:16 < Calinou> IRC is TCP 16:16 < morfin> for legacy 1.2.5 minecraft 16:17 < Calinou> lol 16:18 < morfin> and i am using own Apache to login 16:18 <+sadimusi> why? 16:19 < morfin> problem was not keeping alive session 16:19 < morfin> but i think 16:21 < morfin> i am still can't free my time and try to understand server logics 16:21 < morfin> how do you think what's hardest in Minecraft server? 16:34 < dx> >excess flood 16:34 < dx> how 16:35 < dx> morfin: are you reimplementing the auth server? why 17:14 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde pushed 2 commits to master [+6/-1/±4] http://git.io/6seSmQ 17:14 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde fa976ec - updated glamour 17:14 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde 9c0ad66 - remove derelict, use glad instead 17:15 < dav1d> "Showing 10 changed files with 15,801 additions and 35 deletions." :D 17:16 <+sadimusi> libraries? 17:16 < dav1d> sadimusi: kinda 17:16 < dav1d> sadimusi: instead of an opengl loader as submodule I include the opengl loader now directly 17:17 < dav1d> (well a different one) 17:56 < dx> Calinou: regarding "irc is tcp", read what i said before: 17:56 < dx> 11:13 < dx> i have no idea if it's possible to corrupt a tcp stream in a way that checksums still match and some irc messages magically disappear. 18:02 < morfin> i think that's impossible 18:10 < Yoshi2|> depending on the length of the checksum, it is very unlikely 18:11 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5] http://git.io/HuPi8A 18:11 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde 14b2a9f - fixed glad 18:13 < Yoshi2> but if it really happens, the server or the client that has to parse the corrupt message will probably just shut down the connection 19:55 < stephenmac7> sadimusi: Are you there? 19:56 <+sadimusi> yes 23:51 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2127 2 files : Now correctly kicking custom premium-MC clients. 23:52 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2128 2 files : Minor optimization in EllipsoidHollowDrawOperation --- Day changed ven. août 02 2013 03:53 < Vypor> Heu 03:53 < Vypor> Hey* 03:53 < Sonjay> k 03:53 < Vypor> Im trying to make a mincraft hacked client bruh 03:53 < Vypor> i has flyhack 03:53 < Vypor> i can fly 03:54 < Vypor> Dew u has flyhack 03:54 < Vypor> I dun think so 03:54 < Vypor> who wants fre hakes 03:54 < Vypor> GIVING AWAY HAKES FREE ONLY 1 CENT 03:54 <+ammar2> this guy again 03:54 < Vypor> I just joined .-. 03:54 < Vypor> Fegt 03:54 < Vypor> Smd feg 03:56 < Litespeed> Hello 03:56 < Litespeed> Hai 03:56 < Litespeed> Hai 03:56 < Litespeed> HaiHai 03:56 < Litespeed> I have mc question 03:56 < IRNOTCH> DERp 03:56 < IRNOTCH> I R NOTCH 03:56 < Litespeed> um when you java 03:57 < IRNOTCH> WHO WANTS FREE JAV 03:57 < IRNOTCH> A 03:57 < Litespeed> do you put it in the plugins file 03:57 < IRNOTCH> JAVA IS FUR FEGITS 03:57 < Litespeed> or in the /dev/null 03:57 < IRNOTCH> JAVAISFURFEGS 03:57 < IRNOTCH> SHRED 03:57 < IRNOTCH> EVERYTHING 03:57 < Litespeed> I MADE A MINECRAFT MOD 03:57 < Litespeed> ITS CALLED RICE 03:57 < Litespeed> RICE.JAR 03:57 < Litespeed> Guys? 03:58 < Litespeed> Is anyone here 03:58 < Sonjay> l 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> Hello everyone, Aladdin_Monethere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie> Hello everyone, Itai_Johniehere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Ralf_Leo> Hello everyone, Ralf_Leohere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> Hello everyone, Sigihard_Gabrielhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Aingeru_Zlatan> Hello everyone, Aingeru_Zlatanhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> Hello everyone, Fatih_Suibhnehere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> Hello everyone, Godtfred_Daichihere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Shel_Tendai> Hello everyone, Shel_Tendaihere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Sachairi_Toma> Hello everyone, Sachairi_Tomahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Birgir_Nico> Hello everyone, Birgir_Nicohere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie1> Hello everyone, Itai_Johniehere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Godtfred_David> Hello everyone, Godtfred_Davidhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Shel_Bernard> Hello everyone, Shel_Bernardhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < IRNOTCH> Lelelel 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> Hello everyone, Vincent_Ganixhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < IRNOTCH> dis shit will be 04:01 < Abolfazl_David> Hello everyone, Abolfazl_Davidhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> Hello everyone, Ennio_Henrikhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Jairus_Mutamid> Hello everyone, Jairus_Mutamidhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Kumara_Uzochi> Hello everyone, Kumara_Uzochihere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Milos_Tendai> Hello everyone, Milos_Tendaihere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:01 < Sonjay> httpcon=20|http://minecrafted.net/ 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Sachairi_Toma> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Aingeru_Zlatan> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Ralf_Leo> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie1> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Kumara_Uzochi> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Shel_Tendai> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Abolfazl_David> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_David> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Birgir_Nico> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Shel_Bernard> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Milos_Tendai> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Jairus_Mutamid> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie1> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Milos_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie1> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Milos_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Itai_Johnie1> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Milos_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Aladdin_Monet> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Litespeed> http=100|http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:01 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Sonjay> httpcon=20|http://minecrafted.net/ 04:02 < Godtfred_Daichi> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Ralf_Leo> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Kumara_Uzochi> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Itai_Johnie> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Abolfazl_David> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Vincent_Ganix> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Shel_Tendai> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Sachairi_Toma> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Shel_Bernard> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Sigihard_Gabriel> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Ennio_Damodara> Hello everyone, Ennio_Damodarahere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:02 < Jairus_Mutamid> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Birgir_Nico> HTTP Connection Flood started on 20|http://minecrafted.net/ with 20 threads. 04:02 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> Hello everyone, Grzegorz_Hludowighere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:02 < Sonjay> wait 04:02 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:02 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:02 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:02 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:02 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:02 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:02 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:02 < Milos_Tendai> All floods killed 04:02 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:02 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:02 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:02 < Godtfred_Daichi> All floods killed 04:02 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:02 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:02 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:02 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:02 < Litespeed> http=100|http://fbi.gov/ 04:02 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Sachairi_Toma> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Ennio_Damodara> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Milos_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:02 < Shel_Bernard> All floods killed 04:02 < Shel_Bernard> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sonjay> wait 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:03 < Godtfred_Daichi> All floods killed 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:03 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> All floods killed 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://fbi.gov/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:03 < Litespeed> http=100|http://childporn.com/ 04:03 < Godtfred_Daichi> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://childporn.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sonjay> wait 04:03 < Godtfred_Daichi> All floods killed 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:03 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> All floods killed 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:03 < Litespeed> http=100|http://wsirc.com/ 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> All floods killed 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sonjay> wait 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:03 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> All floods killed 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> All floods killed 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:03 < Litespeed> url=childporn.com 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> URL Opened 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> URL Opened 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> URL Opened 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> URL Opened 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> URL Opened 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> URL Opened 04:03 < Godtfred_David> URL Opened 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> URL Opened 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> URL Opened 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> URL Opened 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> URL Opened 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> URL Opened 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> URL Opened 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> URL Opened 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> URL Opened 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> URL Opened 04:03 < Litespeed> url=http://childporn.com 04:03 < Fatih_Suibhne> URL Opened 04:03 < Godtfred_David> URL Opened 04:03 < Ennio_Henrik> URL Opened 04:03 < Ralf_Leo> URL Opened 04:03 < Itai_Johnie> URL Opened 04:03 < Shel_Tendai> URL Opened 04:03 < Sachairi_Toma> URL Opened 04:03 < Abolfazl_David> URL Opened 04:03 < Vincent_Ganix> URL Opened 04:03 < Kumara_Uzochi> URL Opened 04:03 < Shel_Bernard> URL Opened 04:03 < Sigihard_Gabriel> URL Opened 04:03 < Ennio_Damodara> URL Opened 04:03 < Milos_Tendai> URL Opened 04:03 < Jairus_Mutamid> URL Opened 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> URL Opened 04:03 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> URL Opened 04:03 < Birgir_Nico> URL Opened 04:04 < Sonjay> wait 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:04 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:04 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:04 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:04 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:04 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:04 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:04 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:04 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:04 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:04 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:04 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:04 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:04 < Litespeed> http=100|http://wsirc.com/ 04:04 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < IRNOTCH> udp=100| 04:04 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:04 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sachairi_Toma> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Shel_Bernard> All floods killed 04:04 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sachairi_Toma> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Damodara> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Shel_Bernard> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Aristaeus_Lamont> Hello everyone, Aristaeus_Lamonthere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:04 < Shel_Bernard> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> UDP Flood started on http://wsirc.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Damodara> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sonjay> wait 04:04 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:04 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:04 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:04 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:04 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:04 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:04 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:04 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:04 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:04 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:04 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:04 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:04 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:04 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:04 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:04 < Litespeed> http=100|http://google.com/ 04:04 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Vincent_Ganix> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Damodara> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:04 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Sonjay> wait 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:04 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:04 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:04 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:04 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:04 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:04 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:04 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:04 < Vincent_Ganix> All floods killed 04:04 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:04 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:04 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:04 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:04 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:04 < Sachairi_Toma> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:04 < Litespeed> http=1000000000000000000|http://google.com/ 04:04 < Sachairi_Toma> All floods killed 04:04 < Sonjay> wait 04:04 < Ralf_Leo> All floods killed 04:05 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Itai_Johnie> All floods killed 04:05 < Ennio_Henrik> All floods killed 04:05 < Fatih_Suibhne> All floods killed 04:05 < Shel_Tendai> All floods killed 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:05 < Kumara_Uzochi> All floods killed 04:05 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Ennio_Damodara> All floods killed 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:05 < IRNOTCH> udp=100| 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < IRNOTCH> udp=100| 04:05 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < IRNOTCH> udp=100| 04:05 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < IRNOTCH> udp=100| 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Itai_Johnie> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < IRNOTCH> udp=100| 04:05 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Grzegorz_Hludowi> All floods killed 04:05 < Ralf_Leo> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Godtfred_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Kumara_Uzochi> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Abolfazl_David> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Shel_Tendai> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Sonjay> wait 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Fatih_Suibhne> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:05 < Sonjay> wait 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:05 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Sonjay> wait 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:05 < Godtfred_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:05 < Litespeed> http=100|http://google.com/ 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:05 < Litespeed> wait 04:05 < Ennio_Henrik> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:05 < Sigihard_Gabriel> All floods killed 04:05 < Aristaeus_Lamont> All floods killed 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < Litespeed> wait 04:05 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Litespeed> wait 04:05 < Abolfazl_David> All floods killed 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < Jairus_Mutamid> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on with 100 threads. 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> UDP Flood started on http://google.com/ with 100 threads. 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:05 < Birgir_Nico> All floods killed 04:06 < Aingeru_Prabodh> Hello everyone, Aingeru_Prabodhhere and i'm here and ready to DDoS. 04:12 -!- Sonjay was kicked from #mcdevs by TkTech [Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.] 04:12 -!- IRNOTCH was kicked from #mcdevs by TkTech [Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.] 05:07 < Krenair> TkTech, still +i? 05:07 < Krenair> oh they're not all banned. ignore me 05:39 <+AndrewPH> lol TkTech was that somebody using this room for their 20-odd computer botnet? 08:51 < SinZ> wat 10:14 < dx> wat. 10:14 < sami2> No! 10:22 < superjoe> I have never seen that before 10:23 <+AndrewPH> wait 10:23 <+AndrewPH> (insert tons of spam and then a ban here) 13:25 < Calinou> s/0/3 13:25 < Calinou> also, away nicks kill 14:06 <+sadimusi> o.O what was that all about? 14:06 < Calinou> nothing. 14:07 <+sadimusi> I was referring to the mile-long backlog 14:07 <+sadimusi> but looks like it was already dealt with 14:11 < Yoshi2> how did it end? All I know is that the channel was put on lock-down, and when I rejoined some ~6 hours later, it was already over 14:13 <+sadimusi> there are some new bans, I assume they are related 14:54 < morfin> how much resources being consumed by entities? 14:54 <+sadimusi> could you be a bit more vague? 14:56 < morfin> i mean by mobs etc 14:57 < dx> how much things are done by things? 14:58 < iBotPeaches> 1.2mb * each tick elapsed since start / amount of mobs in that chunk 14:58 < _68x> is iBotPeaches really a bot o_O? 14:58 < dx> *how many 14:58 < iBotPeaches> _68x: no u 14:58 < dx> _68x: he's not a bot, he bots peaches, bot is a verb 14:58 < morfin> wait it's growing so fast? 14:59 <+sadimusi> _68x: do you still need that favour? 14:59 < _68x> sadimusi: yes please 14:59 < _68x> iBotPeaches: how did you know, i was a bot?!? 14:59 <+sadimusi> _68x: so what is it? 14:59 < _68x> sadimusi: i'll drop you a pm 14:59 < iBotPeaches> _68x: i am special :o 15:00 < morfin> so if i have an npc which lives 3000 ticks it's consuming 3600 mb? 15:00 < morfin> :O 15:01 < iBotPeaches> +- a few mbs 15:04 < _68x> iBotPeaches: it seems like you are 15:13 < Yoshi2> 20 mb per second for a single NPC might be a little bit extreme 15:19 < dx> well morfin never specified what server implementation 15:19 < dx> iBotPeaches is probably talking about his own 15:20 < iBotPeaches> lol i was just making up numbers 15:20 < iBotPeaches> if each npc was taking 3600mb of resources, you would be in a world of pain 15:20 < _68x> iBotPeaches: i din't mean it in a wrong way D: 15:22 < dav1d> why does a NPC take up much ram? 15:22 < dav1d> all it needs is CPU for AI 15:23 < dx> and its own metadata 15:23 < dav1d> dx: which is nothing 15:23 < dav1d> few bytes 15:23 < dx> well the AI has state too 15:23 < dav1d> meh 15:23 <+pdelvo> maybe it simulates a brain. but that would take a little bit more space i think :( 15:24 < Yoshi2> it would be news to me that the minecraft AI has a brain 15:25 < dx> dav1d: well nobody seriously stated that it used a significant amount of ram, it was just iBotPeaches giving meaningless answers to meaningless questions 15:25 <+pdelvo> there are more stupid people out there then the minecraft ai 15:25 < dx> Yoshi2: not a "brain" but the pathfinding is really good 15:25 < dx> and probably expensive too 15:25 < iBotPeaches> this was taken way out of context, i thought everyone was joking around 15:25 < dx> iBotPeaches: :D 15:25 < Yoshi2> the pathfinding is good, that is true 15:27 < Yoshi2> I lost count on how many times a creeper would get inside my redstone contraption even though I thought that I closed it off very well 15:28 < dx> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyFIxvK-sxs 15:28 <+pdelvo> Thats a minecraft rule. If a mob is able to go into your redstone stuff, its a creeper 15:29 <+pdelvo> maze solving is not that complicated 15:29 < dx> but consider that they do this kind of pathfinding at every block change, i really wonder about the cost. 15:31 <+pdelvo> that is a problem right now. zombies lag servers when they see a target, but cant get to it 15:34 < dx> hmm actually it sounds like something spigot could nerf 15:34 < dx> md_5: does spigot reduce the frequency of mob pathfinding updates 16:06 < morfin> i meant original implementation 16:06 < morfin> which is ugly and slow 16:07 < morfin> is not A* an idea for pathfinding? 16:33 < morfin> hmmmm 16:33 < morfin> how npc can eat so much memory 18:03 < stephenmac7> I just spent forever trying to figure out splitting strings and finally realized the problem was not the string splitting, but it was that lua starts it's indexes at 1 18:03 < stephenmac7> Why must lua confuse me like that?? 18:04 < stephenmac7> Wrong channel :) 19:43 <+Amaranth> morfin: A* isn't ideal when you have to keep changing the path, no 21:26 <+clonejo> :w 21:26 <+clonejo> whoops 21:26 <+clonejo> Now I've outed myself as a Vim user 21:29 < Yoshi2> vim4life 21:29 * Yoshi2 highfives clonejo --- Day changed sam. août 03 2013 11:51 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] http://git.io/0Zr6gA 11:51 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde 47ca296 - fixed #20 13:10 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2129 2 files : Improving the way /eh works on flat surfaces. Instead of a filled ellipse, it now makes a ring. Work in progress (only works on X-Y plane, and cannot fill inside yet). 13:50 < ellisvlad> Woo! 13:51 < ellisvlad> Much like good cheese, my c++ minecraft server is maturing nicely ;) 13:52 < ellisvlad> but quick question, what exactly happens when a player places a signpost... 13:52 < ellisvlad> How does the text prompt get opened? 13:54 < SinZ> client opens it themselves iirc 14:06 <+sadimusi> there's a new packet for exactly this 14:06 <+sadimusi> not sure if the client opens it without the packet though 14:06 <+sadimusi> http://wiki.vg/Protocol#Tile_Editor_Open.3F_.280x85.29 14:07 <+sadimusi> ellisvlad: ^ 14:07 <+md_5> client needs packet to open 14:08 < SinZ> ooh nice 14:09 < SinZ> so you could use it as an input form with custom servers 14:09 <+sadimusi> that might just work 14:09 * sadimusi tries 14:14 <+sadimusi> works fine 14:20 < SinZ> That could be fun 17:59 < ellisvlad> Ohh, thanks ;) --- Day changed dim. août 04 2013 07:36 < ffmdr> md_5: I got bad packet ids on latest bungee from time to time...any idea how to debug it? 12:31 < ffmdr> md_5: ping 12:32 <+md_5> reproduce it 12:32 <+md_5> I'm pretty sure the packet definitions are correct 12:32 < ffmdr> because its so easy to reproduce 12:32 < SinZ> if you want to debug bad packet ID's, investigate the 5 or so packets before it 12:32 <+md_5> no one else has reported, and Ive checked hundreds of times 12:32 <+md_5> as a developer you should also know latest is not a version 12:33 <+md_5> especially given one was released minutes ago 12:33 < ffmdr> ok my bungee is fb9461... 12:34 < ffmdr> players are getting randomly kicked with bad packet id durning pvp so they die 12:34 < ffmdr> kinda annoying 12:34 <+md_5> so its probably related to that 12:34 < ffmdr> related to what 12:34 < ffmdr> no no I mean 12:34 <+md_5> again, I have server networks of 5000 people running bungee, and havent had any reports on 1.6 12:35 < ffmdr> hm 12:36 < ffmdr> I could move the "kill player when he logouts durning pvp" part into bungee in theory 12:36 < ffmdr> so it will not kill the player if bukkit closes connection? 12:38 < ffmdr> hm no that doesn't make much sense as client disconnects on bad packet id 13:48 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2130 2 files : Fixed all the edges in /eh when used on flat X-Y plane. Now, to convert it to work with X-Z and Y-Z... 14:12 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2131 2 files : Finished /eh for all plane orientations. 17:45 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5] http://git.io/xBRd_w 17:45 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde 2c1826c - updated glad 17:49 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] http://git.io/ooKYcQ 17:49 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde 8bf1f29 - only include/load opengl extensions which are required 17:52 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] http://git.io/UgpoRg 17:52 < Not-002> [BraLa] Dav1dde a08b55a - only include opengl core profile 17:53 < dav1d> now... 17:54 <+clonejo> dav1d: I managed to get stuck in a block. 17:54 < dav1d> clonejo: yep :P 17:54 < dav1d> clonejo: once your inside a block BraLa is a bitch 21:13 < Brottweiler> xy: Do you run a RedEclipse server? 21:14 < xy> Brottweiler: i do 21:17 < Brottweiler> xy: hey, i dont know how to reply on irc 21:17 < Brottweiler> yeah im playin on it obviously XD 23:13 < coolcat_> Does anyone know why this would create a "Communication error"? http://prntscr.com/1jei6r 23:20 < dav1d> Brottweiler: you play RE :o 23:20 < DavidEGrayson> coolcat_: are you sending that from a custom server to a vanilla client? What packet are you trying to send? 23:22 < coolcat_> I am, and its the server ping reply packet 23:22 <+sadimusi> needs more plaintext 23:34 < Yoshi2> coolcat: it doesn't look like you're sending a correct response, check the Server -> Client info on http://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping 23:35 < Brottweiler> dav1d: I play a lot ofthings!!!! 23:36 < Brottweiler> dav1d: but xy is admin abuse! 23:36 < dav1d> Brottweiler: xy is a jerk! 23:37 < Brottweiler> XD 23:37 < Brottweiler> hes forcing! 23:37 < coolcat> Yoshi2: Any idea of what part..? I know some vaules are diffrent but would except them to be 23:37 < Brottweiler> all the tim 23:40 < Yoshi2> coolcat: hmm, actually, I'll need to check how the client handles incorrect data in the server ping response 23:48 < Yoshi2> coolcat: if you are getting a communication error, your server might be closing the connection too soon 23:54 < coolcat> Hm,k will check it out 23:54 < Yoshi2> coolcat: ohh, make sure that the stringlength you are sending is correct 23:56 < xy> Brottweiler: "all the time" 23:56 < xy> lol'd --- Day changed lun. août 05 2013 00:00 < coolcat> Hm pretty sure string lenght is right but anyways : You can actually ignore the length because the server closes the connection after the response is sent. 00:01 < Yoshi2> coolcat: that is for the client 00:02 < Yoshi2> if you made a client, you could ignore the length 00:03 < Brottweiler> xy: ALL the tem! 00:03 < coolcat> ah,vanilla doesnt ignore it,mk 00:03 < barneygale> coolcat: you sure your string length is in characters, not bytes? 00:03 < Yoshi2> coolcat: your string length is definitely incorrect, 0x30 is 48 characters 00:04 < Yoshi2> because in minecraft, every character in the string takes up two bytes, the minecraft client will read multiplied by two 00:04 < Yoshi2> you are sending 48 bytes of data, but not 48 characters 00:05 < dav1d> UTF-8 please! 00:05 < coolcat> oh,dang over looked that 00:05 < coolcat> Meh, im fine with utf-16, its just pb doesnt support null's in strings 00:05 < coolcat> So i have to make a headache of a workaround 00:06 < dav1d> coolcat: that isn't utf-16 00:06 < barneygale> subset of utf-16 00:06 < dav1d> also utf-16 is the worst thing ever invented 00:06 < barneygale> but tbh i've never worried about it 00:06 < coolcat> btw: is the null chars included in that character count? 00:06 < dav1d> it is just stuipid 00:06 < barneygale> coolcat: the null characters are part of the utf-16 encoding 00:06 < dav1d> coolcat: that is not a null char 00:06 < barneygale> you shouldn't be adding them yourself. 00:06 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 63 commits to master [+1033/-1104/±528] http://git.io/pqVxnw 00:06 < dav1d> ^ 00:06 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn de7e51b - Removed Craft.Net.Data from build 00:07 < coolcat> Er 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 701b107 - Define Craft.Net.Utilities 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 4f86273 - Started refactoring Level 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 54acd4a - Reorganizing unit tests 00:07 < dx> 63 commits? 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn f703e37 - Finished most of Level refactoring 00:07 < dav1d> lol 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 80bf386 - Further work on adding back Level functionality, now supports unlimited worlds 00:07 < dav1d> SPAM 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 78e3a90 - Removing majority of code in other classes, will be rewritten 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 90aada9 - Added NBT_List serialization 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 8be1d3a - Added INbtSerializable for custom serialization 00:07 < barneygale> lollll 00:07 < coolcat> Dang 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 5fa9838 - Added NBT serialization bindings to Chunks and Sections 00:07 < dav1d> CCCCOMBO BREAKER 00:07 < dx> fun 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 7d8d7c2 - Merge master into refactoring 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn d59e9ad - Moving data types around 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 2b564c5 - Move Craft.Net.Data and switch to fNbt fork 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn d1b3a7c - Moved data types into Craft.Net.Data, fixed build errors in Craft.Net.World 00:07 < dx> don't let sircmpwn take over the channel! 00:07 <+AndrewPH> oh boi 00:07 < coolcat> But, im talking about the server list ping 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 7efff97 - Rename Craft.Net -> Craft.Net.Networking 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 62d5cba - Added temporary reduced build configuration for easier development 00:07 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn df965e3 - Fleshed out Section, adds support for Add array