17:40 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has joined #mcdevs 17:41 -!- r04r|away [r04r@unaffiliated/r04r] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:43 -!- feep [~feep@d172-218-59-147.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:43 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 17:57 -!- r04r|away [r04r@unaffiliated/r04r] has joined #mcdevs 18:03 -!- TRocket_ [~TRocket@82-69-14-167.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #mcdevs 18:04 -!- TRocket [~TRocket@82-69-14-167.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:24 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 18:28 -!- BizarreCake [~BizarreCa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:28 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-202-194.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 18:28 -!- pdelvo_ [~pdelvo@] has quit [Changing host] 18:28 -!- pdelvo_ [~pdelvo@mcdevs/trusted/pdelvo] has joined #mcdevs 18:28 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v pdelvo_] by ChanServ 18:28 -!- BizarreCake [~BizarreCa@] has joined #mcdevs 18:28 -!- pdelvo_ is now known as pdelvo 18:29 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-200-173.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:29 -!- Yoshi2| is now known as Yoshi2 18:32 -!- Jailout20001 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 18:35 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:56 -!- Xaardas [~tach@p5B252C30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 18:57 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:00 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has joined #mcdevs 19:03 < kev009__> TkTech: what's the cleanup script? 19:07 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:16 < TkTech> kev009__: Hmm, I forget the name, one moment 19:17 < TkTech> kev009__: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RemoveUnusedAccounts.php 19:17 < TkTech> kev009__: That *should* nuke about 99% of them 19:18 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 20:03 -!- BizarreCake [~BizarreCa@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:13 -!- r04r|away is now known as r04r 20:27 -!- r04r is now known as r04r|away 20:27 -!- Adam01 [~Adam01@pageserved.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:28 -!- Amaranth [~travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 20:30 -!- Adam01 [~Adam01@pageserved.com] has joined #mcdevs 20:30 -!- Amaranth [~travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #mcdevs 20:30 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ 20:41 -!- feep [~feep@S010678cd8e745fa7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #mcdevs 20:52 -!- Paprikachu [~Paprikach@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:11 -!- r04r|away is now known as r04r 21:14 -!- Not-002 [~notifico@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 21:15 -!- workshifter [~timeshift@unaffiliated/timeshifter] has joined #mcdevs 21:15 < workshifter> so the chunk location array holds 4 bytes per chunk, the first 3 being offset... what exactly is the fourth? 21:15 < workshifter> minecraftwiki.net says "sector count", but i can't seem to find any real description of it 21:17 < clonejo_> workshifter: Which packet are you referring to? 21:17 < workshifter> is that as simple as the number of sections in that chunk? e.g. 16 in all cases for a fully-generated chunk? 21:17 < workshifter> http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Region_file_format#Chunk_Location 21:18 < dexter0> sector count refers to the size of the chunk within the region file *4096 (the size of a sector). 21:18 < workshifter> yay for more days spent at work trying to find a chunk error bug in this region writer library that i didn't create, lol 21:19 < workshifter> how could it, if it's only one byte? 21:19 < dexter0> because 1 byte has range of 0-255 21:19 < workshifter> seems like 4096 is slightly larger than that 21:19 < workshifter> lol 21:19 < dexter0> multiplied by 4096 it is sufficient 21:19 < dexter0> No, chunk size = sector count * 4096 21:19 < workshifter> ah 21:19 < workshifter> h 21:20 < workshifter> hm 21:20 < dexter0> you won't have a chunck with size > 255*4096 21:20 < workshifter> yeah 21:22 < workshifter> would it be safe to then just set that byte to 255 across the board? 21:22 < workshifter> rather than the 1 it currently is? 21:23 < dexter0> not really, you'll bloat your region files unnecessarily. 21:24 < workshifter> then what's the practical consequence of it being 1 when the file gets written? 21:25 < workshifter> context: i'm attempting to debug chunk errors in a region file writer written by a friend 21:25 < dexter0> it means the chunk is taking up 4096 bytes of space 21:25 < dexter0> 1*4096 = 4096 21:25 < dexter0> err less than or equal to 4096 bytes of space. 21:26 < workshifter> soo 21:26 < workshifter> hang on, i might be connecting something here 21:26 < workshifter> http://i.imgur.com/TJ3F9y4.png 21:26 < workshifter> this is the region i created 21:26 < dexter0> I can't look at links atm. 21:27 < workshifter> and if memory serves, the chunk errors seem to happen around the "thicker" parts of the map 21:27 < workshifter> could it be that said sector count byte being hard-set is screwing with MC's interpretation of where that chunk data is? 21:27 < dexter0> are you reading or writing? 21:27 < workshifter> writing 21:28 < dexter0> ok, you need to have all of the chunks compressed and know their compressed size. 21:28 < workshifter> 4096 refers to the max size of a given section, correct? 21:28 < dexter0> then you write out the region file header. 21:28 < workshifter> i can get the compressed size of the chunk data easily enough 21:28 < dexter0> then you start writing each chunk, keeping track of where in the file you wrote it and how large it is (each rounded to 4096) 21:29 < dexter0> then you re-write the header with this information filled in 21:29 < dexter0> That is, every chunk starts on a 4096 boundary and takes up a multiple of 4096 bytes of space no matter how large it actually is 21:30 < workshifter> i think i see 21:30 < dexter0> cail(size/4096) = sector count for that chunk 21:30 < dexter0> ceil* 21:30 < workshifter> so the artifact i'm seeing is a result of MC loading the region file, and every now and then, running into a chunk that's 2*4096 bytes (for example), but being told that it's only 4096 anyway 21:31 < dexter0> likely 21:31 < workshifter> it's always nice when the line of code in question has a comment //No idea 21:31 < workshifter> lol 21:34 -!- Eric12 [~Eric1212@] has joined #mcdevs 21:42 -!- Cay [~OlofLarss@s83-177-171-150.cust.tele2.se] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:45 < workshifter> yup, that looks like the problem 21:45 < workshifter> explains why it's only "dense" chunks that glitch 21:46 < dexter0> which library is this btw? 21:46 < workshifter> a custom one a friend of mine wrote 21:46 < workshifter> lol 21:46 < workshifter> as he was writing a custom raytracer... 21:46 < dexter0> ah, what lang.? 21:46 < workshifter> c# 21:48 < workshifter> it's currently working in conjunction with a procedural region generator i wrote in xna 21:48 < workshifter> fun project 21:48 < workshifter> any idea how mc's built-in worldgen works? not the algorithms, but the process, the acquiring of the data 21:48 < workshifter> the ultimate goal would be to completely replace the skylands worldgen on my server 21:49 < workshifter> because fuck the end, skylands was better 21:49 < dexter0> no idea about worldgen. It's an interesting problem but not one I'm interested in. 21:50 < workshifter> it'd be awesome if mc said "give me the chunk data at world chunk x,y,z", and the function just returned that 21:50 < workshifter> i could hijack that no problem 21:51 < dexter0> If you do build a functional MC-like world gen in c#, SirCmpwn over in #craft.net might be interested in adding it to his custom c# server. 21:54 <+SpaceManiac> workshifter: it actually is approximately like that 21:54 < workshifter> woot 21:54 < workshifter> the same NBT format? 21:54 <+SpaceManiac> I don't know the precise internals, just the general process 21:55 < workshifter> ah 21:55 <+SpaceManiac> two steps - generate all needed chunks (16x16x256), then populate ones that aren't on the edge (trees, villages, etc.) 21:55 < workshifter> i gotta say, i kinda like my trees better than minecraft's, lol 21:55 < workshifter> same with vegetation distribution in general 21:56 < workshifter> my vegetation maps are also affected by elevation, so there aren't really dense forests near the top of the map, only at the bottom 21:56 < workshifter> however, i do need the flag that tells MC to generate ores 22:02 -!- feep [~feep@S010678cd8e745fa7.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:03 < TkTech> workshifter: Which library? 22:03 < workshifter> TkTech: custom 22:03 -!- act4 [~alex@dhcp-129-234-83-199.tr.esol.dur.ac.uk] has joined #mcdevs 22:16 -!- ashka [~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:21 -!- ashka [~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka] has joined #mcdevs 22:23 < workshifter> yup, that was it 22:24 < workshifter> thanks, dexter0 22:24 -!- Yoshi2| [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-78-131-137.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 22:26 -!- Yoshi2| [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-78-131-137.netcologne.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:26 -!- Yoshi2| [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-207-215.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 22:27 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-202-194.netcologne.de] has quit [Disconnected by services] 22:27 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+o TkTech] by ChanServ 22:27 -!- Yoshi2| is now known as Yoshi2 22:28 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-b *!~asd@static-71-174-73-11.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] by TkTech 22:28 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-bbbb libminecraft!*@* *!*@*24-197-239-170* *!*quassel@*.members.linode.com *!*Shnaw@*.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] by TkTech 22:28 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-bbbb *!*46189b96@*. *!*feepbot@*.dip.t-dialin.net *!*Quantumle@*.dyn.optonline.net *!*PRimis@*.dyn.optonline.net] by TkTech 22:28 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-bbbb *!*papoohied@*.hsd1.mi.comcast.net *!*mchewhew@*.hsd1.mi.comcast.net aplogbot!*@* *!*EpixP0iso@*.40.254.187.threembb.co.uk] by TkTech 22:28 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-b *!*SirCmpwn@*] by TkTech 22:29 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-o TkTech] by ChanServ 22:35 -!- unnicked893 [~50e8f3d5@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout)] 22:38 < workshifter> o_O 22:48 -!- umby24|offline is now known as umby24 22:48 < dx> well.. uhh... 22:48 < dx> clearing the ban list is usually not a good idea in any channel, but whatever. 22:49 < dx> and i suspect sircmpwn won't bother to rejoin 22:56 -!- mapppum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 22:59 -!- mappum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:59 -!- SirCmpwn [~SirCmpwn@unaffiliated/sircmpwn] has joined #mcdevs 22:59 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v SirCmpwn] by ChanServ 22:59 < TkTech> dx: Most of those haven't been here in years, and you need to clean it since it's capped. 23:00 < TkTech> I've been here for 6 years, 35 weeks, 4 days. Think I've got the gist of it. 23:00 < dx> lol. 23:00 < dx> oh you did keep a few 23:01 < dx> nevermind then. 23:01 < TkTech> Of course, I'm not going to just nuke the entire list ;\ 23:01 < dx> there's people who do that 23:03 -!- eddyb is now known as _eddyb_ 23:05 -!- shoghicp_ [~shoghicp@] has joined #mcdevs 23:06 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has quit [Killed (barjavel.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 23:06 -!- shoghicp_ is now known as shoghicp 23:07 -!- TRocket_ [~TRocket@82-69-14-167.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:09 -!- _eddyb_ is now known as eddyb 23:10 -!- act4 [~alex@dhcp-129-234-83-199.tr.esol.dur.ac.uk] has quit [Quit: act4] 23:27 -!- AlphaBlend [~AlphaBlen@pool-173-58-81-210.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has quit [] 23:34 < shoghicp> TkTech: is notifico down? 23:34 < shoghicp> even the domain 23:45 -!- workshifter [~timeshift@unaffiliated/timeshifter] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 23:47 -!- AlphaBlend [~AlphaBlen@pool-173-58-81-210.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #mcdevs 23:52 -!- Xaardas [~tach@p5B252C30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Tschuess und bis Bald] --- Day changed mar. juin 04 2013 00:02 -!- [z] [~z@cpc2-seac20-2-0-cust453.7-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:07 -!- [z] [~z@cpc2-seac20-2-0-cust453.7-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #mcdevs 00:25 -!- eddyb [~eddy@unaffiliated/eddyb] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 00:31 -!- primis [~quassel@pool-108-54-243-86.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #mcdevs 00:32 -!- AndrewPH [~AndrewPH@hnng.public-craft.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:33 -!- AndrewPH [~AndrewPH@hnng.public-craft.com] has joined #mcdevs 00:33 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v AndrewPH] by ChanServ 00:39 -!- edlothiol [~edlothiol@95-91-255-238-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:46 -!- rizorko [b0431933@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mcdevs 00:49 < rizorko> Hi there! Can you help me? I want to simply send ping test result from my VB.Net Server to MC 1.4.7 client. How can I do that? 00:49 <+sadimusi> hi 00:49 < rizorko> Oh, and sorry for my English, i'm from Russia... 00:49 <+sadimusi> do you have any knowledge of the minecraft protocol already? 00:50 < rizorko> A little 00:50 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-207-215.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:50 < rizorko> I investigated this link: http://mc.kev009.com/Protocol 00:50 <+sadimusi> the ping mechanic has it's own page: http://wiki.vg/Server_List_Ping 00:51 < rizorko> I need a really simple programm on Vb.Net, that will send result packet to client... I saw that page 00:51 <+sadimusi> basically the client sends you a single 0xfe byte and you have to reply with a kick packet 00:51 < rizorko> I can't for mresult byte array to send 00:52 < rizorko> My client says "Connection Error" 00:52 <+sadimusi> I have absolutely no knowledge of VB.Net, but you have to find a way to encode your answer as a UCS-2 string 00:53 < rizorko> How can I form string of the responce? In human-readable form? Then, I can encode it to UCS-2 and send as byte array 00:54 <+sadimusi> you can try it with any string first, the client will display it 00:55 -!- umby24 is now known as umby24|offline 00:55 <+sadimusi> later you should encode all your server's information in this string as is described on the wiki 00:55 < rizorko> Are u sure? I sent the responce, that contained "Blah", and client sayed "Connection Error". 00:55 < ughman> you can encode to big endian UTF-16 pretty easily, which is similar enough 00:56 < rizorko> http://puu.sh/37Lvu.png Same result, "Connection Error" 00:57 <+sadimusi> I'm pretty sure your packet isn't formatted correctly 00:57 <+sadimusi> you have to send 0xff, followed by the length of your string as a big endian short 00:57 <+sadimusi> then comes the string as UCS-2 / UTF-16 00:58 < rizorko> Can you form it on Vb.Net or C#? Or even on C++ ? 00:59 < rizorko> In vanilla MC server, I can't find a part of code, that sends this info 01:00 < rizorko> I can't even navigate trougn that code 01:00 < rizorko> It's really big and messy 01:00 <+sadimusi> you can use mcp to unobfuscate it a bit 01:01 <+sadimusi> craft.net is written in c#, maybe that helps you 01:01 <+sadimusi> https://github.com/SirCmpwn/Craft.Net/blob/master/Craft.Net/Packets.cs#L3036 01:02 <+sadimusi> https://github.com/SirCmpwn/Craft.Net/blob/master/Craft.Net/MinecraftStream.cs#L276 01:02 <+sadimusi> I have to go now, I have an exam in 12 hours and still a lot of learning to do 01:03 < rizorko> Thanks a lot for help 01:03 < rizorko> I'll have a look at craft.net 01:10 < rizorko> Anyohe here? 01:10 < rizorko> Tried to do like craft.net, but the same problem 01:13 < ughman> send 0xFF byte, send length of string in characters as 2 bytes big endian, send UCS-2 string 01:14 < rizorko> 0xFF is the same as ClientStream.WriteByte(254), right? 01:21 < ughman> no 01:21 < ughman> it's 255 01:21 < ughman> FE is 254 01:22 < rizorko> Still, nothing... http://puu.sh/37Mqu.png 01:22 < ughman> err 01:23 < rizorko> What? 01:23 < ughman> where are you getting 254 from 01:23 < rizorko> The wiki says, that I can ignore size bytes... 01:24 < rizorko> "You can actually ignore the length..." 01:24 < ughman> huh 01:24 < ughman> where does it say that 01:25 < rizorko> http://mc.kev009.com/Server_List_Ping, "Server -> Client" section 01:25 < ughman> oh, no 01:25 < ughman> they're saying that if you write a client you can ignore the length 01:26 < ughman> the server has to send the right length to the client 01:27 < rizorko> I need to send it two times? 01:29 < rizorko> I can't understand this bytes and encodings... 01:30 < rizorko> Why it's so simple in Java? 01:32 < ughman> http://pastebin.com/Kbsb8J6x 01:33 < ughman> this is what I have 01:33 < ughman> I'd do WriteByte(0xFF) and then WriteString("Test kick message") 01:33 < ughman> also you can do something like 0xFF in vb.net 01:33 < ughman> it's like 01:33 < ughman> &HFF I think 01:34 < ughman> sorry for all the separate messages, I do that usually on irc 01:35 < rizorko> How should I encode your "Test kick message" in Vb.net? 01:35 < rizorko> Can you push me a screenshot of this function? 01:35 < rizorko> I mean WriteString 01:36 < ughman> I can try to make it into vb.net but I haven't used that language in a while 01:38 < rizorko> That will be great, thanks! 01:38 -!- act4 [~alex@dhcp-129-234-83-199.tr.esol.dur.ac.uk] has joined #mcdevs 01:40 -!- Adam01 [~Adam01@pageserved.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:45 < ughman> rizorko: maybe this? http://pastebin.com/7BmUUVU7 01:47 < rizorko> WriteBuffer? 01:50 -!- Adam01 [~Adam01@pageserved.com] has joined #mcdevs 01:51 < ughman> http://pastebin.com/tMfWAbUJ 01:52 < rizorko> Argh... I knew it... 01:52 < rizorko> Thanks, i'll try 01:54 < rizorko> So, right near ping level in Multiplayer menu, I see 1.3. What should I do to send MOTD and online? 01:55 < ughman> 1.3 as in, the version number 1.3? 01:55 < rizorko> Yes 01:55 < rizorko> "Server is outdated!" 01:55 < ughman> hmm, don't know that one, sorry 01:56 < ughman> oh 01:56 < ughman> http://mc.kev009.com/Server_List_Ping 01:56 < ughman> at the server->client part there 01:57 < rizorko> Can you form me the responce using WriteString and WriteByte? Cause i hate this bytes, bits, digits... 01:57 < rizorko> I can't understand the structure of this packetn 02:00 < ughman> they make a bunch of strings and join them together into one string with VbNullChar in between them 02:02 < rizorko> What protocol # should I use for 1.4.7? 02:02 < ughman> I do not know 02:02 < rizorko> By the way, http://puu.sh/37NPj.png 02:03 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: show me your code 02:03 <+SirCmpwn> no promises, since I'm a C# guy, but I grok .NET 02:04 < rizorko> Sure, http://pastebin.com/fDAbdpY6 02:04 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: also, see this: https://github.com/SirCmpwn/Craft.Net/blob/master/Craft.Net.Server/Handlers/PacketHandlers.cs#L46 02:05 <+SirCmpwn> Dim inBytes As Byte() = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes("Ahaha") 02:05 <+SirCmpwn> needs to be Dim inBytes As Byte() = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes("Ahaha") 02:05 <+SirCmpwn> ah, forget it, you discard that variable without using it 02:06 < rizorko> Yup 02:06 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: so you're using a 1.3.x client to ping this server, and it shows as outdated? 02:06 < rizorko> So, my client just shows me 1.3, red cross over ping level and no MOTD... 02:07 < rizorko> I use 1.4.7 02:07 < rizorko> I am using * 02:07 <+SirCmpwn> that's quite interesting 02:07 <+SirCmpwn> are you accidentally running another server on the same machine? 02:07 < rizorko> No, 100% 02:07 <+SirCmpwn> Minecraft just writes out the value you give it, it'd say your server was version "foo" if you said so 02:08 < rizorko> I gave it 1.4.7, you can see pastebin and check it 02:08 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: try flushing the underlying stream before closing the client 02:09 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: also, I know you're targeting 1.4.7, but have you considered giving Craft.Net a try? It already supports all of this 02:10 < rizorko> SirCmpwn: Flushed, nothing changed 02:10 <+SirCmpwn> how interesting 02:11 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: would you run it through SMProxy and give me the log? 02:11 < rizorko> Also, about craft.net - I am trying to write a server specially for our host machine... 02:11 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: You needn't use all of Craft.Net, it offers a library that just does the networking and nothing else 02:13 < rizorko> Can I have an exe for SMProxy? 02:13 < TkTech> shoghicp: (#notifico, FYI) Yes, digitalocean fucked up. Back up. 02:14 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: note: this executable is for 1.5, but the ping stuff didn't change 02:14 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: http://sircmpwn.github.io/SMProxy/downloads/SMProxy-1.5.exe 02:14 -!- act4 [~alex@dhcp-129-234-83-199.tr.esol.dur.ac.uk] has quit [Quit: act4] 02:16 < rizorko> SirCmpwn: I can't see the logfile 02:16 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: how did you invoke SMProxy 02:16 < rizorko> Huh, understood 02:16 < rizorko> I used dclick 02:17 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: it's a command line tool, even though double clicking it will probably work 02:17 <+SirCmpwn> rizorko: run it and add "localhost:25564" to your minecraft server list 02:18 < rizorko> Crashed 02:18 -!- kryton [~kryton@] has joined #mcdevs 02:18 < rizorko> Your tool 02:18 <+SirCmpwn> give exception 02:18 <+SirCmpwn> in a pastebin, not the channel 02:18 < rizorko> It closed 02:18 <+SirCmpwn> run it from a command line 02:19 < rizorko> It sayed "server disconnected:" and that's all 02:19 <+SirCmpwn> and you should have a log file 02:20 < rizorko> There it is 02:20 < rizorko> http://pastebin.com/AZzaJiSj 02:20 <+SirCmpwn> well would you look at that 02:21 < rizorko> By the way - my minecraft is forge modded. If it is reasonable. 02:21 <+SirCmpwn> you aren't actually writing the string 02:21 <+SirCmpwn> you write a string whose length is zero 02:21 < rizorko> I used ughman's functions 02:22 < rizorko> Probably, from your server 02:22 <+SirCmpwn> ughman's functions? 02:22 < dx> oh hi SirCmpwn 02:22 <+SirCmpwn> why not grab the Craft.Net MinecraftStream code and wrap your network stream in it 02:22 <+SirCmpwn> hi dx 02:23 < rizorko> Sir, you can see my source and check it 02:23 < rizorko> I can't understand, where's the problem 02:23 <+SirCmpwn> it looks fine, but I'm not certain, because it's VB 02:23 <+SirCmpwn> (and I don't know VB) 02:24 < rizorko> It's pretty the same as C Sharp 02:24 <+SirCmpwn> I've always wondered 02:24 <+SirCmpwn> what is "Dim" short for in VB 02:24 < ughman> it's a declaration 02:24 < ughman> I think I see what's wrong 02:25 <+SirCmpwn> yeah, but declaration doesn't start with dim 02:25 < rizorko> ughman, what? 02:25 < ughman> Dim buffer(1) As Byte 02:25 < ughman> should be 0 not 1 02:25 <+SirCmpwn> wat 02:25 <+SirCmpwn> doesn't that declare an array whose length is 1 byte 02:25 < ughman> Dim buffer(0) in vb.net is actually short for Dim buffer(0 To 0) 02:25 < ughman> so 1 is 0 to 1 which has 2 bytes 02:25 < ughman> it's stupid 02:26 < ughman> but it's carried over from vb6 and its past 02:26 <+SirCmpwn> alright, but that doesn't really fix the problem 02:26 <+SirCmpwn> http://pastebin.com/AZzaJiSj 02:26 < rizorko> http://puu.sh/37OE9.png 02:26 <+SirCmpwn> what he should really do there is just use stream.writebyte 02:27 < rizorko> Alright, http://puu.sh/37OGX.png 02:27 < rizorko> It worked! 02:27 < rizorko> But why 1.4.7 is red crossed? 02:27 <+SirCmpwn> how did you change the code? 02:28 <+SirCmpwn> 1.47 is protocol version 52, not 50 02:28 < rizorko> Just cutted one vbNullChar before "$1" 02:28 <+SirCmpwn> should've seen that, sorry 02:29 < rizorko> That's my stupid error 02:29 <+SirCmpwn> wait, what 02:29 <+SirCmpwn> your code doesn't have that 02:29 < rizorko> So, what about red cross near 1.4.7? 02:29 <+SirCmpwn> >1.47 is protocol version 52, not 50 02:29 < rizorko> I didn't understand the wiki in the right way 02:30 -!- Adam01 [~Adam01@pageserved.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:30 <+SirCmpwn> the wiki is hard to read when you're trying to support old versions 02:30 < rizorko> I hav ver 52 02:30 <+SirCmpwn> WriteString("ยง1" + vbNullChar + "50" + vbNullChar + "1.4.7" + vbNullChar + "Test" + vbNullChar + "20" + vbNullChar + "30", ClientStream) 02:30 <+SirCmpwn> needs to be 52 02:30 < rizorko> It's 52 02:31 <+SirCmpwn> same problem? 02:31 < rizorko> Ok, i want to sleep 02:31 < rizorko> So, thanks a lot for help 02:31 < rizorko> I'll join at mornung 02:31 < rizorko> morning* 02:31 < rizorko> Bye 02:31 -!- rizorko [b0431933@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:31 < ughman> heh 02:34 <+SirCmpwn> I wonder if that guy will be successful 02:35 < ughman> I have doubts 02:38 -!- kryton [~kryton@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:40 -!- Adam01 [~Adam01@pageserved.com] has joined #mcdevs 02:49 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: exit(0);] 02:50 * dx pokes SirCmpwn 02:50 <+SirCmpwn> hello dx 02:51 * SpaceManiac whistles 02:51 < dx> SirCmpwn: sup, i, uhm, wanted to ask. did you learn to be a nice person while you were away from this channel? 02:52 -!- primis [~quassel@pool-108-54-243-86.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:52 * dx never had problems with SirCmpwn but is worried about people who did in the past 02:53 <+SirCmpwn> I'm only here because TkTech /invited me here 02:53 <+SirCmpwn> I don't intend to answer such questions 02:53 < dx> hah 02:54 < TkTech> dx: That's an incredibly stupid question and honestly you should know better. 02:54 < dx> TkTech: :D 02:54 -!- primis [~quassel@pool-108-54-243-86.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #mcdevs 02:56 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net] 02:57 < dx> i sure feel like saying childish things today 02:58 < dx> and that's not a good mood to talk about serious topics. 02:59 -!- r04r is now known as r04r|away 03:01 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has joined #mcdevs 03:11 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net] 03:15 -!- Amaranth [~travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has quit [Quit: Linkinus - http://linkinus.com] 03:15 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has joined #mcdevs 03:19 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net] 03:22 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has joined #mcdevs 03:22 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has joined #mcdevs 03:27 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:35 -!- Deaygo [~Deaygo@mcbouncer.com] has joined #mcdevs 03:58 -!- TomyLobo [~TomyLobo@91-66-112-147-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit [Quit: Standby mode...] 04:27 -!- kryton [~kryton@] has joined #mcdevs 04:29 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 04:29 < kryton> hey.. I want to write a plugin that runs in a separate thread via bukkit ideally. I understand MC is singlethreaded so I was wondering how others have approached this 04:35 -!- XAMPP [~XAMPP@] has joined #mcdevs 04:35 -!- XAMPP [~XAMPP@] has quit [Changing host] 04:35 -!- XAMPP [~XAMPP@botters/xampp] has joined #mcdevs 04:36 -!- mapppum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:36 -!- mapppum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 04:55 -!- HaltingState [~HaltingSt@unaffiliated/haltingstate] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:02 <+SpaceManiac> kryton: you'll get more Bukkit help on their channels, but the gist of it is do your 'heavy lifting' on a separate thread and exchange with MC itself on the main thread 05:02 < kryton> y.. i'll ask there.. i was hoping I could cut+paste something ;-) 05:09 -!- HaltingState [~HaltingSt@unaffiliated/haltingstate] has joined #mcdevs 05:14 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-79-113-125.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 05:14 -!- kryton [~kryton@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:21 -!- Jailout20001 is now known as Jailout2000 05:22 -!- kahrl [~kahrl@p5B338A92.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:25 -!- kahrl [~kahrl@p5790C241.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 05:50 <+SirCmpwn> sadimusi: you know that burger has been broken for all the most recent snapshots, right? 06:11 -!- mapppum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:11 -!- mappum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 06:27 -!- AnotherOne [~kvirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:30 < kev009__> TkTech: it only considers activated accounts or something. it only finds 3 06:41 -!- eddyb [~eddy@unaffiliated/eddyb] has joined #mcdevs 06:44 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has left #mcdevs [] 07:21 -!- Prf_Jakob [~jakob@c-2b27e155.1214-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:23 -!- Prf_Jakob [~jakob@c-2b27e155.1214-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #mcdevs 07:23 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v Prf_Jakob] by ChanServ 07:38 -!- Brandon15811_ [~Brandon15@2a01:e0b:1:156:3c3c:9d71:1a5:fb9] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:41 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-79-113-125.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 07:41 -!- Brandon15811 [~Brandon15@2a01:e0b:1:156:3c3c:9d71:1a5:fb9] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:42 -!- Dinnerbone [~dinnerbon@i.could.have.had.any.host.but.i.decided.on.dinnerbone.com] has quit [Quit: :(] 07:44 -!- Cay [~OlofLarss@s83-177-171-150.cust.tele2.se] has joined #mcdevs 07:45 -!- Brandon15811_ [~Brandon15@2a01:e0b:1:156:5c8e:4702:2b27:dc70] has joined #mcdevs 07:48 -!- Brandon15811 [~Brandon15@2a01:e0b:1:156:5c8e:4702:2b27:dc70] has joined #mcdevs 07:49 -!- jspiros [~jspiros@hylia.us] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:13 -!- Amaranth [~travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #mcdevs 08:13 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ 08:49 -!- r04r|away is now known as r04r 08:49 -!- r04r is now known as r04r|away 09:03 -!- Dinnerbone [~dinnerbon@i.could.have.had.any.host.but.i.decided.on.dinnerbone.com] has joined #mcdevs 09:35 -!- conehead [~conehead@unaffiliated/conehead] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 09:35 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:35 -!- Zaneo [~Zaneo@] has joined #mcdevs 09:35 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v Zaneo] by ChanServ 09:36 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 09:51 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has joined #mcdevs 10:08 -!- Xaardas [~tach@p5B2529BB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 10:08 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:21 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has joined #mcdevs 10:28 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 10:37 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:45 -!- unnicked893 [~50e8f3d5@] has joined #mcdevs 11:05 -!- shoghicp_ [~shoghicp@] has joined #mcdevs 11:09 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:09 -!- shoghicp_ is now known as shoghicp 11:12 -!- jspiros [~jspiros@hylia.us] has joined #mcdevs 11:12 -!- jspiros [~jspiros@hylia.us] has quit [Client Quit] 11:14 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 11:18 -!- jspiros [~jspiros@hylia.us] has joined #mcdevs 11:20 -!- mapppum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 11:21 -!- nastyCreeper [~asd@static-71-174-73-11.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #mcdevs 11:21 -!- mappum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:23 < nastyCreeper> hi 11:30 -!- mapppum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:06 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:28 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 12:31 -!- edlothiol [~edlothiol@95-91-255-238-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #mcdevs 12:32 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc22-sotn11-2-0-cust170.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #mcdevs 12:33 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined #mcdevs 12:41 < nastyCreeper> lol @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St0ZXOrxctY 12:48 <+md_5> .haspaid testnick 12:48 <+md_5> (md_5) The account "testnick" is not a premium Minecraft account! 12:48 <+md_5> please explain 12:49 <+md_5> or are you just using that 'nick' to hide the fact your account isnt premium 12:49 <+md_5> also that is the glitchiest pig ever 12:50 < barneygale> nastyCreeper doesn't have an account 12:50 < unnicked893> md_5 that wasn't me playing 12:50 < nastyCreeper> unnicked893 ? 12:50 <+md_5> testnick isnt an account either 12:51 < unnicked893> testnick looks like temporary nick for testing 12:52 < nastyCreeper> unnicked893: who are you? 12:52 < unnicked893> a nobody 12:52 <+md_5> why dafaq do you need a captcha 12:52 < nastyCreeper> md_5 no idea but i like it :) 12:52 < barneygale> is the captcha your idea nastyCreeper ? 12:52 <+md_5> also 12:52 < nastyCreeper> no it was before me 12:53 < barneygale> hold on, you're a dev for nessus? I thought you maintained you didn't know pbunny? 12:53 < barneygale> or am I getting mixed up 12:53 < SinZ> ^ 12:53 < SinZ> Pbunny didn't have a valid MC account either 12:53 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: i got to know him after all your shouting about him 12:54 < barneygale> oh come on 12:54 < nastyCreeper> and now i dev some stuff there 12:54 < nastyCreeper> are you accusing me of something again? 12:54 < barneygale> Did I ever stop/ 12:54 < nastyCreeper> well you should have long ago 12:54 < nastyCreeper> it's not constructive to purpose of this channel 12:55 < SinZ> well if we are going to have a ban list, we may aswell keep it functional 12:55 < barneygale> It's not constructive to allow banned users, users who argue with the mojang devs about pointless bullshit, and users who build servers that facilitate piracy to allow in this channel. 12:55 < barneygale> err 12:55 < barneygale> Switch that last "allow" for "remain" ;D 12:56 < nastyCreeper> can you proof any of your statements? 12:57 < SinZ> you were first join after he was banned, and wanted to dev in C, and have the exact same attitude 12:57 < barneygale> iirc the first thing you did was complain about OOP 12:57 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:57 < barneygale> I can't think of another user since I joined this channel in ~november 2011 who did that 12:57 < nastyCreeper> SinZ: my attitude is ok, seeing how he is slandering me 24/7 12:58 < SinZ> I highly doubt he is slandering you during sleep, and when he is sleeping 12:58 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: all serious C coders hate oop 12:58 < barneygale> You're not a coder. 12:58 < nastyCreeper> i.e. try telling about advantages of oop in ##c 12:59 < barneygale> What? You try telling them OOP has no place in a large game server. Or don't, because there's no point bringing 3rd parties into this really 12:59 < barneygale> Sticking closer to home, does anyone in this channel agree with you? 13:00 < barneygale> I can't recall anyone ever voicing any support for your position. 13:00 < nastyCreeper> must they agree? i'm fine with my opinions as they are 13:00 < barneygale> And what supports your position? You yourself say that computer science is bullshit, and there's no place for theory in coding. 13:00 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: well pbunny agrees with me :) 13:00 < barneygale> alts do not count. 13:00 < SinZ> he is also banned in ##c 13:00 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 13:01 < nastyCreeper> SinZ: don't see ban for him there 13:01 < barneygale> You can't exactly say you have an advantage in education, nor in experience. The people who disagree with you outweigh you on both those fronts. 13:01 < nastyCreeper> obviously they don't ban for disliking oop and java :) 13:01 < nastyCreeper> education and experience aren't the most important part in programming 13:01 < nastyCreeper> ability to think is 13:02 < barneygale> And you think you're better at that than everyone else here? 13:02 <+Zaneo> Which generally comes from? 13:02 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: where did i say so? 13:02 < nastyCreeper> Zaneo: good genes, good health, good brain configuration 13:02 <+Zaneo> >education and experience 13:02 < nastyCreeper> anybody can get education and experience 13:02 < barneygale> Well, your position that OOP and Java are bad comes from your rationale that the best coders don't need experience and education, they need "an ability to think" (I love how you think these are disjoint) 13:03 < SinZ> experience is the only way to get good in programming 13:03 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: they need knowledge, but that's not the only thing they need 13:03 < edk> SinZ: experience is necessary but not suffcient 13:03 < edk> sufficient, too 13:03 < nastyCreeper> and in modern world, google can give knowledge any time you need it 13:03 < barneygale> So if we think Java and OOP have a place in a game that resolves around objects and hierarchy, does that mean we "think" worse than you? 13:03 < nastyCreeper> so keeping knowledge in memory is not that important now 13:04 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: can you describe the reasons why OOP have a place there? 13:04 <+Zaneo> nastyCreeper, this isn't really the channel for it... 13:04 < barneygale> Certainly. I mostly work with proxies. OOP allows me to write multiple protocol handlers for different versions of minecraft, without reusing code. 13:05 <+Zaneo> and by "it" I mean bickering 13:05 < edk> uh, do you mean with reuisng code? 13:05 <+md_5> switch (packetId) { 13:05 <+md_5> switch (protocol version) { 13:05 < nastyCreeper> md_5 ++ 13:05 < nastyCreeper> easy as that 13:05 <+md_5> case 63: readInt(); 13:05 <+md_5> } 13:05 <+md_5> } 13:05 <+md_5> that was not a demonstration of easiness 13:05 < nastyCreeper> anyway, supporting multiple protocols isn't normally needed 13:05 < nastyCreeper> so it's a bad example 13:05 < SinZ> maintaining multiple protocol versions is a nice feature though 13:05 <+md_5> http://www.dotnetperls.com/oop 13:05 < nastyCreeper> or you could also say that oop is good because you can combine mc server with http and ftp server 13:06 < barneygale> what? 13:06 < barneygale> do you even know what oop is? 13:06 < edk> nastyCreeper: suppose I want to find a substring in the string "foobaraarbarbarbarbarpx123". 13:06 <+md_5> barneygale yes, its where you allocate stack memory with malloc(..) 13:06 < nastyCreeper> yes, it's a weird curly braces flood 13:06 < edk> nastyCreeper: without referring to theory, what's the most efficient way to do so? 13:06 <+md_5> what about good old jeff atwood: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/03/your-code-oop-or-poo.html 13:07 < nastyCreeper> edk: why do you ask? 13:07 < edk> nastyCreeper: to see what your answer is 13:07 < nastyCreeper> well you find first char in substring, they loop finding 2, 3 and so on until you miss one, then you find first char starting from last position 13:08 < nastyCreeper> if you find all ones you break 13:08 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined #mcdevs 13:08 < nastyCreeper> first char of substring in string * 13:09 <+Zaneo> nastyCreeper, there are books dedicated to string searching 13:09 < edk> that's not the most efficient way but more importantly it'll actually miss strings 13:09 < edk> in my example, take the substring "barbarbarp" 13:09 < edk> your search finds the first "barbarbar", starts at the end (beginning of "barp") and misses that too 13:09 < nastyCreeper> Zaneo: good. there are also books dedicated to cooking 13:09 < edk> try again 13:10 < nastyCreeper> or collecting butterflies 13:10 <+Zaneo> nastyCreeper, for which people attempting to get better at said skill usually read 13:10 <+md_5> > claims not to be pbunny 13:10 <+md_5> > works on same project as pbunny 13:10 < barneygale> md_5: kb him already 13:10 < barneygale> and ban all nessus devs 13:10 <+md_5> > not listed as author of said project, whilst pbunny is 13:10 < barneygale> they facilitate piracy 13:10 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: wow you're really mad now 13:10 <+md_5> barneygale I cant? 13:11 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: what piracy? 13:11 < nastyCreeper> stop spreading shit here 13:11 < barneygale> Oh you're only +v 13:11 < edk> :( 13:11 <+Zaneo> Do we need a kickban? 13:11 < barneygale> I'm colourblind as fuck, sorry 13:11 <+md_5> whats the silly freenode list command 13:11 < edk> /cs access #mdevs list 13:11 < SinZ> nastyCreeper: ...both you and pbunny don't have an MC account, yet you still filmed a showcase of the server 13:11 < edk> mcdevs, too 13:11 <+md_5> its like /cs show access #channel or something 13:11 < nastyCreeper> SinZ: i have an account. 13:11 <+md_5> nope, no unexpected promotions for me 13:12 < barneygale> bah 13:12 <+md_5> Website coding 13:12 <+md_5> your website 13:12 <+md_5> is so pro 13:12 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: last time I asked you, you wouldn't tell me what it was 13:12 <+md_5> must have whole team dedicated to that 13:12 < edk> md_5: where is his website? 13:12 <+md_5> http://nessus.lv/ourteam 13:12 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: until court requests it from me, i am not obliged to 13:12 < nastyCreeper> feel free to place a trial 13:12 <+md_5> ooh his server is up: nessus.lv:6374 13:12 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: you seem to be confusing #mcdevs with the US government 13:13 < barneygale> you don't have 5th amendment rights here. 13:13 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: #mcdevs don't have "tell us your account name" rule 13:13 < zutto> wait, this channel isnt directly linked to whitehouse and US leaders? 13:13 < edk> zutto: it is, TkTech runs the universe 13:13 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: nor does it have a rule whereby your refusal to divulge the name can't be used against you. 13:13 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+o Zaneo] by ChanServ 13:13 < zutto> edk: oh good, for a moment there i was wondering why i was here 13:13 < nastyCreeper> Zaneo: don't. 13:13 <+md_5> who dafaq is Zaneo 13:14 <@Zaneo> Don't what? 13:14 < nastyCreeper> don't do what these morons ask you to 13:14 < nastyCreeper> i.e. ban nessus devs 13:14 <@Zaneo> Don't cause problems 13:14 < barneygale> Zaneo: have a really nice day 13:14 < nastyCreeper> Zaneo: do i cause? 13:14 < nastyCreeper> they just spread stuff like i don't have account name, server is about piracy, etc 13:15 < nastyCreeper> well at least they don't claim me making cp 13:15 <+md_5> http://screencloud.net/v/4UXs 13:15 <@Zaneo> yeah just a little, you've made a number of inflammatory comments 13:15 < edk> I'd like to point out that I don't claim any of those things, I just think you're an annoying troll without any skills 13:15 < SinZ> ^ 13:15 <+md_5> "This server has online-mode=false" 13:15 < nastyCreeper> edk: feel f ree to keep your opinion 13:15 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-o Zaneo] by Zaneo 13:15 < nastyCreeper> md_5: discuss it with pbunny, i'm not in charge 13:15 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: we are. 13:15 < nastyCreeper> i actually don't care about online mode or not 13:15 <+md_5> you *are* pbunny 13:16 < nastyCreeper> NO. 13:16 <+md_5> also you arent sending packet0 keepalives 13:16 < nastyCreeper> yes, to save traffic 13:16 < SinZ> nastyCreeper: have you read the freenode policies btw? 13:16 <+md_5> save traffic 13:16 <+md_5> wat.ong 13:16 < nastyCreeper> you can easily detect if client is online by checking if it sends a shitload of 0x0Ds 13:16 < barneygale> hahahahahahaha you're so obviously pbunny 13:17 < nastyCreeper> if it stops sending them - something's is wrong 13:17 <+Zaneo> md_5, in answer to you question, nobody important I've just been around for a while 13:17 < zutto> indeed he is 13:17 <+Fador> I feel like C devs are getting a bad name because of this ;) 13:17 <+md_5> Ive been around for year(s) and dont recall you :| 13:17 < nastyCreeper> md_5: you can easily detect if client is online by checking if it sends a shitload of 0x0Ds 13:17 < nastyCreeper> ok? 13:17 <+Zaneo> Before it moved to freenode? 13:17 <+md_5> your captcha is unreadable 13:17 < nastyCreeper> you don't need keepalives 13:18 < nastyCreeper> md_5 consult your oculist maybe, i read it fine 13:18 <+md_5> someone tell me what this is: http://screencloud.net/v/1Oms 13:18 <+md_5> I for the life of me cannot 13:18 < nastyCreeper> also there is /captcha (which refreshes the code) 13:18 <+Matvei> md_5, Zaneo and I have been around before #mcdevs was around, from EsperNet days 13:18 <+md_5> yes, refreshed it tons of times 13:19 <+Matvei> I assure you that his op status is well deserved :P 13:19 <+md_5> anyway 13:19 <+md_5> who can read that captcha for me 13:19 <+md_5> cause I cant 13:19 < edk> My best guess is y 13:19 < nastyCreeper> md_5 screen plz 13:19 <+md_5> someone tell me what this is: http://screencloud.net/v/1Oms 13:19 <+md_5> hm 13:19 < nastyCreeper> a 9 13:19 <+md_5> this looks like 585 13:19 * md_5 tests 13:20 <+md_5> success 13:20 < nastyCreeper> how can't you see the 9 made of furnaces? 13:20 < SinZ> that is a 6 made of furnaces 13:20 < SinZ> S* 13:20 <+md_5> i c now 13:20 <+md_5> that is confusing as hell 13:20 < edk> Not for a computer 13:20 < edk> that's pretty much an anticaptcha 13:20 < nastyCreeper> SinZ: is your monitor by any chance upside down? 13:21 < SinZ> nastyCreeper: is yours? 13:21 < nastyCreeper> md_5: if you can't read captchas, there is a chance you are robot 13:21 < nastyCreeper> SinZ: no, i read it as 9 at once 13:21 < SinZ> then you need your eyes checked 13:21 <+md_5> why would you need captcha 13:21 <+md_5> in an online mode server 13:21 < zutto> is this nessusMS thing a joke? 13:21 <+md_5> oh wait you dont plan online mode 13:21 <+md_5> zutto very much so 13:21 <+md_5> either that or stupidity 13:22 < nastyCreeper> md_5 with offline mode you must do somethign to prevent registrations flooding 13:22 < zutto> "And 256GB of RAM (obtainable easy enough for server by now) can hold about 12000x12000x256 world (depending on entities count, it may be slightly more or less, however entities are more CPU-intensive than memory-intensive), which is enough for most people. " 13:22 < zutto> seriously 13:22 < edk> nastyCreeper: fill the background with white, then edge detect 13:22 < zutto> this has to be a big joke 13:22 <+md_5> uh 13:22 < SinZ> nastyCreeper: do you plan on running the offical thepiratebay.* minecraft server? 13:22 <+md_5> so 13:22 <+md_5> whatever you login as 13:22 <+md_5> changes your IGN to that 13:22 < nastyCreeper> edk: try that then. while i can agree it's possible to defeat the current captcha, nobody will bother to waste time on it 13:22 <+md_5> bet you your passwords arent hashed 13:23 < nastyCreeper> SinZ: lol, not that i'm aware of 13:23 < SinZ> nobody will bother to waste time solving it as a human 13:23 <+md_5> LOL 13:23 <+md_5> crashed server 13:23 <+md_5> end of stream > connection refused: http://screencloud.net/v/rVvR 13:23 < nastyCreeper> well its beta server. 13:23 * edk chortles 13:23 < nastyCreeper> what did you do btw/ 13:23 <+md_5> that was easier than I thought 13:23 < SinZ> Must be the lack of oop 13:23 <+md_5> nastyCreeper power of my mind 13:23 < nastyCreeper> of course it's easy to crash a beta (or should it be called alpha) software 13:23 < edk> not so 13:24 <+md_5> server cant hold me 13:24 < nastyCreeper> try not to explode from proudness 13:24 < edk> /* very alpha exiting program */ int main(void) { return 0; } 13:24 < edk> nastyCreeper: crash that 13:24 < nastyCreeper> edk: it's somewhat simpler than mc server, don't you think? 13:25 < edk> no 13:25 < edk> took many man hours of planning 13:25 < edk> like 0.001 or so 13:25 < nastyCreeper> ok now you're just boring 13:25 < barneygale> I don't understand why you come back here when you know everyone is sick of you 13:26 < nastyCreeper> i can ask you the same 13:26 < edk> Nobody's sick of barney 13:26 < SinZ> ^ 13:26 < barneygale> Thank you :] 13:26 < nastyCreeper> ok go on then 13:26 < zutto> i'm here just for the entertainment pbunny provides 13:26 < edk> I still want an answer to my string searching question 13:26 < edk> (a correct one) 13:27 < barneygale> prediction: nastyCreeper, like (!) bunny, doesn't know big O 13:27 < edk> hell, you can't even implement the naive string search correctly 13:27 < nastyCreeper> edk: if i will ever need to write such algorithm by hand, i will google it 13:27 < nastyCreeper> there is no point in keeping everything in memory "just-in-case" 13:27 < nastyCreeper> brain is not infinite 13:27 < nastyCreeper> actually some studies show that abundance of knowledge make it slower 13:27 < edk> nastyCreeper: but you'll find answers involving theory! 13:28 < SinZ> it stores more info than what your computer does 13:28 < edk> nastyCreeper: and we can't have that 13:28 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: people who understand algorithms would be able to deduce an algorithm 13:28 < barneygale> without googling 13:28 < zutto> brains can store upto 2.5 petabytes of information 13:28 < barneygale> It's not about keeping factoids in your head, stupid. 13:28 < SinZ> and you cant trust the answer on the internet, the FBI put it there to get you into a false sense of security 13:28 < zutto> you're still good to go for another 2.4999999999999999 petabytes nastyCreeper 13:28 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: i will understand it, i just don't have time and desire to reinvent it atm 13:28 < barneygale> reinvent what? a modest understanding of computers? 13:28 < edk> I'm not asking for the perfect solution nastyCreeper 13:29 < nastyCreeper> zutto: synapses count can vary quite significantly between a database-kind of person and person that prefers google to store info for him 13:29 < edk> indeed since you don't know enough about my question you can't tell what the perfect solution is 13:29 < barneygale> Yeah we just want to see your superior "thinking" 13:29 < nastyCreeper> the more synapses - the longer chains of impulses there can be 13:29 <+Zaneo> Nobody here has anything more productive they wish to be doing? 13:29 < edk> I'm asking for any solution. anyone who's not anidiot could work that out. 13:29 < edk> +spaces 13:29 < nastyCreeper> and the more is energy consumption by brain 13:29 < barneygale> Zaneo: I'm housesitting for my gf 13:29 < nastyCreeper> so it will become tired faster 13:29 <+Zaneo> Like programming, sleeping... watching paint dry... 13:30 < SinZ> I would watch the grass grow, but it is a tad bit dark 13:30 < edk> Zaneo: I'm watching Darwin spin round and round very quickly in his grave 13:30 <+Zaneo> The sun just rose here sinz 13:31 < SinZ> Zaneo: give it back! 13:31 <+Zaneo> If I could send it away I would 13:32 < unnicked893> pbunny is god 13:34 < edk> god of what? 13:34 < edk> mediocrity? 13:34 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: it's a good thing you PM'd pbunny after he was banned. You two share a profound cosmic bond 13:34 < barneygale> it's beautiful :3 13:34 < nastyCreeper> :3 13:35 <+md_5> um 13:35 <+md_5> unnicked893 is part of the nessus dev team guys 13:36 < barneygale> so is nastyCreeper 13:36 <+md_5> yes we know 13:36 <+md_5> was just making clear I just confirmed unnicked893 is too 13:36 < SinZ> a manhunt on nessus MC would be fun 13:37 < edk> find SinZ before the server crashes 13:38 < unnicked893> md_5 i like you 13:39 <+md_5> unnicked893 why do you like me? 13:39 < edk> everyone does 13:39 < edk> md_5 is the original sex god 13:39 <+md_5> circlejerk engage 13:40 * edk turns the stupidity up a gear 13:41 < unnicked893> md_5 no idea 13:48 -!- fortytwo [~thomas@who.let.this.bloody.dropbear.in] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:48 -!- fortytwo [~thomas@who.let.this.bloody.dropbear.in] has joined #mcdevs 13:48 -!- Dinnerbone [~dinnerbon@i.could.have.had.any.host.but.i.decided.on.dinnerbone.com] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 13:49 -!- Dinnerbone [~dinnerbon@i.could.have.had.any.host.but.i.decided.on.dinnerbone.com] has joined #mcdevs 13:51 < barneygale> Well, I'm going to throw this up, and hopefully TkTech or sadimusi will see it when they come online later 13:51 < barneygale> https://gist.github.com/barneygale/5705361 13:53 < Thinkofdeath> "prohibited under dev.bukkit.org rules" isn't it against the #mcdevs rules as well? 13:54 < nastyCreeper> goddamn you are wicked barneygale 13:54 < nastyCreeper> where did you see piracy 13:54 < barneygale> yeah tis Thinkofdeath 13:54 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: minecraft protocol supports piracy then, because it supports offline mode 13:54 < jast> #mcdevs rules don't forbid it 13:54 < barneygale> I thought they did? 13:54 < jast> this petition is crap 13:55 < barneygale> your petition is crap 13:55 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: should we forbid minecraft protocol here? because you can make offline mode servers with it 13:55 < jast> the rules say the channel isn't going to help anyone with circumventing authentication 13:55 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: what is wrong with you? 13:55 < jast> that's clearly different 13:55 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: you act like a moron <- that 13:55 < nastyCreeper> please stop it and don't try to remove people that can actually help the channel 13:55 < barneygale> "We will not help you circumvent player authentication or otherwise help you pirate the game." 13:56 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: who asked for help on that? 13:56 < nastyCreeper> and piracy isn't involved in any way 13:56 < nastyCreeper> we can even make an explicit rule for our server about that 13:56 < nastyCreeper> will it make you calm? 13:56 < jast> the question of what auth mechanism that server uses is entirely orthogonal to the piracy question 13:57 < nastyCreeper> ++ 13:57 < barneygale> jast: how so? 13:57 < jast> piracy is when you download and use the client without a license 13:57 < barneygale> Like the petition says, such a thing is not allowed for bukkit plugins on dev.b.o precisely because of the piracy implications 13:57 < jast> who cares about dev.bukkit.org 13:57 < jast> this is #mcdevs 13:57 < jast> not #bukkitdevs 13:58 < nastyCreeper> "something which is prohibited under dev.bukkit.org rules" - LOL 13:58 < nastyCreeper> what the hell has bukkit to do with this channel (or the world of minecraft development)? 13:58 < barneygale> I'm just saying that they found this reasoning sound enough, what makes you think it's orthogonal? 13:59 < jast> do I need to use smaller words? 13:59 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: and cu clux clan found it reasonable to kill black people 13:59 < jast> piracy is when you illegally use the client 13:59 < nastyCreeper> what makes you think they were orthogonal? 13:59 < barneygale> jast: you can if you like, but I'll pass on the condescension thanks! 13:59 < jast> a server in offline mode makes it neither easier nor harder to pirate the game, therefore it's orthogonal 13:59 < zutto> http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/38397700.jpg <-- i'll just leave this here 13:59 < nastyCreeper> jast: right, and iirc pbunny have plans for custom client after server 13:59 < nastyCreeper> which will remove the piracy question alltogether 14:00 < barneygale> jast: bukkit devs disagree with you. What do you say to their rationale? 14:00 < jast> nor does it encourage people to pirate any more than the fact that you can play singleplayer without a license 14:00 < jast> both are illegal 14:00 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: bukkit is shit :) 14:00 < barneygale> thanks pbunny. 14:00 < jast> barneygale: you have not bothered to provide a reference to their rationale yet 14:00 < barneygale> jast: I hardly see why I'm responsible for finding it for you. You're the one picking the argument. 14:01 < jast> I see no need to answer your question if you want me to do all the work required to do so 14:01 < barneygale> Then you concede the point. 14:01 < jast> no 14:01 < barneygale> Uhg 14:01 < jast> you're labouring under a misunderstanding about the concept of burden of truth 14:02 < jast> (or so it seems to me) 14:02 < barneygale> you're speaking in platitudes as if you're the bringer of wisdom to some uncivilised people. 14:02 < jast> well, you're the one making demands based on some as yet unexplained reasoning 14:02 < barneygale> See? I can act like I'm in my first reddit argument too. 14:03 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: can it be that you are just jealous about pbunny and his server progress? 14:03 < barneygale> jast: the reasoning is explained. If you don't want to look it up, then don't sign the petition. But I'm not going to entertain some argument from you if you don't even know what you're arguing against 14:03 < barneygale> It's silly. 14:03 < nastyCreeper> you spend extremely much effort to fight him and everybody related 14:04 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: oh I'm beyond jealous 14:04 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: also i like how signing petition requires a github account 14:04 < barneygale> most active devs here have them. 14:06 < jast> well I've stated my opinion in the "petition". 14:06 < barneygale> "thank you" 14:06 < jast> not that it makes a difference. after all, this channel is not a democracy. 14:07 < barneygale> hence why I'm handing it to the first op to come online. 14:07 < jast> best of luck with that 14:07 < barneygale> thank you 14:07 < dav1d> oh noe 14:07 < dav1d> s 14:07 < dav1d> he is back, we had such a good time 14:11 < edk> what's the ssh escape to force disconnect again 14:11 < edk> i forgot it 14:11 < dav1d> ^D ? 14:11 < jast> ~ . 14:12 < edk> thanks 14:12 < jast> in the openssh client, anyway 14:12 < edk> yeah, that's what i'm using 14:14 < edk> barneygale: I agree with banning them, but for ban evasion, rather than piracy :p 14:16 < barneygale> jast: replied with a couple of quotes from TkTech and sadimusi. 14:17 < jast> that's nice. it doesn't change my point of view, but I'm also not in charge of the channel. net effect: zero. 14:18 < nastyCreeper> edk: it is wrong to ban based on unproven accusation, don't you think? 14:19 < edk> no 14:19 < jast> in the channels I'm involved in, people tend to get banned if they are *annoying*, so the question wouldn't come up there in the first place. 14:20 < nastyCreeper> edk: then you should have stayed in middle ages, thinking like that was welcomed there 14:20 < barneygale> TIL edk is hundreds of years old 14:20 < barneygale> or can time travel? 14:21 < edk> both 14:21 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: i meant - he should have born in middle ages, not in age of logic, science and critical thinking 14:21 < edk> I was born in the year 2047 14:21 < jast> as it is, my personal approach is to ignore any clowning 14:21 < nastyCreeper> imagine if people got arrested just because they resembled some criminal 14:21 < jast> you mean, the way it already is? 14:21 < nastyCreeper> jast: they can be taken for identifying 14:21 < jast> yes, the possibility exists 14:22 < nastyCreeper> but then it is checked whether they are actually the person they resemble 14:22 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: again, you're confusing #mcdevs with a government 14:22 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: it's how civilized world work 14:22 < barneygale> or a state. 14:22 < edk> nastyCreeper: maybe you're not aware, but if two atoms have the same properties, they're literally indistinguishable: the question of whether an atom is the same as an atom that "could" be the same atom doesn't mean anything 14:22 < edk> I posit that your case is equivalent 14:22 < jast> in this country, there was a case recently where a guy got committed because he claimed that a certain bank had been doing illegal transactions 14:23 < nastyCreeper> edk: they will have different physical location, that will make them distinct 14:23 < jast> stayed locked away for 6~7 years 14:23 < jast> brave new world 14:23 < edk> nastyCreeper: what if they're attached to the same molecule? 14:23 < nastyCreeper> jast: sure, but civilized world tries to reduce number of such cases 14:23 < barneygale> ron 420 blaze it paul 14:23 < edk> the only way we have to work out the path atoms take in a reaction is by using radioisotopes and watching very fast 14:23 < nastyCreeper> however barneygale tries to turn channel into some kind of inquisition 14:23 < jast> any society is made up of different factions with different motivations 14:24 < nastyCreeper> edk: if atoms have 0 differences - it is the same atom. 14:24 < barneygale> this isn't a society 14:24 < barneygale> jesus christ 14:24 < jast> I don't think black-and-white thinking is helpful in understand the world as it actually is 14:24 < edk> nastyCreeper: that's not so 14:24 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: um, #mcdevs is a society 14:24 < ughman> this argument 14:24 < jast> I'm not talking about #mcdevs 14:24 < barneygale> many good website and communities are run by benevolent dictators, something this line of thinking wouldn't support. 14:25 < barneygale> I have no idea why you're applying this libertarian slippery-slope bullshit thinking to an irc channel 14:25 < edk> This one is run by a dictator, as it happens 14:25 < jast> because it's convenient 14:25 < barneygale> exactly 14:26 < nastyCreeper> i'm not talking about democracy. requirement of proofs before acting is just a way of civilized justice 14:26 < nastyCreeper> and slandering should be punishable, btw 14:26 < barneygale> iirc ##bash for a time was run on the basis that everyone got op as soon as they entered 14:26 < barneygale> maybe talk to the ops there about how that went ;D 14:28 < jast> there is no absolute proof, so the interpretation of evidence is up to the judiciary. which none of us are. 14:28 < jast> just saying. 14:28 < edk> yeah, i think this discussion ran its course a while ago 14:28 < barneygale> agreed 14:29 < barneygale> thanks for giving pbunny exactly what he wanted jast. 14:29 < jast> we can argue about who's right until we're blue in the face, but the argument serves no purpose at all 14:29 < edk> can we talk to pbunny about string searching instead? 14:29 < jast> why? you're not expecting to learn anything, are you? :} 14:30 -!- clonejo_ [~clonejo@clnj.de] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8] 14:30 < edk> jast: i'm hoping to demonstrate a case where the CS approach is demonstrably much more efficient 14:30 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:30 < jast> to what end? 14:31 <+sadimusi> barneygale: You should start a petition for a "No annoying people" rule instead 14:31 < jast> do you seriously believe he'd admit that he was wrong? given airtight proof? 14:31 < jast> I don't 14:31 < edk> I hope more than believe 14:31 < barneygale> pbunny should work for Amy's Baking Company amirite 14:31 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has quit [Client Quit] 14:31 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:32 < jast> I suppose the rules actually already cover that 14:32 < barneygale> Err 14:32 < barneygale> Also 14:33 < barneygale> nastyCreeper: you signed up for github? I'm impressed 14:33 < jast> for the most part, annoying people are shockingly impolite, which is technically against the rules. in practice, the rules don't seem to be serving as a law book, though (which is a good thing, of course) 14:33 < nastyCreeper> barneygale: i didn't. 14:35 < jast> barneygale: no, that's yet another completely distinct person who is not at all identical to pbunny 14:35 < edk> I wonder if the correct approach in this instance isn't just to ignore pbunny/nastyCreeper/* 14:35 < edk> blah blah trolls blah blah don't feed blah. 14:35 < jast> well, depends on the aim 14:35 < barneygale> that kinda only works if a lot of people do it 14:35 < clonejo1> some people seem to have fun feeding trolls 14:36 < jast> if you want to get rid of someone that way, it doesn't tend to work at all in open (anyone may join) communities 14:37 -!- AnotherOne [~kvirc@] has joined #mcdevs 14:37 < nastyCreeper> what were annoying about pbunny btw? any logs? 14:37 < jast> instead, it reduces the impact to those in the community who don't systematically ignore the thing in question, which tends to be the majority 14:38 < jast> newcomers in particular 14:43 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8] 14:43 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:44 -!- TomyLobo [~TomyLobo@91-66-112-147-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:59 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8] 14:59 -!- clonejo1 [~clonejo@clnj.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:59 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 15:02 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 16:04 -!- kev009__ [~kev009@tempe0.bbox.io] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:06 -!- Zaneo is now known as Zaneo|Busy 16:12 -!- BizarreCake [~BizarreCa@] has joined #mcdevs 16:33 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-78-28-126.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 17:06 -!- workshifter [~timeshift@unaffiliated/timeshifter] has joined #mcdevs 17:07 < workshifter> anyone know where to start in adding a new worldgen algo for a bukkit server? 17:09 -!- nastyCreeper [~asd@static-71-174-73-11.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC] 17:10 -!- nastyCreeper [~asd@static-71-174-73-11.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #mcdevs 17:12 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 17:14 -!- Paprikachu [~Paprikach@] has joined #mcdevs 17:15 <+SirCmpwn> workshifter: in #bukkit on irc.esper.net 17:15 <+SirCmpwn> or #bukkitdev 17:15 < dav1d> oh hi 17:15 < dav1d> wb 17:15 <+SirCmpwn> ty 17:16 < workshifter> http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/basic-creating-custom-world-generators.24569/ 17:16 < workshifter> found this, still correct? 17:17 < dav1d> workshifter: better join #bukkit on irc.esper.net, not a whole lot of bukkit devs are here 17:17 <+SirCmpwn> workshifter: we can't really help you with bukkit plugins here 17:17 <+SirCmpwn> I can tell you how to make a custom Craft.Net world generator if you want 17:17 < dx> good morning 17:18 < dav1d> hi 17:18 < workshifter> got it, thanks 17:18 * dx reads up 17:18 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: exit(0);]