00:48 < dav1d> indeed 00:49 < dav1d> (notice the rhyme?) 00:49 < dx> i should make my own language called indeed 00:49 < dx> using neat as base 00:49 < Not-002> [fCraft] fragmer * r2007 2 files : Finishing FloatingIslandMapGen for now. 00:50 < dav1d> time to zz, cya! 00:50 < dx> bye! 00:51 < feep> hm. I mave not used this stuff in way too long 00:51 < feep> dav1d: night 00:51 < feep> so it doesn't seem to work right now. BAH! I can still use it to demo the syntax 00:51 < feep> dx: https://gist.github.com/5666758 00:52 < feep> dx: note line 32 and onwards 00:52 < dx> .nt.d 00:52 < feep> dx: note: this is not a wrapper layer! this is straight C calls. 00:53 < dx> lol'd at line 33 00:53 < feep> :p 00:53 < feep> dx: unrelatedly, binary dist http://feephome.no-ip.org/~feep/fccdists/fcc-Wed%20May%2029%2000%3A44%3A33%20CEST%202013.tar.bz2 00:56 < dx> feep: yeah, well, i don't know how to say it, but... i really have no idea what i'm reading 00:56 < feep> dx: it's just cairo calls. 00:57 < dx> i understood that much 00:57 < feep> dx: the point of it is 00:57 < dx> what i don't understand is the magic that your language applies to transform those calls 00:57 < feep> okay, two parts. 00:57 < feep> you know how cairo is like 00:57 < feep> cairo_set_source_rgb(ctx, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); 00:57 < dx> yeah 00:58 < feep> and how the cairo_ prefix sort of emulates a module system 00:58 < dx> indeed 00:58 < feep> which is completely useless in neat because we already have a module system 00:58 -!- Stormx2 [~Stormx2@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:58 < feep> consequentially, https://github.com/FeepingCreature/fcc/blob/master/std/lib/cairo.nt 00:58 < feep> defmode cairo "prefix cairo_ prefix CAIRO_"; 00:58 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-209-179.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 00:58 < dx> oh derp 00:58 < dx> THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING 00:58 < feep> ^__^ 00:59 < feep> there's a second magic to it 00:59 < feep> you know how the ctx is sort of like an object 00:59 < dx> yeah 00:59 < feep> right, so you have defmode cairo-context x "first-arg x"; 00:59 < dx> so first-arg 00:59 < feep> which does exactly what it sounds like 00:59 < dx> yeah, the fact that this is defined here makes it reasonable :P 01:00 < feep> ^^ 01:00 < feep> dx: there's some more involved magic around glibc 01:00 < dx> i really thought your language had some sort of built-in heuristics to guess when an API has some of these prefixes 01:00 < feep> haha 01:00 < feep> dx: the glibc magic is SORT OF built in 01:00 < feep> https://github.com/FeepingCreature/fcc/blob/master/std/lib/gtk.nt 01:00 < dx> glibc or glib? 01:01 < feep> er 01:01 < feep> glib 01:01 < feep> sorry 01:01 < feep> the gobject stuff basically makes it aware of the inheritance relations between glib/gtk pointer types 01:01 < feep> meaning that it essentially typechecks your gtk calls :D 01:02 < dx> neat! 01:02 < dx> gobject supports introspection to rebuild the whole object system though 01:03 < dx> they don't want to write language bindings anymore now that they have "gi" 01:03 -!- Sabriel [~sharvey@pdpc/supporter/student/sabriel] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 01:03 < feep> feh, fuck 'em 01:03 < dx> lol 01:04 < dx> nah, you should figure out how to take advantage of this 01:04 -!- feepbot [~feepbot@p579E530B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:04 < feep> the entire point is that you don't write language bindings 01:04 < feep> it's a neat design point 01:04 -!- feepbot [~feepbot@p579E5AF0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 01:04 < feep> you take the C API and give neat a few hints how to make a binding from that 01:04 -!- Jckf_ [~jckf@2001:470:27:155::2] has joined #mcdevs 01:04 < dx> yep, pretty much 01:04 < feep> (or you can just use the C API up straight) 01:05 < feep> (or any mix) 01:05 -!- Jckf [~jckf@2001:470:27:155::2] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:05 < feep> really, neat is very much on the perl side of things 01:05 < feep> .wp tim toady 01:05 < feepbot> feep: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There's_more_than_one_way_to_do_it There's more than one way to do it (TMTOWTDI or TIMTOWTDI, pronounced “Tim Toady”) is a Perl programming motto. The language was designed with this idea in mind, in that it “doesn't try to tell the programmer how to program. 01:05 < feep> also I love that wikipedia page to bits 01:05 < dx> the gtk one looks like it's limited by the amount of objects you define in that file, though 01:05 < feep> yeah. 01:05 < feep> the thing is 01:05 < feep> I REALLY don't want to depend on an external tool 01:05 < feep> that just begs for version incompatibility 01:06 < dx> ..an external tool that generates the hints file? or what 01:06 < feep> the headers are the canonical, and thus only sane, source of api data 01:06 < feep> yeah 01:06 < dx> hmm 01:06 < dx> you should make smarter hints then :D 01:06 < feep> :D 01:06 -!- Sabriel [~sharvey@pdpc/supporter/student/sabriel] has joined #mcdevs 01:06 < feep> if there was some way to get the inheritance data from the header .. 01:06 < feep> but alas. 01:07 < feep> ANYWAY back to minecraft 01:07 < dx> what's minecraft? 01:07 < feep> :D 01:07 < dx> doesn't sound as fun as neat 01:07 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #mcdevs 01:07 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v SpaceManiac] by ChanServ 01:10 < feep> dx: it's still neat 01:10 < feep> neat and minecraft, neatcraft, mineatcraft 01:10 < feep> also: got the server list window to show the correct version! 01:11 < dx> is the correct version beta 1.8? 01:11 <+Prf_Jakob> feep: so you are back at making a server? 01:13 < feep> Connecting: FeepingCreature at 61 to // woo 01:13 < feep> Prf_Jakob: for today at least 01:13 < feep> dx: 1.5.4 for now 01:14 < dx> feep: *for now* 01:14 < feep> dx: so I get a 0x02 handshake 01:14 < feep> if I want to unencrypted, what's the correct response? 01:15 < feep> does anyone have something like a state machine graph for the handshake/interaction 01:16 -!- cathode|alt [~cathode@c-76-105-184-52.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:16 -!- cathode [~cathode@c-76-105-184-52.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 01:18 -!- Seegee [4a5839cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:19 -!- Jckf [~jckf@2001:470:27:155::2] has joined #mcdevs 01:19 -!- Jckf_ [~jckf@2001:470:27:155::2] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:20 <+Prf_Jakob> feep: IRCC if you are using a vanilla server it will force encryption 01:20 < feep> welp! I got minecraft to crash 01:20 < feep> Prf_Jakob: I'm _writing_ a server :p 01:20 <+Prf_Jakob> oh right 01:20 < feep> anyway I get up to the point where it starts sending terrain 01:20 < feep> so I'll look at that next 01:20 <+Prf_Jakob> I thought it was the server that sent the initial handshake? 01:20 < feep> yeah, recently 01:20 < feep> they combined handshake and login looks like 01:20 < feep> this server is p old :D 01:20 <+Prf_Jakob> oh doh 01:23 < feep> can you run minecraft.jar so as to connect to a server from the commandline? 01:27 < feep> so how does the chunk stuff work recently 01:27 < feep> the prechunk packet seems to have been removed? 01:27 < feep> haalp 01:29 <+clonejo> feep: prechunks are gone, yes 01:30 < feep> clonejo: okay so I just send 0x33? 01:30 < feep> clonejo: how do I unload a chunk? 01:30 <+clonejo> yep 01:30 < feep> or don't I? 01:31 < feep> is unloading clientside now? 01:31 <+clonejo> feep: no 01:32 <+clonejo> feep: send 0x33 with ground-up continuous=true and primary bit mask=0 (eg. don't send any 16^3 chunks) 01:33 -!- mbaxter [~mbaxter@mcblockit/staff/mbaxter] has quit [Quit: restarting] 01:33 < feep> ah! thanks 01:33 -!- r04r is now known as r04r|away 01:36 -!- mbaxter [~mbaxter@] has joined #mcdevs 01:36 -!- mbaxter [~mbaxter@] has quit [Changing host] 01:36 -!- mbaxter [~mbaxter@mcblockit/staff/mbaxter] has joined #mcdevs 01:42 <+Prf_Jakob> oh and something unrelated 01:42 <+Prf_Jakob> http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/1f7vwl/openhmd_a_free_and_open_source_cross_platform/ <-- I helped make this. 01:48 < feep> okay, the client is accepting my terrain data 01:48 < feep> Prf_Jakob: woo! go you! 01:49 < feep> :D 01:52 < feep> I get ingame! 01:52 < feep> No terrain yet. 01:52 < feep> But ingame! 01:53 < feep> hm. 01:53 < feep> I definitely _send_ the terrain. 01:54 < feep> is my bitmask off? 01:59 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: exit(0);] 02:05 -!- AlphaModder [~chatzilla@2602:306:37f4:cb80:2dbf:4ede:b782:c0a0] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:06 -!- AlphaModder [~chatzilla@2602:306:37f4:cb80:2dbf:4ede:b782:c0a0] has joined #mcdevs 02:06 -!- AlphaModder [~chatzilla@2602:306:37f4:cb80:2dbf:4ede:b782:c0a0] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:07 -!- AlphaModder [~chatzilla@2602:306:37f4:cb80:2dbf:4ede:b782:c0a0] has joined #mcdevs 02:09 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 02:18 < feep> boolean is 1-byte, right? 02:18 < feep> oh. 2-byte? 02:21 < feep> wait, is it? 02:21 < feep> o.o 02:23 < feep> the protocol page is beign weird 02:23 < feep> *being 02:23 < feep> the sizes look like bool is 2-sized 02:23 < feep> but if I treat it as 2-sized I get weird errors 02:24 < dx> http://wiki.vg/Data_Types 02:24 < dx> 1 02:25 < feep> then the sizes on http://mc.kev009.com/Protocol are off 02:25 < dx> feep: what packet? 02:25 < feep> anything with boolean 02:25 < feep> hm 02:25 < feep> start with ... OH 02:25 < feep> it counts the ID? 02:25 < feep> sorry, my mistake in that case 02:25 < feep> carry on 02:25 < dx> :D 02:25 < feep> :D 02:26 < feep> okay. terrain. 02:26 < feep> chunks are like, {types, metadata, blocklight, skylight, biomes} for each block right? 02:26 < feep> and gzipped as a whole? not per block? 02:26 < dx> if you ever think that the protocol page is wrong, remember there's always http://b.wiki.vg/1.5.2 with stuff grabbed directly from the jars 02:26 < feep> er 02:26 < feep> chunk* 02:27 < dx> i'm not sure why anyone would gzip each block individually 02:27 < feep> dx: o! that is helpful 02:27 < feep> dx: idk :D 02:28 * mbaxter gzips dx 02:28 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: exit(0);] 02:28 < feep> oh. all my data is 0, that'd explain it. 02:29 < dx> mbaxter: o_o 02:31 < mbaxter> :) 02:33 < feep> okay, I definitely send some valid blocks 02:33 < feep> chunks! agh 02:33 < feep> hey, what does ground-up contiguous actually do? 02:34 < feep> oh I get it 02:38 < dx> i like feep 02:38 < dx> i'm too used to people in other channels who ask questions and make me think for them 02:39 < dx> (or google) 02:39 < dx> (google is a subset of thinking) 02:48 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 02:48 < feep> alright! Terrain get. 03:01 < feep> well 03:01 < feep> broken terrain 03:01 < feep> hm 03:02 < feep> .. now it stopped working again, what 03:03 < feep> it worked for one try 03:03 < feep> like, randomly 03:08 -!- TomyLobo [~TomyLobo@91-66-112-147-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit [Quit: Standby mode...] 03:14 -!- fireglow [fireglow@unaffiliated/fireglow] has quit [Quit: puf] 03:15 -!- fireglow [fireglow@unaffiliated/fireglow] has joined #mcdevs 03:20 < feep> hm. I send my chunk data and the server seems to accept it 03:22 < feep> for what reason could minecraft be ignoring my terrain? 03:28 < feep> I send terrain, I send spawn location, inventory, player pos+look 03:30 < feep> bbl 03:35 -!- feep [~feep@d172-218-59-147.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:50 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 1 commit to refactoring [+0/-0/±1] http://git.io/sLqk3Q 03:50 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn d402274 - Update fNbt 03:51 -!- Prf_Jakob [~jakob@c-2b27e155.1214-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:52 -!- Prf_Jakob [~jakob@c-2b27e155.1214-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #mcdevs 03:52 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v Prf_Jakob] by ChanServ 04:02 -!- feep [~feep@S010678cd8e745fa7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #mcdevs 04:03 < feep> dx: hi do you know why the client may be ignoring the terrain data that I send and spawn me in a featureless void? 04:04 <+ammar2> feep: sending it an initial spawn position along with a move packet? 04:04 < feep> yes 04:04 < feep> wait, move packet? 04:05 < feep> do you mean 0x0d? 04:08 <+ammar2> yeah 04:08 <+ammar2> you need it to force the client over to the spawn, a bit hacky but thats how it works 04:10 < feep> ammar2: the client spawns at the correctish position 04:10 < feep> there is just no terrain and it falls into the void. 04:11 <+ammar2> the 'y' and 'stance' fields are swapped 04:11 < feep> ammar2: the client spawns at the correctish position 04:11 < feep> I've confirmed this with F3. 04:11 <+ammar2> feep: are you sending it after the terrain? 04:11 < feep> yes. 04:11 < feep> [18:28] I send terrain, I send spawn location, inventory, player pos+look 04:24 < feep> it's like it fails to realize that it's supposed to be checking for terrain 04:24 < feep> but it doesn't error or anything 04:25 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+o TkTech] by ChanServ 04:25 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+b *!~feepbot@p579E5AF0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] by TkTech 04:25 -!- feepbot was kicked from #mcdevs by TkTech [Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.] 04:25 < feep> .. ? 04:25 < feep> TkTech: what was that about? 04:25 <@TkTech> I take it you completely ignored the rules in the topic? 04:26 < feep> rechecking 04:26 -!- mode/#mcdevs [-o TkTech] by ChanServ 04:26 < feep> huh. I'm reasonably sure I asked. 04:26 < feep> minute. 04:28 < feep> ....... oh! 04:28 < feep> TkTech: huh 04:28 < feep> TkTech: sorry about that, I don't know how it rejoined 04:28 < feep> TkTech: ........ OH 04:28 < feep> TkTech: you banned it last time, so I never took it off the autojoin list 04:29 < feep> minute 04:29 < feep> man I forgot about that mess 04:29 < feep> should be fine now 04:30 < TkTech> Prf_Jakob: Neat, taking a look at it. Did you write bits of it or do the interface? 04:30 < TkTech> feep: Just as an FYI, you do understand that it's common IRC etiquette to ask before bringing your bot into ANY channel, right? 04:31 <+Prf_Jakob> TkTech: tbf last time it was me that brought the bot in :-P 04:32 < TkTech> Prf_Jakob: בּ_בּ 04:33 <+Prf_Jakob> TkTech: i bit of everytning 04:33 <+Prf_Jakob> -i 04:33 <+Prf_Jakob> +I 04:33 <+Prf_Jakob> +did 04:33 <+Prf_Jakob> +a 04:34 <+Prf_Jakob> yes it is well past my bed time 04:34 <+Prf_Jakob> good night 04:50 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 2 commits to refactoring [+40/-30/±6] http://git.io/G8v2qg 04:50 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 4477255 - Rename Craft.Net.World to Craft.Net.Anvil to avoid namespace problems 04:50 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn ca99cc1 - Started work on Craft.Net.Logic 04:56 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-209-179.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:27 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 2 commits to refactoring [+151/-0/±8] http://git.io/8NN7aQ 05:27 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 3cd19db - Added item descriptor struct 05:27 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn b498369 - Generated files for all 1.5.2 items 05:38 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:46 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 1 commit to refactoring [+5/-1/±158] http://git.io/bqG5jw 05:46 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 93844ff - Started block code 06:26 -!- eddyb [~eddy@unaffiliated/eddyb] has joined #mcdevs 06:40 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-226-74.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 07:26 -!- Cay [~OlofLarss@s83-177-171-150.cust.tele2.se] has joined #mcdevs 07:43 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-226-74.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:45 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-78-27-30.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 07:49 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-78-27-30.netcologne.de] has quit [Client Quit] 07:57 -!- conehead [~conehead@unaffiliated/conehead] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 07:59 -!- Zachoz|Away is now known as Zachoz 08:35 < feep> dx: hi 08:35 < feep> dx: advice? 08:37 < feep> like, is the first map update from the server supposed to be always bulk? 08:37 <+md_5> doesnt have to be 08:38 <+md_5> dont have to use bulk / normal packets at all. mix it up if you feel like it 08:40 < feep> md_5: in that case, I don't know why the client is not seeing any map data 08:40 < feep> I basically spawn and immediately fall into a featureless void 08:40 < feep> no land above or below 08:40 < feep> I confirmed that I'm definitely _sending_ it. 08:41 < feep> or what I think is it 08:41 < feep> I wish Wireshark had a Minecraft module. 08:41 < feep> but I guess the protocol changes too much. 08:41 <+md_5> it used to 08:41 <+md_5> then MC got too hard 08:41 < feep> mh 08:41 <+md_5> and encryption made it impossible 08:41 < feep> well yeah, I don't use encryption currently though 08:42 < feep> don't see anything in the server log either 08:42 < feep> and the server doesn't _error_ 08:42 < feep> er 08:42 < feep> client* 08:42 < feep> I don't know what I'm doing wrong. 08:42 <+md_5> https://github.com/ScottBrooks/minecraft-dissector/blob/master/packet-minecraft.c 08:42 < feep> the client errors if it gets incomplete terrain data, right? 08:43 <+md_5> not maintainable at all 08:43 < feep> okay, but my problem is that I spawn and fall into a featureless void with no land in sight 08:43 <+md_5> feep the client errors if *anything* goes wrong, maybe your packet coords are wrong? you could try smproxy, not sure how it likes disabling encryption and 1.5.2 though 08:43 < feep> what's smproxy? I checked my coordinates and they should be correct. 08:44 < feep> position is 0, 0, mask is -1 08:44 < feep> (I send all 16) 08:44 < feep> .. do I need to send a respawn packet? 08:45 < feep> because I can't see how I would transmit initial world height 08:46 < feep> actually nvm minecraft can't work with >256 anyways because the mask is too limited 08:46 < feep> md_5: anyway I send full columns for -4, -4 to 4, 4 08:46 -!- kcj [~casey@unaffiliated/kcj] has joined #mcdevs 08:46 <+md_5> https://github.com/SirCmpwn/SMProxy 08:46 <+md_5> its a protocol parsing debugger 08:46 < feep> oh handy. does it support 1.5.2? 08:47 < feep> minute, have to install mono 08:49 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-78-27-30.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 08:50 < feep> md_5: smproxy includes a .sln, but I'm not sure how to build that with mono. do you know if there's a binary distribution? 08:50 <+md_5> feep try this: https://github.com/sadimusi/mc3p 08:51 <+md_5> its python 08:51 <+md_5> and supports 1.5.2 08:51 < feep> thank you 08:53 -!- AnotherOne [~kvirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:53 -!- AnotherOne [~kvirc@] has joined #mcdevs 08:54 < feep> md_5: sorry for sounding stupid, but I don't quite see how I am supposed to _run_ this. 08:54 * md_5 has never tried 08:54 <+md_5> python -m mc3p.proxy -p 25566 08:54 < feep> doesn't work 08:54 <+md_5> so will be the host of your custom server 08:54 < feep> can't work in fact, because I mean, what 08:54 <+md_5> then you will make your client join localhost:25566 08:55 <+md_5> and it should proxy + provide packet dumps 08:55 <+md_5> may break because you dont encrypt 08:55 < feep> oh, "run library module as a script". right. 08:55 < feep> there is no mc3p.proxy anywhere in this repo 08:56 <+md_5> does it error? https://github.com/sadimusi/mc3p/blob/master/mc3p/proxy.py 08:56 <+md_5> looks to me that 08:56 < feep> actually hey okay yeah 08:56 < feep> I get an error related to the lack of gevent 08:56 < feep> but at least it gets into mc3p/proxy.py correctly so I guess that did make sense :D 08:57 < feep> hm. gonna try installing gevent even though the docs say it's not necessary .. 08:59 <+md_5> need libevent on linux 08:59 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-212-220.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 08:59 < feep> I have libevent installed. 08:59 < feep> maybe it needs a newer version? 08:59 < feep> >2.0 is masked in portage 09:00 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-78-27-30.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:00 -!- Yoshi2| is now known as Yoshi2 09:01 < feep> getting requests as well 09:03 <+sadimusi> feep: `sudo python setup.py install` helps 09:03 < feep> I don't want to install it though :D 09:03 <+sadimusi> then just use "develop" instead 09:03 < feep> that also needs it to be installed 09:04 < feep> well, I tried and it wanted write access to the python site folder thing 09:04 <+sadimusi> it will just be linked 09:04 <+sadimusi> of course it has to install something if you want to run it with -m 09:04 < feep> no it should work locally says the readme 09:04 < feep> also there's apparently a lot of undeclared dependencies :D 09:04 < feep> primarily pycrypto and requests 09:05 < feep> got it to start though :D 09:05 <+sadimusi> they are declared https://github.com/sadimusi/mc3p/blob/master/setup.py#L37 09:06 < feep> yes but not in the readme :D 09:06 < feep> oh sorry, that was ambiguous on my part. 09:07 <+sadimusi> the dependencies in the readme are just things you need before running the setup 09:07 <+sadimusi> I didn't think anybody would install all the dependencies by hand ;) 09:07 < feep> okay, got a log :D 09:07 < feep> sadimusi: ah ^^ 09:08 < feep> okay so here's my connect log https://gist.github.com/5668470 09:08 < feep> oh, continuous should probably be true 09:09 < feep> ......... oh. and there we go. :D 09:09 < feep> yaylandscape 09:10 < feep> man, such a silly error. 09:25 < feep> hey, what's the exact ordering for the block data? 09:25 < feep> I'm assuming low to high, right? 09:27 < mh0> Guys, is mcstats.org down? 09:27 < feep> works here 09:27 < mh0> I wonder if it's just me getting 404's and my server getting 503's 09:27 < mh0> hm 09:27 <+pdelvo> works 09:27 < mh0> I'll retry :P 09:28 < mh0> Oh, works again 09:28 < mh0> That was strange, probably updating something as I viewed a page 09:32 < feep> okay so the question I have is 09:33 < feep> is the chunk data in 0x33 16 individual chunks, each with their own type, metadata, light arrays 09:33 < feep> or is it "the entire chunk data", "the entire metadata", "the entire light data" 09:34 < feep> the wiki is a bit ambiguous 09:34 < feep> > In 0x33, it describes of a single chunk column in the format below. 09:36 < feep> hey, why IS the lighting serverside? 09:36 < feep> that's a bit strange come to think of it. 09:38 <+ammar2> feep: well the server does need to know light conditions for growth etc 09:38 < feep> ammar2: hm, that makes sense 09:39 < feep> anyway, about the arrays? 09:39 < feep> .... it'd have to be entire arrays. 09:39 < feep> because the biome data is a complete array and it's listed in this table 09:40 < feep> okay 09:42 < feep> terrain get! :D 09:45 < DemoXin> What are you making feep? 09:45 < feep> DemoXin: working on getting an old server up to 1.5.2 :D 09:45 < DemoXin> Ah. 09:45 < DemoXin> I'm writing one from scratch, lol 09:45 < feep> yeah same 09:46 < feep> well it's an old server written from scratch 09:46 < DemoXin> And actually, right this minute I'm working on a PHP site.. 09:49 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 09:52 < feep> hey, what's the current way to spawn a floating item? 09:53 < feep> 0x15 doesn't seem to exist anymore 09:54 < feep> is it 0x17? 09:58 < AnotherOne> mb 09:59 < AnotherOne> to make them fly just dont let them fall, i think 10:04 < feep> I mean an item in general 10:04 < feep> but I think I found my bug :D 10:06 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:11 -!- kcj [~casey@unaffiliated/kcj] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:17 -!- zh32 is now known as zh32|away 10:19 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #mcdevs 10:24 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:30 -!- edlothiol [~edlothiol@95-91-255-238-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #mcdevs 10:36 -!- unnicked035 [~50e8f3d5@] has joined #mcdevs 10:45 -!- Xaardas [~tach@p5B252393.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 10:45 -!- Prf_Jakob [~jakob@c-2b27e155.1214-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:47 -!- Prf_Jakob [~jakob@c-2b27e155.1214-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #mcdevs 10:47 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v Prf_Jakob] by ChanServ 10:47 -!- PhonicUK [~PhonicUK@pdpc/supporter/student/phonicuk] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:49 -!- PhonicUK [~PhonicUK@pdpc/supporter/student/phonicuk] has joined #mcdevs 10:52 -!- Trueskill3806 [~DemoXin@adsl-98-84-218-133.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #mcdevs 10:52 -!- DemoXin [~DemoXin@adsl-98-84-218-133.gsp.bellsouth.net] has quit [Disconnected by services] 10:52 -!- Trueskill3806 is now known as DemoXin 11:19 < dx> 03:33 < feep> dx: advice? 11:19 < dx> i just woke up and have no idea what kind of advice you're looking for 11:20 < dx> so i'll just say the first thing that comes to mind 11:20 < dx> feep: reach for the sky, because tomorrow may never come. 11:20 < jast> never eat yellow snow 11:20 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-212-220.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:20 < dx> that one works too 11:21 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-81-173-138-36.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 11:23 < DemoXin> Is allocating a an array of 16000 pointers not going to cause me issues or at the very least, slow allocation? 11:23 < DemoXin> allocating an array* 11:25 < DemoXin> That's 8 bytes per pointer on a 64-bit system... That's like 150kB 11:25 < jast> yeah, but if you need 16000 pointers you need 16000 pointers... right? 11:25 < jast> 150 KB isn't that much 11:25 < dx> ^ 11:25 < DemoXin> No, but accessing them will be slow as hell... 11:25 < dx> errr what 11:26 < DemoXin> right? 11:26 < jast> why? 11:26 < jast> it's RAM 11:26 < DemoXin> Yes, but I'm talking about accessing them 100+ times per second... 11:26 < dx> no, you can assume ram access always costs the same (there are a few details that can make it slower but ignore them) 11:26 < jast> I mean, if we go into the small details, there are cache coherency issues to consider, but you can mostly forget about that with minecraft, anyway 11:26 < jast> how about you tell us what you're trying to do 11:27 < DemoXin> I'm working out the fastest way to store statically sized maps. 11:27 < dx> premature optimization dayum 11:27 < DemoXin> Not for what I'm doing. I'm writing a server designed to handle multiple instances of minecraft maps. 11:28 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has joined #mcdevs 11:28 < DemoXin> I'm trying to make the best of the fact that I'll know beforehand how big a map is, even if not exactly what it contains. 11:28 <+pdelvo> you think 100 x accessing the ram in a second is much? 11:28 <+pdelvo> if your ram has an acces time of 50ns you can acces it 20 million times a second 11:28 < DemoXin> 100x/s per instance. 11:29 <+pdelvo> so you can have 200.000 instances 11:29 < DemoXin> The idea I'm working on is that chunks are stored in a (pseudo) 2 dimensional array 11:31 < DemoXin> well, Chunk* is stored in the array anyways, then it figures out the block needed from x%16, z%16, and height. 11:31 < feep> dx: it's okay, I fixed it :D 11:31 < dx> feep: :D 11:31 < feep> dx: chat works, multiplayers work 11:31 < feep> item entities do not work QUITE yet. 11:31 < DemoXin> feep: Fixed or not, you still shouldn't eat the yellow snow. 11:31 < dx> feep: QUITE. 11:32 <+pdelvo> btw I used a access time of 50ns which is higher then todays ram do. they are about 20ns 11:32 < DemoXin> Okay, I won't worry about that then. 11:33 < DemoXin> My concern is just creating a ridiculously bloated map system that affords me none of the benefits and all the disadvantages of chunks on the HDD 11:33 < DemoXin> So I'm questioning everything I devise. 11:33 < dx> pdelvo: is it wrong to think that caring about these numbers is not needed at all? (except for this situation in which he thinks ram access is expensive) 11:34 < shoghicp> dx: hi! 11:34 < dx> shoghicp: HELLO! 11:34 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-81-173-138-36.netcologne.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 11:34 < jast> well, there is nothing faster than RAM (not counting the caches), so if you _need_ the pointers you don't really have any other options :) 11:34 <+pdelvo> I wanted to show him that it is not as expensive as he thinks. the dimensions he is working with are ridiculous in terms of ram speed 11:35 < DemoXin> Okay, fair enough. I'll just hack away and be quiet. :) 11:35 < DemoXin> Optimize after it works I suppose. 11:35 < shoghicp> dx: any testing done? 11:35 < dx> shoghicp: NEVER! 11:35 < shoghicp> dx: GOOD! 11:35 < dx> pdelvo: yeah, i know. putting it in a different way: is it wrong for me to completely ignore ram performance and just assume it's the fastest thing ever? 11:36 < dx> shoghicp: I KNOW, TESTING IS THE WORST THING EVER 11:36 < DemoXin> dx: At least I figured out that the HDD is slow. :/ 11:36 <+pdelvo> do it this way until you are actually having problems with it. premature optimization is the root of all evil ;) 11:36 <+md_5> hm 11:36 <+pdelvo> testing is for failers who have bugs in their code 11:36 <+md_5> can we store our map in the L2 cache? 11:37 < dx> md_5: oh you 11:37 < DemoXin> md_5: Only if it's really small... 11:37 <+md_5> pft 11:37 <+md_5> some cpus have megabytes of that shit 11:37 <+md_5> MEGABYTES 11:37 < DemoXin> haha 11:37 <+pdelvo> you can not force your map to be there, but it could be that your OS is smart enough to put some of your data there 11:38 < DemoXin> good, maybe it'll figure out my chunkmaps need to go in. 11:38 < dx> write a kernel module to put the map there 11:38 < DemoXin> time to put away PHP and work with it's big brother... 11:39 <+md_5> dx you would have to try and write straight into some cpu registers, I dont think any CPUs allow forcing stuff there though 11:39 < dx> i always thought the cpu cache was managed internally by the cpu and nothing else 11:39 <+md_5> yah 11:39 < dx> md_5: oh ok 11:39 <+md_5> hence its unlikely you can make the cpu put stuff there 11:39 <+md_5> (I was joking when I suggested we do it) 11:39 < dx> yeah i know :D 11:39 <+pdelvo> the L2 is propably a bit too small :D 11:39 < DemoXin> Everyone got their jokes about me out now? :P 11:39 <+md_5> pdelvo easy 11:40 <+md_5> L3 11:40 <+pdelvo> I got 4x 256kb l2 cache 11:40 <+md_5> problem solved! 11:40 < dx> is L3 used in recent processors too? 11:40 <+pdelvo> jeah! no one will ever use more then 8mb! 11:40 <+pdelvo> My one has 8mb l3 cache 11:40 < dx> for some reason i remember seeing it in specs of older ones but not recently 11:40 < dx> pdelvo: oh neat 11:40 <+pdelvo> i7 3770k -> 8mb L3 cache 11:40 <+md_5> only 4mb for me 11:40 <+md_5> D: 11:40 <+md_5> you and your fancy cpus 11:41 <+md_5> my system isnt that powerful because I dont need it to be. dont game and I dontpirate 11:41 <+md_5> Ive only used ~200gb of storage space. Doing clean ubuntu install next week so it will drop to ~100gb 11:42 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has joined #mcdevs 11:46 <+pdelvo> I have an idea. write your server in hlsl or glsl. you massive performance there and a pretty fast ram too :D 11:48 <+md_5> pdelvo nah header files are good enough for me 11:49 < jast> glsl <-> header files? 11:49 * jast scratches head 11:49 < dx> lol guys stop that 11:50 <+pdelvo> no! 11:51 < dx> the boss doesn't approve of our silliness 11:51 <+pdelvo> glsl is opengls shader language. a gpu is a lot faster then a cpu :D what would be cool to is to use intels integrated graphics. it is not that powerfull, but really close the the cpu which can be a real advantage 11:51 < jast> or AMD's APUs 11:54 <+pdelvo> a hd 3000 integrated graphics beats the top nvidea graphics card in video encoding by factor 4 which is pretty impressive http://media.bestofmicro.com/5/N/274955/original/CyberLink%20MediaEspresso.png I dont know how fast amds apus are 11:56 < jast> hardware-accelerated video encoding can't beat x264 in terms of encode quality, though 11:56 < jast> it's not even close from what I've heard 11:56 < dx> encode quality is affected? interesting 11:57 < jast> well, H.264 is pretty complex 11:57 < DemoXin> Yeah, QuickSync is ridiculously fast, but it's really bad quality wise. 11:57 < jast> the quality strongly depends on the exact algorithms, the psychovisual model, etc. 11:57 < DemoXin> That one is coming from personal experience. 11:57 <+pdelvo> there is a comparism on that page: http://www.anandtech.com/show/5771/the-intel-ivy-bridge-core-i7-3770k-review/21# 11:57 < jast> nothing can match x264 in terms of psychovisual stuff 11:58 -!- feep [~feep@S010678cd8e745fa7.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:58 -!- broepi [~broepi@wc0116.dip.tu-dresden.de] has joined #mcdevs 11:59 < broepi> hi to you people 12:00 <+pdelvo> hey. how are you? 12:00 < dx> hi 12:00 < broepi> fine, fine 12:01 < broepi> does someone know why a SpawnMob-packet would have a Type of -1 ? 12:01 < broepi> I'm about to write parsing-code for the protocol-packets 12:03 <+md_5> check your sign and endianness 12:05 < broepi> the Type-field should be a signed byte, right? 12:06 <+md_5> nope 12:06 <+md_5> unsigned, big endiam 12:06 <+pdelvo> endianess does not matter if it is a byte 12:07 <+md_5> pdelvo true 12:07 <+md_5> :p 12:07 <+md_5> but he would run into issues very quickly :p 12:07 <+pdelvo> :D 12:09 < broepi> okay but unsigned it would be 128, therefore an unknown mobtype 12:10 <+md_5> signed &0xFF -> unisgned 12:10 < unnicked035> endianess does not matter if it is a byte 12:11 < unnicked035> i actually got problems until i switched endianness 12:11 < unnicked035> and that was a single byte 12:11 < unnicked035> o.O 12:11 -!- zh32|away is now known as zh32 12:11 <+ammar2> Brandon15811: how exactly do you have an unsigned value of -1? 12:11 <+ammar2> or did you mean 0 12:11 < broepi> maybe it's best i just give you a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Ekhiw1rK 12:11 < dx> broepi, not Brandon15811 12:12 <+ammar2> err, yeah sorry 12:12 < broepi> notice the recv_* functions 12:12 < broepi> it's in python 12:12 <+pdelvo> endianess determs theorder bytes are sent for a specific type. Now try to sort a single byte :) 12:13 < unnicked035> pdelvo: i switched the bits, i.e. 10101000 to 00010101 12:13 < unnicked035> and that worked 12:15 < unnicked035> just joking :) 12:16 <+pdelvo> thats not funny! 12:18 < dx> yeah, my brother died that way 12:19 < unnicked035> lol 12:22 -!- r04r|away is now known as r04r 12:27 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 12:31 -!- feep [~feep@d172-218-59-147.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #mcdevs 12:33 < AnotherOne> omgwtf 12:33 < AnotherOne> yeah, let's mirror bits!:D 12:35 < broepi> first thing after a little nap 12:39 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #mcdevs 12:39 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v SpaceManiac] by ChanServ 12:40 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: i wouldn't be surprised if java did that 12:40 < unnicked035> not at all 12:40 < AnotherOne> lol:D 12:41 < AnotherOne> we all like java i see 12:41 < broepi> what prog langs do you all use? 12:41 < AnotherOne> C++ 12:42 < unnicked035> malborge 12:42 < TobiX> unnicked035: Finished Hello world? 12:42 < AnotherOne> php 12:43 <+Fador> vhdl 12:43 < AnotherOne> for client 12:43 < unnicked035> TobiX: almost finished mc client 12:43 < AnotherOne> imagine php mc client 12:43 < broepi> AnotherOne: interesting, you have something to show? 12:44 < AnotherOne> just joking:) 12:44 < unnicked035> iirc shoghicp actually did php mc client 12:44 < broepi> but a client in html5+ajax would be cool 12:44 < shoghicp> hey 12:44 < AnotherOne> omfg 12:44 < TobiX> AnotherOne: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpopengl/ 12:44 < unnicked035> broepi: websockets 12:44 < shoghicp> AnotherOne: https://github.com/shoghicp/Minecraft-PHP-Client-2 12:45 < shoghicp> A bit outdated after 1.5 12:45 < AnotherOne> goddamnit 12:45 < AnotherOne> "we do because we can"? 12:45 < shoghicp> sure xD 12:46 < shoghicp> AnotherOne: https://github.com/PocketMine/PocketMine-MP 12:47 < AnotherOne> hehe 12:47 < AnotherOne> you should try bash client 12:48 < AnotherOne> with ascii-graphics 12:49 < dav1d> you would need a minecraft-websockets bridge 12:50 < TobiX> AnotherOne: I once saw a sokoban in pure bash... 12:50 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: sed client would be more hardcore 12:50 -!- TomyLobo [~TomyLobo@91-66-112-147-dynip.superkabel.de] has joined #mcdevs 12:50 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #mcdevs 12:52 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 12:54 < AnotherOne> if you want hardcode, what about pure socket, hex-dumping to screen and 2 buttons for 1 and 0 12:54 < shoghicp> AnotherOne: I could do that 12:55 < AnotherOne> in a year you will be able to play this way 12:55 < shoghicp> No, as a server 12:55 < AnotherOne> oh lol 12:55 < shoghicp> sending chunks & everything else 12:56 < AnotherOne> specially trained slaves will host your server with no lag! 12:58 < unnicked035> hmm i like the idea 12:59 < shoghicp> http://www.google.es/technology/pigeonrank.html 12:59 < unnicked035> not with slaves, but with abstracted neural network 12:59 < unnicked035> its motivations willl be to keep clients connected for as long as possible 12:59 < unnicked035> on disconnects it will feel pain 13:00 < unnicked035> so it should adapt itself to something stable 13:00 < shoghicp> Like GLaDOS, doing tests give pleasure xD 13:04 -!- broepi [~broepi@wc0116.dip.tu-dresden.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:04 < unnicked035> neural network should learn protocol in time, right? i mean - at first it will send random stuff and clients will disconnect, it will then feel suffering and change its synapses chaotically until suffering decreases and ends 13:05 < unnicked035> which means - in time it should come to some stable protocol variant 13:05 -!- BizarreCake [~BizarreCa@] has joined #mcdevs 13:05 < unnicked035> ( encryption/decryption may be handled externally ) 13:05 < unnicked035> any objections? 13:05 < AnotherOne> you will receive total black box 13:06 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: yes, but then the second phase of learning starts 13:06 < unnicked035> i.e. sending it signals like "good" and "bad" somehow (not via minecraft) 13:06 < unnicked035> i.e. if it showed some nice blocks -> send "good" 13:06 < unnicked035> if everything will go right, we can have a sentient world 13:07 < unnicked035> anybody interested in participating? 13:07 < AnotherOne> try it:) 13:07 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: or, by black box you meant something that can't be understood? 13:07 < unnicked035> well that's the whole point 13:07 < AnotherOne> yes 13:07 < unnicked035> it will 'think out' the world and everything in unpredictable way 13:07 < unnicked035> which will make it interesting 13:10 < AnotherOne> damnit man 13:11 < AnotherOne> now i'm thinking of some weird world generator 13:11 < unnicked035> everything will be infinitely weird 13:11 < unnicked035> though i predict stuff spawning/despawning/teleporting chaotically at first 13:12 < unnicked035> the point is - neural network may learn to entertain players to keep them connected 13:12 < unnicked035> after that it will become intelligent 13:12 < AnotherOne> well, if you are familiar with neural networks, try it 13:12 < AnotherOne> sure i'll participate if this is real 13:17 < unnicked035> any cons or impossibilities you can think of? 13:18 < AnotherOne> time 13:19 < AnotherOne> how many connected people will it need to start giving something reasonable? 13:20 < unnicked035> i think 1 will be enough for start 13:20 < unnicked035> time - no idea, really 13:20 < unnicked035> depends on luck and learning quality ("good"/"bad" etc) 13:30 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:31 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 13:36 -!- umby24|offline [~umby24@cpe-66-69-92-104.satx.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:37 -!- umby24|offline [~umby24@cpe-66-69-92-104.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #mcdevs 13:52 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 13:56 < jast> unnicked035: I believe you're talking about reinforcement learning and not about neural networks in general 13:57 < jast> neural networks are one possible parameterized function you can use in reinforcement learning, but there are many alternatives 13:57 < jast> neural networks by themselves don't learn over time, but typically in a distinct training phase 13:59 < jast> in any case, the main challenges are feature selection and deciding what exactly the various outputs will do :) 14:09 -!- broepi [~broepi@p54B3017B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:10 -!- zh32 is now known as zh32|away 14:17 -!- broepi1 [~broepi@p54B3017B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #mcdevs 14:21 < dx> talking creepers confirmed for the next snapshot 14:21 < dx> priorities etc 14:22 < dx> (this is what jeb actually said https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/339713672849014786 ) 14:28 < unnicked035> jast: right, by "neural network" i meant some kind of AI 14:29 < unnicked035> that can do predictions and has motivation 14:33 < jast> dx: or testificates 14:34 < dx> jast: that would make too much sense 14:34 < dx> jast: i doubt it 14:58 -!- zh32|away is now known as zh32 15:05 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined #mcdevs 15:11 -!- EdGruberman [~EdGruberm@unaffiliated/edgruberman] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:11 -!- EdGruberman [~EdGruberm@] has joined #mcdevs 15:11 -!- EdGruberman [~EdGruberm@] has quit [Changing host] 15:11 -!- EdGruberman [~EdGruberm@unaffiliated/edgruberman] has joined #mcdevs 15:22 <+pdelvo> horses do not make any sound till now 15:25 <+pdelvo> my motherboard tool just noticed me that my cpu is at -58 degree 15:25 < AnotherOne> RUN FOR YOUR LIFE 15:26 <+pdelvo> the winter is back :o 15:27 < AnotherOne> what about overflow? 15:27 < AnotherOne> though your PC must power off if it is too hot 15:28 <+pdelvo> now it is up to -48 :D 15:28 < TobiX> pdelvo: So, 197 degrees? (signed byte overflow) 15:28 <+pdelvo> I see no fog in the case, so I dont think so 15:29 < TobiX> pdelvo: "Magic smoke didn't breach containment yet!" 15:32 < unnicked035> pdelvo: what cooling system do you use? 15:33 <+pdelvo> I have the default cooler mounted. Watercooling is coming soon, but now Im scared to use water. It could turn into ice 15:43 -!- Zachoz is now known as Zachoz|Away 15:49 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 15:53 -!- conehead [~conehead@unaffiliated/conehead] has joined #mcdevs 15:59 < unnicked035> http://nessus.lv/ourteam - LOL 15:59 < unnicked035> is he serious? 15:59 < unnicked035> ( found in Server_List @wiki ) 16:00 < dx> ..:V 16:00 < AnotherOne> heh 16:01 < AnotherOne> nice 16:04 < mbaxter> bunnehs! 16:04 < TobiX> Ani-GIFs! Let's party like it's 1995! 16:05 < Calinou> APNG FOREVER 16:05 < Calinou> JIM MORRISON FOREVER 16:08 < dx> unnicked035: did you read the design philosophy of his server too? 16:09 < dx> unnicked035: most of us found it "interesting" to say the least. give it a read and tell us what you think! 16:09 <+pdelvo> he haz Dreamz! 16:10 < Calinou> no u 16:10 < unnicked035> dx: link? 16:11 < dx> unnicked035: the same one in the server list page lol 16:11 < unnicked035> ah, that 16:19 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:21 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #mcdevs 16:21 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v SpaceManiac] by ChanServ 16:21 < barneygale> testificates should sound like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgVJC9eNb-g#t=43s 16:22 -!- cathode [~cathode@c-76-105-184-52.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 16:28 -!- zh32 is now known as zh32|away 16:35 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-81-173-138-36.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 16:37 -!- cathode [~cathode@c-76-105-184-52.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 16:41 -!- zh32|away is now known as zh32 16:46 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:47 -!- zh32 is now known as zh32|away 16:53 < AnotherOne> http://lurkmore.so/images/2/23/Phd051809s.png 16:56 < Yoshi2> it's not a cycle because it stops at the last step 16:59 < dx> it's cooler if you put it in a circle though 17:00 < dx> Yoshi2: actually it reaches "your grandma" 17:03 < Yoshi2> dx: yes, it reaches "your grandma" and stops there 17:04 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:05 < unnicked035> brain is electromagnetic organ, isn't it? 17:05 < unnicked035> why can't it be influenced by arbitrary electromagnetic fields? 17:06 < unnicked035> i think they are hiding something. 17:06 -!- SuperSpyTX [~SuperSpyT@] has quit [Excess Flood] 17:07 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined #mcdevs 17:09 < unnicked035> http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/haarp_mind_weather_control.htm 17:12 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:15 < unnicked035> also, http://www.playasonly.com/haarp-mind-control/ 17:17 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined #mcdevs 17:23 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: exit(0);] 17:23 < AnotherOne> unnicked035: lol, usual propaganda is much more effective than "mind controller" 17:25 < AnotherOne> and human mind is a little more complex than just an electromagnet 17:25 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: usual propaganda doesn't affect the most dangerous opposers of world order 17:26 < AnotherOne> trying to use field-based devices to control mind is like playing minecraft with 1 and 0 buttons 17:26 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: suppressing brain activity is easy enough though 17:26 < unnicked035> and then propaganda comes in 17:27 < unnicked035> i feel like somebody is tampering with processes in my brain even now 17:27 < AnotherOne> paranoia is great 17:27 < AnotherOne> i have it too 17:27 < unnicked035> paranoia does not exist :) 17:27 < unnicked035> its a made up diagnosis 17:28 -!- zh32|away is now known as zh32 17:28 < AnotherOne> and world is ruled by ZOG 17:28 < unnicked035> a sickness is something that brings some harm to person 17:28 < unnicked035> "paranoia" doesn't bring harm 17:28 < AnotherOne> yes it does 17:28 -!- zh32 is now known as zh32|away 17:28 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: did you know there is even "ariphmetic calculation disorder" which is a diagnosis too? 17:28 < AnotherOne> mental harm 17:28 < unnicked035> you can't just trust the psychiatry 17:29 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdBSSUviys 17:29 < unnicked035> consider watching, it reveals the truth about psychiatry 17:29 < AnotherOne> oh damn 17:29 < AnotherOne> there are 2 sides 17:29 < AnotherOne> or even more 17:30 < unnicked035> sides? 17:30 < AnotherOne> it is like saying that cops are murderers because they have guns and criminals have guns too 17:30 < AnotherOne> psychatry is a tool 17:31 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: the whole idea of "mental disorder" is wrong 17:31 < unnicked035> brain is a neural network 17:31 < AnotherOne> that can be used both for heal and harm 17:31 < unnicked035> how can you tell if neural network is operating right or not 17:31 < unnicked035> especially if you don't see the internals 17:31 < unnicked035> i may agree that person that kills everybody is sight should be isolated 17:32 < AnotherOne> by comparison 17:32 < unnicked035> but paranoia or ariphmetic calculation disorder do not influence the society 17:32 < AnotherOne> to mass 17:32 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: right 17:32 < unnicked035> but why they try to make everybody similar to the mass? 17:32 < AnotherOne> what if we confuse paranoia and wariness? 17:33 < unnicked035> paranoia IS wariness 17:33 < unnicked035> if not, please provide the differences 17:33 < AnotherOne> i build my minecraft houses in mineshafts 17:34 < AnotherOne> and reinforce doors with obsidian so no one can push block under door with pistons 17:34 < AnotherOne> is it paranoia? 17:35 < unnicked035> to my opinion, there is no paranoia 17:35 < unnicked035> there is only wariness 17:35 < unnicked035> so your question is easy to answer for me 17:37 < AnotherOne> but what if i think that admin is in my house stealthed and waiting for me to start using xray? 17:37 < AnotherOne> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoia 17:38 < AnotherOne> just read wiki:) 17:39 < unnicked035> AnotherOne: there is no natural line between wariness and paranoia 17:39 < unnicked035> the System draws the line at t he point where wariness becomes dangerous for its existance 17:39 < unnicked035> and then uses mass media to persuade the masses 17:39 < unnicked035> that such disorder exists 17:40 < unnicked035> so people had internal blocks of wariness extension 17:40 < unnicked035> and that's what is happening now 17:40 -!- zh32|away is now known as zh32 17:46 < AnotherOne> still thinking that everyone is watching you is clearly not ok 17:55 < AnotherOne> unnicked035: what if i am a part of the System? 17:55 < AnotherOne> and came here to get you 18:10 < AnotherOne> and one more 18:10 < AnotherOne> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyscalculia 18:12 < AnotherOne> Math disabilities can occur as the result of some types of brain injury, in which case the proper term is acalculia, to distinguish it from dyscalculia which is of innate, genetic or developmental origin. 18:13 -!- redu_ [redu_@unaffiliated/redu] has joined #mcdevs 18:22 -!- zh32 is now known as zh32|away 18:24 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 18:27 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-225-78.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 18:28 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-81-173-138-36.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:29 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-78-26-143.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 18:32 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-225-78.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:35 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 2 commits to refactoring [+135/-0/±3] http://git.io/jytQdg 18:35 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn b05ed79 - Generated all 1.5.2 block classes 18:35 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 4effc27 - Update readme 18:58 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 19:12 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-79-216-85.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 19:14 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-78-26-143.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:14 -!- Yoshi2| is now known as Yoshi2 19:17 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-79-218-104.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 19:18 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-79-216-85.netcologne.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:18 -!- Yoshi2| is now known as Yoshi2 19:30 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 1 commit to refactoring [+1/-0/±5] http://git.io/yK5AXA 19:30 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 424934a - Fleshed out Block classes 19:33 -!- Yoshi2| [~chatzilla@xdsl-78-35-195-65.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 19:34 -!- Yoshi2 [~chatzilla@xdsl-87-79-218-104.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:35 -!- Yoshi2| is now known as Yoshi2 19:41 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:50 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] 19:57 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 1 commit to refactoring [+8/-0/±8] http://git.io/nFkrXw 19:57 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn db97e8b - Added Craft.Net.Entities and window management 20:03 -!- Zachoz|Away [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:04 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has joined #mcdevs 20:11 -!- BizarreCake [~BizarreCa@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:17 < AnotherOne> let's discuss the stealthest house 20:17 < AnotherOne> im thinking about one above nether's ceiling 20:18 < AnotherOne> and with exit portals 20:18 < AnotherOne> + extra portals to prevent teleportation to that house from overworld 20:22 < shoghicp> dx: If you want to test it, there is a new compile plugin ;) 20:22 < dx> shoghicp: plugin? 20:22 < shoghicp> dx: fuu, script 20:22 < dx> shoghicp: lolol 20:22 < shoghicp> dx: https://gist.github.com/shoghicp/aefb213ef8337adf08a8 20:23 < shoghicp> dx: so... ./compile crosscompile android 20:23 < dx> shoghicp: gotcha. a bit busy with other stuff today, so maybe later i'll have a look 20:23 < shoghicp> ok! 20:25 < dx> i'm not sure if you can always assume "arm-none-linux-gnueabi" though 20:26 < shoghicp> that is Brandon15811 fault ;) 20:26 < shoghicp> though he is fixing that script again right now xD 20:27 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:27 < Brandon15811> dx, I just used the toolchain prefix 20:28 < dx> Brandon15811: i'm saying that other toolchains have different prefixes 20:28 < dx> Brandon15811: doesn't really matter 20:28 < Brandon15811> is there something else I should use? 20:29 < Brandon15811> shoghicp, you forgot to set CC for a regular linux compile 20:29 < shoghicp> I set it to "gcc" 20:29 < shoghicp> oh 20:29 < shoghicp> right 20:29 < Brandon15811> xD 20:30 < shoghicp> done 20:55 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has joined #mcdevs 21:06 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:07 -!- SuinDraw [~NiaTeppel@WiseOS/Founder/NiaTeppelin] has joined #mcdevs 21:13 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:18 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has joined #mcdevs 21:21 -!- Cay [~OlofLarss@s83-177-171-150.cust.tele2.se] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:25 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc18-sotn9-2-0-cust33.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:35 -!- DemoXin [~DemoXin@adsl-98-84-218-133.gsp.bellsouth.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:37 -!- SuinDraw is now known as EyesIsMine 21:38 -!- EyesIsMine is now known as SuinDraw 21:40 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has joined #mcdevs 21:50 -!- yorick_ [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has joined #mcdevs 21:50 -!- Wulfspider|shade [~Wulf@talk.spout.org] has joined #mcdevs 21:54 -!- Eric12 [~Eric1212@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:54 -!- Wulfspider [~Wulf@talk.spout.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:54 -!- Wulfspider|shade is now known as Wulfspider 21:54 -!- yorick [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:54 -!- ashka [~postmaste@pdpc/supporter/active/ashka] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 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22:54 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:59 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has joined #mcdevs 23:03 -!- mappum [~mappum@c-67-170-21-29.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 23:10 -!- shoghicp_ [~shoghicp@] has joined #mcdevs 23:14 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:14 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc22-sotn11-2-0-cust170.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #mcdevs 23:17 -!- yorick_ [~yorick@oftn/member/yorick] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:21 -!- shoghicp_ is now known as shoghicp 23:21 -!- Calinou [~Calinou@unaffiliated/calinou] has quit [Quit: Excess Flood] --- Day changed jeu. mai 30 2013 00:03 -!- HaltingState [~HaltingSt@unaffiliated/haltingstate] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:07 -!- HaltingState [~HaltingSt@unaffiliated/haltingstate] has joined #mcdevs 00:08 -!- conehead [~conehead@unaffiliated/conehead] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:10 -!- conehead [~conehead@unaffiliated/conehead] has joined #mcdevs 00:20 -!- Eric12 [~Eric1212@] has joined #mcdevs 00:21 -!- feep [~feep@d172-218-59-147.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:25 -!- SuperSpyTX [~SuperSpyT@] has joined #mcdevs 00:36 -!- Zachoz is now known as Zachoz|Away 00:40 -!- SpaceManiac [~SpaceMani@r74-192-152-131.gtwncmta01.grtntx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #mcdevs 00:40 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v SpaceManiac] by ChanServ 00:44 -!- edlothiol [~edlothiol@95-91-255-238-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:50 -!- Zachoz|Away [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 00:51 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has joined #mcdevs 00:59 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:01 -!- Zachoz [~Zachoz@pdpc/supporter/student/zachoz] has joined #mcdevs 01:03 -!- zh32|away is now known as zh32 01:08 -!- feep [~feep@S010678cd8e745fa7.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #mcdevs 01:17 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:18 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has joined #mcdevs 01:50 -!- Xaardas [~tach@p5B252393.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Tschuess und bis Bald] 01:54 -!- barneygale [~barneygal@cpc22-sotn11-2-0-cust170.15-1.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 01:58 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: exit(0);] 02:04 -!- eddyb [~eddy@unaffiliated/eddyb] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 02:15 -!- shoghicp [~shoghicp@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:39 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 2 commits to refactoring [+20/-0/±11] http://git.io/pVi_nw 02:39 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 1c63a9d - Started on Craft.Net.Server rewrite 02:39 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 6722dee - Started on Craft.Net.Server rewrite 02:45 -!- Seegee [4a5839cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mcdevs 02:47 -!- dexter0 [~dexter0@c-24-23-138-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #mcdevs 02:53 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:54 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 02:58 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Client Quit] 03:02 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 03:04 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Client Quit] 03:05 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 03:07 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Client Quit] 03:08 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 03:09 -!- broepi1 [~broepi@p54B3017B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 03:09 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Client Quit] 03:13 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 03:14 -!- broepi [~broepi@p54B3017B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:27 -!- TomyLobo [~TomyLobo@91-66-112-147-dynip.superkabel.de] has quit [Quit: Standby mode...] 03:33 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 1 commit to refactoring [+6/-0/±17] http://git.io/ZRKjGg 03:33 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 851046a - Reimplemented block placement/mining 03:48 -!- nevyn_ [~nevyn@c193-14-106-80.cust.tele2.se] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:48 -!- nevyn_ [~nevyn@c193-14-106-80.cust.tele2.se] has joined #mcdevs 03:49 -!- AndrewPH|Alt is now known as AndrewPH 03:49 -!- mode/#mcdevs [+v AndrewPH] by ChanServ 03:56 -!- AlphaBlend [~AlphaBlen@pool-173-58-81-210.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has quit [] 04:06 -!- AlphaBlend [~AlphaBlen@pool-173-58-81-210.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #mcdevs 04:07 -!- ranie [~rramiso@] has joined #mcdevs 04:21 -!- kcj [~casey@unaffiliated/kcj] has joined #mcdevs 04:24 -!- r04r is now known as r04r|away 04:40 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-78-35-195-65.netcologne.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 04:43 -!- feep [~feep@S010678cd8e745fa7.vc.shawcable.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:54 <+AndrewPH> TkTech: I googled 360pi once and now it's every other ad for me on youtube :( 05:09 < TkTech> AndrewPH: Huh? We have ads? 05:09 <+AndrewPH> Apparently! 05:09 <+AndrewPH> http://i.imgur.com/CN1YQpO.jpg 05:13 <+AndrewPH> TkTech: weird that it's popping up all over even though I only searched /once/ to see what it was. I search for a lot of things... 05:14 -!- Seegee [4a5839cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 05:14 < TkTech> Heh. Not my department. 05:15 < TkTech> Marketing is the archenemy of development and production at any company. 05:15 <+AndrewPH> lol 05:20 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 1 commit to refactoring [+1/-0/±7] http://git.io/Ch7iSw 05:20 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 0643ca8 - Show blocks digging from other clients 05:25 -!- Yoshi2 [~Yoshi2@xdsl-87-78-173-156.netcologne.de] has joined #mcdevs 05:42 -!- Jailout20001 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has joined #mcdevs 05:44 -!- Jailout2000 [~Jailout20@unaffiliated/jailout2000] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:46 -!- Jailout20001 is now known as Jailout2000 07:08 -!- Cay [~OlofLarss@s83-177-171-150.cust.tele2.se] has joined #mcdevs 07:31 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn pushed 3 commits to refactoring [+9/-0/±24] http://git.io/c2jHjA 07:31 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn f3601eb - Added Craft.Net.Physics 07:31 < Not-002> [Craft.Net] SirCmpwn 64f9923 - Added dropped items and physics engine